dissabte, 31 de desembre del 2011
LOGS divendres 30 de desembre de 2011
6424,00 1515 R.Alice, D,E, instrumental, ID, polka, accordion, ID 24332
6970,00 1530 LHH,E, ballads 34333
6930,00 1535 Irish Music R, E; ballad, ID, 24232
6300,00 1540 R.Osaka,o E, schlager, ID, asking for reports, ballad, Charles Arznavour,Beatles 24322
6295,00 1600 Free R.Victoria, E, rock,talks, ID, instrumentals, classic rock and roll, greets to USA and Ukraina 24232
6990,00 1702 Baltic Sea R?, rock show 24222
6915,00 1710 R.Fox 48, E; rock, new QSL card for december, reports welcome, Red River Valley tune, ID, Tutti Frutty, 24232
3905,00 1910 Henk Skyline Int.R, D,E, ballad, rock, ID, greets amateurs, 34232
3930,00 2145 R.Wilskratch, E,D, ballad, Bruce Sprinsteen, rock, Queen, ID,asking for reports 24322
4015,00 2205 LHH,E, rock ballad,Santa Klaus is coming to town, talks 24322
3940,00 2300 Borderhunter R, E, dance show, ID, jingle, email 34333
1626,00 2325 R. Barones, D,E, ballads 24322
6970,00 1530 LHH,E, ballads 34333
6930,00 1535 Irish Music R, E; ballad, ID, 24232
6300,00 1540 R.Osaka,o E, schlager, ID, asking for reports, ballad, Charles Arznavour,Beatles 24322
6295,00 1600 Free R.Victoria, E, rock,talks, ID, instrumentals, classic rock and roll, greets to USA and Ukraina 24232
6990,00 1702 Baltic Sea R?, rock show 24222
6915,00 1710 R.Fox 48, E; rock, new QSL card for december, reports welcome, Red River Valley tune, ID, Tutti Frutty, 24232
3905,00 1910 Henk Skyline Int.R, D,E, ballad, rock, ID, greets amateurs, 34232
3930,00 2145 R.Wilskratch, E,D, ballad, Bruce Sprinsteen, rock, Queen, ID,asking for reports 24322
4015,00 2205 LHH,E, rock ballad,Santa Klaus is coming to town, talks 24322
3940,00 2300 Borderhunter R, E, dance show, ID, jingle, email 34333
1626,00 2325 R. Barones, D,E, ballads 24322
divendres, 30 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dijous 29-12-2011
6970,00 1510 LHH,E, ballad, girl dance, jingle, ID, more music for Europe 24232
6315,00 1550 unid, pops, jingle, ballad, promo 24232
6385,00 1620 R.Grutte Pier, D, ballad, You make me feel so happy, Bob Dylan, 24232
1630,00 2133 R.Barones,D,E, ID, talks, schlager, Carly Simon, Happy New Year, Brian Adams, 24322
6300,00 2310 R.Powerliner, E, ballad, hallo, pops, ID, from Holland,country, closing down at 2335 34322
6315,00 1550 unid, pops, jingle, ballad, promo 24232
6385,00 1620 R.Grutte Pier, D, ballad, You make me feel so happy, Bob Dylan, 24232
1630,00 2133 R.Barones,D,E, ID, talks, schlager, Carly Simon, Happy New Year, Brian Adams, 24322
6300,00 2310 R.Powerliner, E, ballad, hallo, pops, ID, from Holland,country, closing down at 2335 34322
dijous, 29 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dimecres 28 de desembre de 2011
6305,00 1640 R.Witte Reus, D,E, pops, ID, talks, accordiono, ballad 24222
6300,00 2205 R.Scotland Int, E, rock, hello ID, email, greets to Italy, pop dance ,testing 34232
4015,00 2220 LHH,E, pops, promo, ID, comments, rock ballad 24232
3945,00 2225 unid, music, lot of noises 24222
6300,00 2205 R.Scotland Int, E, rock, hello ID, email, greets to Italy, pop dance ,testing 34232
4015,00 2220 LHH,E, pops, promo, ID, comments, rock ballad 24232
3945,00 2225 unid, music, lot of noises 24222
dimecres, 28 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dimarts 27 de desembre de 2011
6305,00 1520 R.Witte Reus, D, polka, talks, accordion, schlager, pops 24232
6300,00 1535 R.Powerliner, D,E, ballad, fanfare, polka, greets amateurs, ID, North of NL 24332
6385,00 1554 unid, ballad, schlager, pops, polka, no real ID 24232
6970,00 1620 LHH, E, pop rap, ID, comments, ballad girl 34333
6990,00 1625 unid, ballads non stop, no real ID Baltic Sea R? 24322
