dijous, 8 de maig del 2008


He rebut l'anunci de la trobada de les ràdios lliures que cada estiu s'organitza a la zona fronterera entre els Països Baixos i Bèlgica.

Certament ens cau una mica lluny, però crec que paga la pena coneixer-ho. Ja fa uns quants anys que ho gestiona, i amb força d'èxit, l'operador de R.Borderhunter. És potser la trobada anual més important d'operadors i escoltes de ràdios lliures europeus, i tindrà lloc el darrer cap de setmana del mes de juny ( del divendres 27 al diumenge 29).

Tothom hi és benvingut. Cervesa, teca, diversió i llargues estones de xerrades sobre aquest interessant món estan assegurades. Per concretar detalls del lloc exacte de la trobada, així com de les possibilitats de dormir-hi, cal contactar primer amb l'adreça: summermeeting2008@hotmail.com
o el següent: PO Box 2702 NL-6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands
Borderhunter SUMMERMEETING 27 until 29 JUNE 2008

!Wow!! Time surely fly's when you have fun.

Greetings all my dear friends in Free Radio Short Wave land. Time has come to announce briefly about the upcoming meeting here in theDutch/Belgian border area. Station operators and listeners are welcome.Its the place to be! As the meeting of last years was a huge success, so is the reason to organize another one. We will have, just as last years, a Barbeque, Drinks, Fun and laughter and we hope you will come as well.

The meeting will be taking place on the last weekend of June.Friday 27th , arrive the first visitors, Saturday, the most and it goes on non-stop until Sunday afternoon. You can stay the night(s) over in a huge tent with bed (take only a sleeping bag with you), your own tent, car, camper or at a local hotel.

The exact place where it all will be happening will be announced 1 month before the meeting to those that want to come. People who visit us earlyer know that we use a real nice place. If you have interest to visit this meeting please let us know by e-mail or letter!!!!!!!

You can get more info on summermeeting2008@hotmail.com

Please forward this to your well-know hobby friends.

Can say that we hope lots of Short-wave listeners and pirate station operators will come.

Can say that last years it was big fun.

Can say that that we hope lots of you will come.

It's the place to be!

Greetings from the Borderhunter Summermeeting organization.