3906,00 2135 R.Spaceman, E,G, ID,inst. greets to Andy Richards, Michal, rock, Rep.for Continental 35443
6055,00 2130 KBC,E, ID, jingle, pops,Can't hurry love, Stand by me, jingles, Beatles 45444
4025,00 2200 LHH,E, ballad, dj 24222
3905,00 2203 R.Continental,D,E, dance, talks,ID, Blondie, email, Rasputin 24322
3905,00 2205 unid,D, giving report 24222
1670,00 2215 unid,Gr, song, talks by man, folk song, talks 24422
dissabte, 31 de maig del 2008
divendres, 30 de maig del 2008
LOGS dijous 29 de maig de 2008
6925,00USB 2055 Spider R, rock, Il silencio, closing down 24322
1670,00 2128 unid, Gr, female song, talks by man.. microphono, tilephono… more music 24322
6055,00 2130 KBC,E, ID, Wolfman Jack Show,greets from Neil Sedaka, rock&roll, jingle, comedy 45444
4025,00 2140 LHH,E, ballad 24222
1670,00 2128 unid, Gr, female song, talks by man.. microphono, tilephono… more music 24322
6055,00 2130 KBC,E, ID, Wolfman Jack Show,greets from Neil Sedaka, rock&roll, jingle, comedy 45444
4025,00 2140 LHH,E, ballad 24222
dijous, 29 de maig del 2008
LOGS dimecres 28 de maig de 2008
6055,00 2205 KBC,E, funky, Wolfman Jack show, interview, rock&roll 45444
4025,00 2210 LHH,E, ballads, talks 24222
4025,00 2210 LHH,E, ballads, talks 24222
dimecres, 28 de maig del 2008

Hi haurà tot un seguit de programes especials utilitzant els seus propis equips pels voltants dels 6255 Khz ( Normalment, segon i quart diumenge del mes) i per si no podeu escoltar-los via ràdio sempre us quedarà el consol de fer-ho mitjançant la pàgina web: www.geocities.com/britainradio48
LHH els ha ofert utilitzar la seva freqüència dels 4025 Khz durant una setmana a partir del dia 8 de juny.
Finalment, sortiran també via l'emissor lituà de 100 kw i que utilitza habitualment la KBC (apunteu-ho a la vostra agenda: data 28-6-08 de 2130 a 2230 UTC pels 6055 Khz + repetició pels noctàmbuls de 0200 a 0300 UTC pels 6110 Khz)
Si voleu enviar felicitacions i controls d'escolta : britainradio@hotmail.com és el lloc més adient. En Roger Davis us els agrairà i confirmarà amb molt de gust.
Saturday 28th June 08 BRI will present a 60min show via the KBC 100kw TX facility from 21.30 UTC on 6055khz and repeated on 6110khz from 02.00 UTC. BRI celebrate its 28th year on SW during June.. to be offered this relay via KBC will make our birthday ocassion even more special for which we thank Eric and everyone at the Mighty KBC for offering us some of their valuable airtime.
For more info about KBC schedules/freq etc go to.. www.kbcradio.eu/
BRIs website and to listen online.. www.geocities.com/britainradio48
Reception reports to our usual email address.. britainradio@hotmail.com
As from the 2nd Sunday of June 08 BRI can be heard via Laser`s 4025khz facility to run alongside their programmes on repeat through until the following weekend, we will return to the usual 2hr show which we had to reduce a while back due to various problems. Of course BRI will enter its 28th year on SW during June so we thank everyone at Laser for offering BRI the chance to move forward with the next phase in our broadcasting history, alongside the relay via Laser we shall still appear from time to time using 6255khz 48mtrs on the 2nd/4th Sunday, our programmes will also continue as normal via our webstream www.geocities.com/britainradio48 We shall add a` listen again` option shortly as another way to hear our programmes at anytime of the day or night.
73s Roger Davis.