6450,00 1638 unid, ballad, pop girl, dance 243222
6300,00 2215 Cupid R, E, electronic music, ID, greets listeners, report from Silveri, dance show 34232
6300,00 1535 R.Powerliner, D,E, ballad, fanfare, polka, greets amateurs, ID, North of NL 24332
6385,00 1554 unid, ballad, schlager, pops, polka, no real ID 24232
6970,00 1620 LHH, E, pop rap, ID, comments, ballad girl 34333
6990,00 1625 unid, ballads non stop, no real ID Baltic Sea R? 24322
6450,00 1638 unid, ballad, pop girl, dance 243222
6300,00 2215 Cupid R, E, electronic music, ID, greets listeners, report from Silveri, dance show 34232
dimarts, 27 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dilluns 26 de desembre de 2011
6970,00 0740 LHH, E, Last Christmas, comments, ID 24322
6420,00 0905 Uncle Sam R, D,E, ballad, Santa Klaus is comming to town, Xmas song, 24322
6045,00 0945 XVRB,E, rock, ID, email, rock and roll 44444
6095,00 0950 KBC,E, special jingle non stop show, ID, 44444
6280,00 1050 R.Merlin Int, E, pops, talks, dance, ID, Celebrate, Happy Hollidays,B52 24222
6930,00 1545 Irish Music R, E, pop dance girl, ID; ballad 24322
6304,00 1600 R.Doctor Tim, E, Christmas songs 24232
6420,00 SW Combinatie Christmas, E, Whiter pale of shade, ID, email, rock, Karma Chameleon 34333
6990,00 1645 Baltic R, E, pop girl, jingle ID, electro dance 24232
6265,00 1700 R.Friends Italy, E, reggae funky, hip hop 24332
6375,00 1709 R.Caroline Int, E, electro dance, ID 24322
6320,00 1802 R.Delta Umbertide, It, jingle ID, Franco Battiato, 60,s pops 34232
1645,00 2140 R.Barones, D,E, pops, ID, ballad, hotline 24222
3930,00 2230 R.Dr Tim, E,G, Christmas songs, morse, SSTV, ID, rock, Peace 24322
6420,00 0905 Uncle Sam R, D,E, ballad, Santa Klaus is comming to town, Xmas song, 24322
6045,00 0945 XVRB,E, rock, ID, email, rock and roll 44444
6095,00 0950 KBC,E, special jingle non stop show, ID, 44444
6280,00 1050 R.Merlin Int, E, pops, talks, dance, ID, Celebrate, Happy Hollidays,B52 24222
6930,00 1545 Irish Music R, E, pop dance girl, ID; ballad 24322
6304,00 1600 R.Doctor Tim, E, Christmas songs 24232
6420,00 SW Combinatie Christmas, E, Whiter pale of shade, ID, email, rock, Karma Chameleon 34333
6990,00 1645 Baltic R, E, pop girl, jingle ID, electro dance 24232
6265,00 1700 R.Friends Italy, E, reggae funky, hip hop 24332
6375,00 1709 R.Caroline Int, E, electro dance, ID 24322
6320,00 1802 R.Delta Umbertide, It, jingle ID, Franco Battiato, 60,s pops 34232
1645,00 2140 R.Barones, D,E, pops, ID, ballad, hotline 24222
3930,00 2230 R.Dr Tim, E,G, Christmas songs, morse, SSTV, ID, rock, Peace 24322
dilluns, 26 de desembre del 2011
LOGS diumenge 25 de desembre de 2011
6970,00 0735 LHH, E, rock, comments, ballad, White Christmas 24222
6985,00 0745 RWI,E, ballads, 24232
12257,00 0755 WR Int, E, ballad, Sex Machine, oldies, ID 24322
9480,00 0800 EMR,E, ID, Solid, ballad, jingle, Happy Christmas 24322
9480,00 0900 R.Saxonia, E,G, ID, electronic music, talks, QTH Eisenach,email, Lola 34333
5820,00 0950 KWRN, G,E, schalger, talks, Ma Baker, pops 24322
9480,00 1000 R.Gloria Int, E, pops, ballad, Gloria song, David Bowie jingle,promos 34433
6140,00 1000 R.Gloria Int, E, pops, ballad // 9480 44433
6005,00 1000 R.Gloria Int, E, pops, ballad // 9480 24332
6095,00 1010 KBC,E, Queen, rock and roll, Beatles, Lady in Red 45444
6295,00 1013 R.Mistletoe, E, pops, jingle, ID, email, Christmas song, break at 1032 34333
6304,00 1015 R.Boomerang, E, pops, schlager, TV polka, orquestrals 34333
12257,00 1103 R.Wave Europe, E, interval signal, ID, Welcome, email, ballad, SW stations during WWII 34333
6300,00 1133 R.Dr Tim, E, talks, ID, pops, jingle, Christmas songs, The power of love 24322
6255,00 1135 R.Saxonia, G,E, pops, Lola, ID, pops 24322
1629,00 2110 R.Barones, D, E, ballad, Dire Straits, ID, requests via SMS, pops 24322
1622,00 2230 unid, Gr, local ballad girl. 24222
6985,00 0745 RWI,E, ballads, 24232
12257,00 0755 WR Int, E, ballad, Sex Machine, oldies, ID 24322
9480,00 0800 EMR,E, ID, Solid, ballad, jingle, Happy Christmas 24322
9480,00 0900 R.Saxonia, E,G, ID, electronic music, talks, QTH Eisenach,email, Lola 34333
5820,00 0950 KWRN, G,E, schalger, talks, Ma Baker, pops 24322
9480,00 1000 R.Gloria Int, E, pops, ballad, Gloria song, David Bowie jingle,promos 34433
6140,00 1000 R.Gloria Int, E, pops, ballad // 9480 44433
6005,00 1000 R.Gloria Int, E, pops, ballad // 9480 24332
6095,00 1010 KBC,E, Queen, rock and roll, Beatles, Lady in Red 45444
6295,00 1013 R.Mistletoe, E, pops, jingle, ID, email, Christmas song, break at 1032 34333
6304,00 1015 R.Boomerang, E, pops, schlager, TV polka, orquestrals 34333
12257,00 1103 R.Wave Europe, E, interval signal, ID, Welcome, email, ballad, SW stations during WWII 34333
6300,00 1133 R.Dr Tim, E, talks, ID, pops, jingle, Christmas songs, The power of love 24322
6255,00 1135 R.Saxonia, G,E, pops, Lola, ID, pops 24322
1629,00 2110 R.Barones, D, E, ballad, Dire Straits, ID, requests via SMS, pops 24322
1622,00 2230 unid, Gr, local ballad girl. 24222
diumenge, 25 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dissabte 24 de desembre de 2011
6325,00 1440 R.Osaka, E, country music 24332
6910,00 1445 unid, E, talks, rock, ballad instrumental 24222
6095,00 1455 KBC,E, talks, Doo Wop, jingle, Rock and roll saturday show, ballads, White Christmas, 44444
6305,00 1515 R.Sallandse Boer, E, rock, ballad, It's Christmas time, closind down 1522 24322
6300,00 1525 R.Doctor Tim, E,G, ballad, Chris Rea, jingle, Santa baby, jingle, ID 24322
6420,00 1600 R.Black Bandit, E, country, Hey hey, Keep peace my friend 34333
6985,00 1603 RWI, E, country music show 24322
6970,00 1608 LHH,E, aballad girl, jingle ID, promos 24322
6305,00 1610 R.Sallandse Boer?, pops, hallo test, break 24332
6424,00 1612 R.Alice, E, rock, Talking Heads, instrumental, jingle ID, email 34333
6930,00 1620 Irish Music R, E, greets, jingle, pops 24232
6920,00 1625 Best of British R?,E, ballad, Christmas songs, jingle, comedy, rock and roll 24332
6220,00 1645 R.Dr. Tim via R.Merlin Int, E, talks, Christmas songs 24322
6385,00 1648 R.Mustang, E,D, Driving home for Christmas, hallo, ballad, ID, frequency 34433
6910,00 1445 unid, E, talks, rock, ballad instrumental 24222
6095,00 1455 KBC,E, talks, Doo Wop, jingle, Rock and roll saturday show, ballads, White Christmas, 44444
6305,00 1515 R.Sallandse Boer, E, rock, ballad, It's Christmas time, closind down 1522 24322
6300,00 1525 R.Doctor Tim, E,G, ballad, Chris Rea, jingle, Santa baby, jingle, ID 24322
6420,00 1600 R.Black Bandit, E, country, Hey hey, Keep peace my friend 34333
6985,00 1603 RWI, E, country music show 24322
6970,00 1608 LHH,E, aballad girl, jingle ID, promos 24322
6305,00 1610 R.Sallandse Boer?, pops, hallo test, break 24332
6424,00 1612 R.Alice, E, rock, Talking Heads, instrumental, jingle ID, email 34333
6930,00 1620 Irish Music R, E, greets, jingle, pops 24232
6920,00 1625 Best of British R?,E, ballad, Christmas songs, jingle, comedy, rock and roll 24332
6220,00 1645 R.Dr. Tim via R.Merlin Int, E, talks, Christmas songs 24322
6385,00 1648 R.Mustang, E,D, Driving home for Christmas, hallo, ballad, ID, frequency 34433
dissabte, 24 de desembre del 2011
LOGS divendres 23 de desembre de 2011
6970,00 1615 LHH, E, jingle, Christmas songs, ID, report from Ireland, ballad 24322
6300,00 1628 R.Rainbow Int, E, talks, ballad, jingle, ID We love the pirate stations,Santana 24332