LOGS dimarts 27 de maig de 2008
6055,00 2140 KBC,E, Beatles, Every time I see your face, jingle, Wolfman Jack show, K-po promo 45444
dimarts, 27 de maig del 2008
LOGS dilluns 26 de maig de 2008
6055,00 2155 KBC,E, rock,Wolfman Jack show, The Shirelles, jingle K-po, Country road take me home 45444
dilluns, 26 de maig del 2008
LOGS diumenge 25 de maig de 2008
6220,00 2030 Mystery R, disco dance non stop. Philadelphia sound 35443
6878,00 2035 R.Playback Int, E, live show, Piano man song, Carla Bruni, Lou Red, ID,Michael Buble.. 35333
6925,00USB 2050 Spider R, E, Bruce Springsteen, rock, Il Silencio till the end at 2100 24332
6878,00 2035 R.Playback Int, E, live show, Piano man song, Carla Bruni, Lou Red, ID,Michael Buble.. 35333
6925,00USB 2050 Spider R, E, Bruce Springsteen, rock, Il Silencio till the end at 2100 24332
divendres, 23 de maig del 2008
LOGS dijous 22 de maig de 2008
6055,00 2200 KBC,E,Wolfman Jack Show, K-po promo, BB King, jingle, rock&roll 35443
4025,00 2205 LHH,E, ballad, rock, dj, big noises 23322
4025,00 2205 LHH,E, ballad, rock, dj, big noises 23322
dijous, 22 de maig del 2008
LOGS dimecres 21 de maig de 2008
6055,00 2140 KBC,E, Ballad, Jingle, Wolfman Jack Show, September morning, Elvis Presley, 45444
1670,00 2145 unid,Gr, talks,… microphonikos.. 24322
1670,00 2145 unid,Gr, talks,… microphonikos.. 24322
dimecres, 21 de maig del 2008
LOGS dimarts 20 de maig de 2008
6055,00 2150 KBC,E, Joe Cocker, jingle, Wolfman Jack show,The Jackson five, KBC import 45444
4025,00 2155 LHH,E, talks, ballad, pulsing interference, big noise 32222
4025,00 2155 LHH,E, talks, ballad, pulsing interference, big noise 32222
dimarts, 20 de maig del 2008
LOGS dilluns 19 de maig de 2008
4025,00 2120 LHH,E, ballad, dj, severe RTTY interference 22322
6055,00 2130 KBC,E,Wolfman Jack Show, K-po promo, jingle, rock&roll, Four Tops, Watussi 45444
1640,00 2133 unid, Gr, talks about Katerine, kappa deka tria… 24432
1640,00 2150 unid,Gr, light song by man 24222
6055,00 2130 KBC,E,Wolfman Jack Show, K-po promo, jingle, rock&roll, Four Tops, Watussi 45444
1640,00 2133 unid, Gr, talks about Katerine, kappa deka tria… 24432
1640,00 2150 unid,Gr, light song by man 24222
diumenge, 18 de maig del 2008
LOGS diumenge 18 de maig de 2008
6875,00 0740 R.Playback Int,E, pops. Jingle ID, slow song 24322
5815,00 0750 Orion R,E, schlager, polka, pops, ID, jingle 24322
6140,00 1203 EMR, E, ID, ballad, pops, Manfred Mann, Offshore echoes magazine promo, 24322
6220,00 1535 Mystery R,E, disco dance non stop, jingle ID 34333
6220,00 1825 Mystery R, discon non stop, jingle 35443
1670,00 2050 Unid,Gr?, dance, Sand storm, talks,traditional greek music 24322
6925,00USB 2055 Spider R,E, pops, The silence song with trumpet & closing down at 2100 24332
1690,00 2103 unid,Gr, talks on microphonos 24432
1680,00 2105 unid,Country Rose, blues guitars 24432
1700,00 2106 unid,Gr?, dance:You are my soul, 24322
1650,00 2120 unid,Gr, talks, instrumental music 24422
4025,00 2125 LHH,E, pops, talks, jingle,ballads 24322
6055,00 2130 KBC+Big L,E, ID, jingle,QTH Ede, K-po promo, Don't be crue,Raining night in Georgia 45544
5815,00 0750 Orion R,E, schlager, polka, pops, ID, jingle 24322
6140,00 1203 EMR, E, ID, ballad, pops, Manfred Mann, Offshore echoes magazine promo, 24322
6220,00 1535 Mystery R,E, disco dance non stop, jingle ID 34333
6220,00 1825 Mystery R, discon non stop, jingle 35443
1670,00 2050 Unid,Gr?, dance, Sand storm, talks,traditional greek music 24322
6925,00USB 2055 Spider R,E, pops, The silence song with trumpet & closing down at 2100 24332
1690,00 2103 unid,Gr, talks on microphonos 24432
1680,00 2105 unid,Country Rose, blues guitars 24432