6325,00 1710 R.Osaka, E, ballad, ID, schlager, fanfare, ballad, Time after time 24232
1653,00 2130 R.Barones, D, ballad, Toto, talks 24222
3905,00 2245 Henk Skyline Int.R, D, reggae, pops, jingle, ID, Moonlight shadow, Rose garden 34333
4015,00 2255 LHH,E, talks, Christmas songs 24222
3900,00 2300 R.Festivum, E, ballad, guitar solos, pops, ID, testing, email contact, rock 24232
6300,00 1628 R.Rainbow Int, E, talks, ballad, jingle, ID We love the pirate stations,Santana 24332
6325,00 1710 R.Osaka, E, ballad, ID, schlager, fanfare, ballad, Time after time 24232
1653,00 2130 R.Barones, D, ballad, Toto, talks 24222
3905,00 2245 Henk Skyline Int.R, D, reggae, pops, jingle, ID, Moonlight shadow, Rose garden 34333
4015,00 2255 LHH,E, talks, Christmas songs 24222
3900,00 2300 R.Festivum, E, ballad, guitar solos, pops, ID, testing, email contact, rock 24232
divendres, 23 de desembre del 2011
dijous, 22 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dimecres 21 de desembre de 2011
6970,00 1635 LHH,E, ballads, 24322
1620,00 2245 R.Barones, D, Xmas songs, ID, talks, Adelita, ballad man 24322
1620,00 2245 R.Barones, D, Xmas songs, ID, talks, Adelita, ballad man 24322
dimecres, 21 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dimarts 20 de desembre de 2011
6970,00 1620 LHH,E, Christmas ballad, talks 24322
6990,00 1625 Lightning R, E, rock ballad, ID, thanks the kind help of the chat members 24311
6990,00 1625 Lightning R, E, rock ballad, ID, thanks the kind help of the chat members 24311
dimarts, 20 de desembre del 2011
dilluns, 19 de desembre del 2011
LOGS diumenge 18 de desembre de 2011
7600,00 0757 FRSH,E, jingle, ID, good morning, Box Herten, pops, mailbag, reports, jingle 34322
9480,00 0800 Atlantic 2000 Int,F,E, jingle, rock, ID,email, Adele, The Zombies, Dx info 24232
9480,00 0900 R.Saxonia, E,G, ID, email, Rolling Stones, CCR, pops 24232
6045,00 0910 XVRB, E, rock oldies, ballad, instrumentals, 34232
9480,00 1000 EMR,E, ID, Solid, jingle, contact, Xmas songs, mailbag show, reports 34232
6095,00 1505 KBC,E, Don't go away, ID, email, ballad, reports received, promos, 44444
6300,00 1525 unid, polka, breaks 34232
6375,00 1533 R.Caroline Int, E, ballad, hiphop, jingle, ballad, pop dance 24232
6385,00 1600 unid, Scorpions, instrumentals, schlager country 34333
6970,00 1615 LHH,E, pop rock, jingle, ID, rock 34232
6930,00 1620 Irish Music R, E, pop dance 24232
6300,00 1622 unid, seems the same as 1525?, schlager, Tirol song, ballad 34232
6325,00 1633 R.Osaka, E, ballad, ID, asking for reports, rock, country, Hasta la vista Maria, 24322
9480,00 0800 Atlantic 2000 Int,F,E, jingle, rock, ID,email, Adele, The Zombies, Dx info 24232
9480,00 0900 R.Saxonia, E,G, ID, email, Rolling Stones, CCR, pops 24232
6045,00 0910 XVRB, E, rock oldies, ballad, instrumentals, 34232
9480,00 1000 EMR,E, ID, Solid, jingle, contact, Xmas songs, mailbag show, reports 34232
6095,00 1505 KBC,E, Don't go away, ID, email, ballad, reports received, promos, 44444
6300,00 1525 unid, polka, breaks 34232
6375,00 1533 R.Caroline Int, E, ballad, hiphop, jingle, ballad, pop dance 24232
6385,00 1600 unid, Scorpions, instrumentals, schlager country 34333
6970,00 1615 LHH,E, pop rock, jingle, ID, rock 34232
6930,00 1620 Irish Music R, E, pop dance 24232
6300,00 1622 unid, seems the same as 1525?, schlager, Tirol song, ballad 34232
6325,00 1633 R.Osaka, E, ballad, ID, asking for reports, rock, country, Hasta la vista Maria, 24322
diumenge, 18 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dissabte 17-12-2011
9510,00 0900 R.City,E, pops, Los Diablos, Rocking around the Christmas tree, 35443
6095,00 1505 KBC,E, Rock and roll saturday show, ID, rock, promos, contact address 44444
6300,00 1520 R.Black Power, E,D, electronic music, rock, jingle, ID, 34443
6970,00 1605 LHH,E, rock ballad,jingle, ID, promos, Eric Clapton 34333
6930,00 1620 Irish Music R, E, pop dance, jingle, ballad girl 24232
6305,00 1630 R.Osaka, D, pops, hallo hallo, schlager, 34232
6425,00 1639 Uncle Sam R, D, talks, QSL, schlager, ID, 34232
6310,00 1650 R.Spaceshuttle, E, Artem's world music show, ID, rock from Finland, jingles, 24232
6293,00 1740 Free R.Victoria,E, ballad, jingle, 24232
6325,00 1750 R.Witte Reus, D, talks, ID, Fly Robin fly 24332
3905,00 1758 R.Wilskracht,D, pops, ballad 24222
6375,00 1810 unid, dance girl 24322
1628,00 2145 R.Barones, D, ballad, schlager, pops, talks, Hotel California 24322
4015,00 2220 LHH,E, talks, ID, ballad 24232
3905,00 2225 R.Likedeeler, E, pop rock, ballad 24222
6095,00 1505 KBC,E, Rock and roll saturday show, ID, rock, promos, contact address 44444
6300,00 1520 R.Black Power, E,D, electronic music, rock, jingle, ID, 34443
6970,00 1605 LHH,E, rock ballad,jingle, ID, promos, Eric Clapton 34333
6930,00 1620 Irish Music R, E, pop dance, jingle, ballad girl 24232
6305,00 1630 R.Osaka, D, pops, hallo hallo, schlager, 34232
6425,00 1639 Uncle Sam R, D, talks, QSL, schlager, ID, 34232
6310,00 1650 R.Spaceshuttle, E, Artem's world music show, ID, rock from Finland, jingles, 24232
6293,00 1740 Free R.Victoria,E, ballad, jingle, 24232
6325,00 1750 R.Witte Reus, D, talks, ID, Fly Robin fly 24332
3905,00 1758 R.Wilskracht,D, pops, ballad 24222
6375,00 1810 unid, dance girl 24322
1628,00 2145 R.Barones, D, ballad, schlager, pops, talks, Hotel California 24322
4015,00 2220 LHH,E, talks, ID, ballad 24232
3905,00 2225 R.Likedeeler, E, pop rock, ballad 24222
dissabte, 17 de desembre del 2011
LOGS divendres 16 de desembre de 2011
6970,00 1620 LHH,E, ballad, ID, pop dance, 24332
6930,00 1645 Irish Music R, E, pop dance, rock, jingle, Irish song 24322
3905,00 1919 Henk Skyline Int R,D,E, pop rock,talks, ID, country 34232
1629,00 2130 unid, Gr, ballad by man, talks 24222
1669,00 2135 unid, Gr, ballad by girl, 24322
6930,00 1645 Irish Music R, E, pop dance, rock, jingle, Irish song 24322
3905,00 1919 Henk Skyline Int R,D,E, pop rock,talks, ID, country 34232
1629,00 2130 unid, Gr, ballad by man, talks 24222
1669,00 2135 unid, Gr, ballad by girl, 24322
divendres, 16 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dijous 15 de desembre de 2011
1680,00 2250 unid, Gr, local ballad, talks 24222
4015,00 2255 LHH,E, ballad girl, comments, ID 24222
4015,00 2255 LHH,E, ballad girl, comments, ID 24222
dijous, 15 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dimecres 14 de desembre de 2011
4015,00 2155 LHH,E, ballad, talks 24222
1670,00 2203 unid, ballad 24311
1670,00 2203 unid, ballad 24311
dimecres, 14 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dimarts 13 de desembre de 2011
6970,00 1640 LHH,E, rock, comments, ballad girl, ID, funky popo 24322
dimarts, 13 de desembre del 2011
dilluns, 12 de desembre del 2011
LOGS diumenge 11 de desembre de 2011
60975,00 1520 KBC,E, jingle, ID, promos, Emperor Rosko show, Beach Boys, rock and roll, Crocodile rock, Georges Harrison 34443
6970,00 1555 LHH,E, ballad, jingle, ID 24332
6930,00 1610 Irish Music R, E, ballad 24322
6255,00 1615 R.Telstar South,E, big speach, ballad, Congratulations, ballad,comedy song 24332
6385,00 1625 R.Underground,E, electronic music, ID, asking for reports, ballad 24322
6307,00 1640 Farmers from the NL, D, schlager, pops 23322
6420,00 1645 R.Mustang, D,E, electronic music, pop dance, country, ID, closing down a 34443
6550,00 1710 R.Rising Sun, E, ballad, Christmas songs, Ebony and Ivory, jingle ID 24332
4015,00 2135 LHH,E, pops, ID, comments, jingle, rock 24232
6970,00 1555 LHH,E, ballad, jingle, ID 24332
6930,00 1610 Irish Music R, E, ballad 24322
6255,00 1615 R.Telstar South,E, big speach, ballad, Congratulations, ballad,comedy song 24332
6385,00 1625 R.Underground,E, electronic music, ID, asking for reports, ballad 24322
6307,00 1640 Farmers from the NL, D, schlager, pops 23322
6420,00 1645 R.Mustang, D,E, electronic music, pop dance, country, ID, closing down a 34443
6550,00 1710 R.Rising Sun, E, ballad, Christmas songs, Ebony and Ivory, jingle ID 24332
4015,00 2135 LHH,E, pops, ID, comments, jingle, rock 24232
diumenge, 11 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dissabte 10 de desembre de 2011
6095,00 1510 KBC,E, Rock and roll saturday, ID, promos, Baby I need your loving,Run Rudolph run 43443
6325,00 1525 R.Marconi, D, electronic music, ID, jingle, talks, testing 24332
6970,00 1550 LHH,E, ballad, comments, ID, Avalon 24332
6930,00 1605 Irish Music R, E, ballad, Amarillo, comments, pops, 24322
6985,00 1620 RWI,E, country music show, jingle, ID, Xmas ballads 24232
6310,00 1645 R.Blackbird, D, ballad, pops, comments, Queen, Runaway, rock and roll ID 24222
6300,00 1725 R.Marconi, D, instrumental, Bullet bullet, schlager, country 34433
6325,00 1755 R.Osaka, E, instrumental, ballad, ID 24332
6240,00 1758 R.Caroline Int, E, ballad, jingle, rock, closing down at 1804 24322
6550,00 1807 unid, Gr, ballad, talks female voice 24332
1646,00 2315 R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker, D, pops, talks, schlager 24322
6325,00 1525 R.Marconi, D, electronic music, ID, jingle, talks, testing 24332
6970,00 1550 LHH,E, ballad, comments, ID, Avalon 24332
6930,00 1605 Irish Music R, E, ballad, Amarillo, comments, pops, 24322
6985,00 1620 RWI,E, country music show, jingle, ID, Xmas ballads 24232
6310,00 1645 R.Blackbird, D, ballad, pops, comments, Queen, Runaway, rock and roll ID 24222
6300,00 1725 R.Marconi, D, instrumental, Bullet bullet, schlager, country 34433
6325,00 1755 R.Osaka, E, instrumental, ballad, ID 24332
6240,00 1758 R.Caroline Int, E, ballad, jingle, rock, closing down at 1804 24322
6550,00 1807 unid, Gr, ballad, talks female voice 24332
1646,00 2315 R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker, D, pops, talks, schlager 24322
dissabte, 10 de desembre del 2011
LOGS divendres 9 de desembre de 2011
6375,00 1602 R.Caroline Int, E, dance, comments, testing, dance, break at 1608 23332
6300,00 1610 R.Osaka, E, Hotel California, jingle ID, email contact, pops, ballad 24322
6970,00 1620 LHH,E, pop girl, jingle ID, Offshore records magazine promo, Year of the cat 24332
6220,00 1635 R. Hit Mix Team, D, Un rayo de sol, schlager pops, ballad, jingle 24322
6255,00 1710 R.Telstar South, E; pop girl, ID, big band instrumentals, long speach.Dr. Zhivago 24332
6425,00 1720 unid, rock and roll, schlager pops break at 1725 34333
3930,00 1740 R.Hit Mix Team, D, ballad, schlagers 24322
6550,00 1758 unid, Gr, ballad by man, ID don't understood Radiophonia Tileorasi... 24232
3905,00 1742 Henk Skyline Int.R, D,E,G, schlager pops, accordion polka, greets to Berlin 34333
1625,00 2130 R.Barones,D, E, Dire Straits, ID, greets listeners, pops 24322
3925,00 2300 R. Sallandse Boer, D, schlager pop girl, pops 24332
6300,00 1610 R.Osaka, E, Hotel California, jingle ID, email contact, pops, ballad 24322
6970,00 1620 LHH,E, pop girl, jingle ID, Offshore records magazine promo, Year of the cat 24332
6220,00 1635 R. Hit Mix Team, D, Un rayo de sol, schlager pops, ballad, jingle 24322
6255,00 1710 R.Telstar South, E; pop girl, ID, big band instrumentals, long speach.Dr. Zhivago 24332
6425,00 1720 unid, rock and roll, schlager pops break at 1725 34333
3930,00 1740 R.Hit Mix Team, D, ballad, schlagers 24322
6550,00 1758 unid, Gr, ballad by man, ID don't understood Radiophonia Tileorasi... 24232
3905,00 1742 Henk Skyline Int.R, D,E,G, schlager pops, accordion polka, greets to Berlin 34333
1625,00 2130 R.Barones,D, E, Dire Straits, ID, greets listeners, pops 24322
3925,00 2300 R. Sallandse Boer, D, schlager pop girl, pops 24332
divendres, 9 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dijous 8 de desembre de 2011
6970,00 1535 LHH,E, pop ballad, comments, ID, email, jazzy, funky instrumentals 24322
6300,00 1602 R.Rockefeller, D,E, polka, accordion, jingle, hello ID, schlager 24322
6450,00 1640 unid, rock ballads 23322
6305,00 1653 R.Osaka, E, instrumentals, ID, White Christmas, email contact.this is free radio on SW closing down at 1715 24332
6300,00 1602 R.Rockefeller, D,E, polka, accordion, jingle, hello ID, schlager 24322
6450,00 1640 unid, rock ballads 23322
6305,00 1653 R.Osaka, E, instrumentals, ID, White Christmas, email contact.this is free radio on SW closing down at 1715 24332
dijous, 8 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dimecres 7 de desembre de 2011
6970,00 1605 LHH,E, rock, ID; ballad, Bee Gees, All by my self 24332
6220,00 1702 unid, rock show, no ID 22332
1635,00 2230 unid, Gr, local ballad agapimu cardisamu 24332
1680,00 2240 unid, Gr, local ballad,talks 24322
1690,00 2245 unid, Gr, ballad 24322
6220,00 1702 unid, rock show, no ID 22332
1635,00 2230 unid, Gr, local ballad agapimu cardisamu 24332
1680,00 2240 unid, Gr, local ballad,talks 24322
1690,00 2245 unid, Gr, ballad 24322
dimecres, 7 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dimarts 6 de desembre de 2011
6300,00 1530 R.Rainbow Int, E, ballad, dance, jingle ID, email, Over the rainbow 24332
6590LSB 1535 unid, It, hams talking and Happy birthday tune interfering 33433
6970,00 1538 LHH,E, techno pop, ID, jingle, comments on studio 24332
6220,00 1650 R.Rainbow Int, E, Over the rainbow, ID, jingle, ballad, greets to dr.Tim, reports, 24232
6450,00 1715 unid, talks 24322
6550,00 1720 unid, E, jazzy music, pops, ballad 24322
6590LSB 1535 unid, It, hams talking and Happy birthday tune interfering 33433
6970,00 1538 LHH,E, techno pop, ID, jingle, comments on studio 24332
6220,00 1650 R.Rainbow Int, E, Over the rainbow, ID, jingle, ballad, greets to dr.Tim, reports, 24232
6450,00 1715 unid, talks 24322
6550,00 1720 unid, E, jazzy music, pops, ballad 24322
dimarts, 6 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dilluns 5 de desembre de 2011
6300,00 1635 R.Osaka, E, ballad, Wonderful world, jingle, rock, ID,country 24232
6970,00 1715 LHH,E, rock , Toto, ID, jingle, funky, soul 34232
6550,00 1735 unid, ballads, 24322
6325,00 1755 unid, pop ballad, seems arabic 24322
1638,00 2215 unid, Gr, local ballad 24322
6970,00 1715 LHH,E, rock , Toto, ID, jingle, funky, soul 34232
6550,00 1735 unid, ballads, 24322
6325,00 1755 unid, pop ballad, seems arabic 24322
1638,00 2215 unid, Gr, local ballad 24322
dilluns, 5 de desembre del 2011
LOGS diumenge 4 de desembre de 2011
6958,00 0900 SW Pirate R Malta, E, ballad, pops, tropical, jingle, blues, Enio Morricone's tune 34232
9480,00 0930 R.Gloria Int.,E,G, instrumental, pop rock, ballad, ID, QTH 24232
9480,00 1010 MV Baltic R, G,E, Simon & Garfukel, ID, ballads 24232
12257,00 1015 WR International,E, ballad, rock oldies 24222
6095,00 1515 KBC,E, classic rock and roll, I love rock and roll, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, jingle, ID 34433
6422,00 1540 R.Uncle Sam, E, country ballad, comments, ID, Police, pops 24232
6970,00 1705 LHH,E, ballads 24322
1700,00 2159 unid, Gr, local ballad 24211
9480,00 0930 R.Gloria Int.,E,G, instrumental, pop rock, ballad, ID, QTH 24232
9480,00 1010 MV Baltic R, G,E, Simon & Garfukel, ID, ballads 24232
12257,00 1015 WR International,E, ballad, rock oldies 24222
6095,00 1515 KBC,E, classic rock and roll, I love rock and roll, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, jingle, ID 34433
6422,00 1540 R.Uncle Sam, E, country ballad, comments, ID, Police, pops 24232
6970,00 1705 LHH,E, ballads 24322
1700,00 2159 unid, Gr, local ballad 24211
diumenge, 4 de desembre del 2011
LOGS dissabte 3 de desembre de 2011
9510,00 0900 R.Joystick, G, ID,funky girl, ID, jingle, Miriam Makeba 34333
6095,00 1520 KBC,E, rock oldies, Buddy Holly, Rock and roll show with Emperor Rosko, Jacky Wilson, Santo and Johnny, promos, ID 43443
6296,00 1542 R.Boomerang, D, ID, testing, Sand storm, closing down at 1545 34433
6970,00 1640 LHH,E, dance show, ID, comments 24332
3905,00 1755 Henk Skyline Int.R, D,E, ID, uit abend, Reggae, greets to Finland, One way ticket, thanking for reports 24332
6930,00 1805 Irish Music R, E, pops, ID, ballad 24322
6485,00 1815 unid, ballad girl, talks 24222
6220,00 1820 unid, ballad, pops, Dire Straits, dance 24322
1620,00 2255 R.Technical Man?,D, ballads, 24311
1671,00 2305 R.Viking-Tante Foek?,D, ballad 24311
6095,00 1520 KBC,E, rock oldies, Buddy Holly, Rock and roll show with Emperor Rosko, Jacky Wilson, Santo and Johnny, promos, ID 43443
6296,00 1542 R.Boomerang, D, ID, testing, Sand storm, closing down at 1545 34433
6970,00 1640 LHH,E, dance show, ID, comments 24332
3905,00 1755 Henk Skyline Int.R, D,E, ID, uit abend, Reggae, greets to Finland, One way ticket, thanking for reports 24332
6930,00 1805 Irish Music R, E, pops, ID, ballad 24322
6485,00 1815 unid, ballad girl, talks 24222
6220,00 1820 unid, ballad, pops, Dire Straits, dance 24322
1620,00 2255 R.Technical Man?,D, ballads, 24311
1671,00 2305 R.Viking-Tante Foek?,D, ballad 24311
dissabte, 3 de desembre del 2011
LOGS divendres 2 de desembre de 2011
6970,00 1625 LHH,E, Whiter shade of pale, ballad, pops, 24332
6300,00 1635 Osaka R, D,E, talks, ballad, jingle, schlager, polka, Whiter shade of pale 1658 sign ff 24232
6240,00 1658 R.Caroline Int, E, pop, ballad, jingle, email, talks break at 1713 24322
6920,00 1715 unid, Nirvana, jingle, Petshopboys, break 24322
6930,00 1730 unid, don't seems IMR, ballad, Rafaella Carrà, Man of action, break at 1744 24222
1625,00 2125 R.Buurtsuper, D, ballad, ducht schalger 24232
1646,00 2135 R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker, D,E, talks, ballad, schlgaer, dedication, Yellow sun of Equador 24322
1690,00 2144 unid, Gr, talks, local ballad 24322
1620,00 2145 R.Barones, D, electronic music, ID; ballad, rock, comments 24322
1628,00 2213 unid, Gr, ballad girl, talks, kalimera, hotline 24332
3905,00 2320 Henk Skyline Int, E, Boney M, dedications, rock, greets to Marconi,Driver seat 34333
6300,00 1635 Osaka R, D,E, talks, ballad, jingle, schlager, polka, Whiter shade of pale 1658 sign ff 24232
6240,00 1658 R.Caroline Int, E, pop, ballad, jingle, email, talks break at 1713 24322
6920,00 1715 unid, Nirvana, jingle, Petshopboys, break 24322
6930,00 1730 unid, don't seems IMR, ballad, Rafaella Carrà, Man of action, break at 1744 24222
1625,00 2125 R.Buurtsuper, D, ballad, ducht schalger 24232
1646,00 2135 R.Vrolijke Mijnwerker, D,E, talks, ballad, schlgaer, dedication, Yellow sun of Equador 24322
1690,00 2144 unid, Gr, talks, local ballad 24322
1620,00 2145 R.Barones, D, electronic music, ID; ballad, rock, comments 24322
1628,00 2213 unid, Gr, ballad girl, talks, kalimera, hotline 24332
3905,00 2320 Henk Skyline Int, E, Boney M, dedications, rock, greets to Marconi,Driver seat 34333
Subscriure's a:
Missatges (Atom)