1700,00 2106 unid,Gr?, dance:You are my soul, 24322
1650,00 2120 unid,Gr, talks, instrumental music 24422
4025,00 2125 LHH,E, pops, talks, jingle,ballads 24322
6055,00 2130 KBC+Big L,E, ID, jingle,QTH Ede, K-po promo, Don't be crue,Raining night in Georgia 45544
dissabte, 17 de maig del 2008
LOGS dissabte 17 de maig de 2008
6875,00 1415 R.Playback Int?, music box non stop 24332
6875,00 1510 R.Playback Int, E, blues, ABBA, ID, jingles, Elton John, Pink Floid, ID, email, 34343
6306,00 1535 R.Alice,D,E, pops, schlager, polka, ID, testing audio, hallo,hallo till 1600 24342
6400,00 1605 unid, tx on 24222
6265,00 1830 R.Oscar Zulu,E, pops, ID, jingle Just an illusion, 24232
6282,00 2000 R.Boomerang,E, rock, report from Glasgow, Sally Oldfield, Cher, 35443
6310,00 2005 R.Condor,E,dance, ID, rock, SMS reports 24322
6925,00USB 2025 Spider R,E, rock, ballads 24322
6277,00 2040 R.Boomerang, E, pops, inst, ID on 6277, testing tx, bye bye closing down at 2046 35443
6265,00 2048 Premier R.Int, E, jingle, blues rock 24222
3910,00 2150 R.Borderhunter,E,G,D; jingle, reports,Dire Straits, greets to Marcel,Iann & Ukdxer 24432
6055,00 2200 KBC,E, West Side Story song, ID, jingle, BRI promo, rock&roll 45544
1665,00 2225 unid,D, Pops, Pop corn, thanking for SMS reports, Radio Gaga 24422
1690,00 2235 unid,Gr, talks about Thesaloniki, traditional song 24322
6875,00 1510 R.Playback Int, E, blues, ABBA, ID, jingles, Elton John, Pink Floid, ID, email, 34343
6306,00 1535 R.Alice,D,E, pops, schlager, polka, ID, testing audio, hallo,hallo till 1600 24342
6400,00 1605 unid, tx on 24222
6265,00 1830 R.Oscar Zulu,E, pops, ID, jingle Just an illusion, 24232
6282,00 2000 R.Boomerang,E, rock, report from Glasgow, Sally Oldfield, Cher, 35443
6310,00 2005 R.Condor,E,dance, ID, rock, SMS reports 24322
6925,00USB 2025 Spider R,E, rock, ballads 24322
6277,00 2040 R.Boomerang, E, pops, inst, ID on 6277, testing tx, bye bye closing down at 2046 35443
6265,00 2048 Premier R.Int, E, jingle, blues rock 24222
3910,00 2150 R.Borderhunter,E,G,D; jingle, reports,Dire Straits, greets to Marcel,Iann & Ukdxer 24432
6055,00 2200 KBC,E, West Side Story song, ID, jingle, BRI promo, rock&roll 45544
1665,00 2225 unid,D, Pops, Pop corn, thanking for SMS reports, Radio Gaga 24422
1690,00 2235 unid,Gr, talks about Thesaloniki, traditional song 24322
divendres, 16 de maig del 2008

Us convidem a l’exposició “Tornada, el camí de retorn a casa” de l 'Alt Comissionat de les Nacions Unides per als Refugiats (ACNUR) –consulteu document adjunt-.
La delegació a València del Comitè espanyol d'ACNUR ha posat en marxa una nova campanya dirigida als centres educatius i públic en general, que pretén apropar la realitat dels refugiats i posar especial atenció en les dificultats que aquests troben en el seu camí de retorn a casa: una tornada complicada a causa dels canvis soferts a la seua regió després d'anys de guerra o de violacions dels Drets Humans.
En aquest sentit, el present projecte consisteix en la difusió d'una exposició informativa, composta per un total de deu panells on es relaten els problemes dels refugiats retornats: el dur camí de retorn, la reconstrucció de les llars, la recerca de l’aliment, la recuperació dels seus drets, etc.
Cada panell explicatiu tracta de forma individualitzada els distints problemes i els associa amb alguna de les grans crisis humanitàries més recents: Bòsnia, Afganistan, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Angola, la Banya d'Àfrica, Amèrica Central i Libèria.
L’exposició romandrà al nostre local des del dilluns 19 fins a divendres 23 de maig. Per a més informació o visites de grups, contacteu amb el Casal.
ACPV - Casal Jaume I de Fraga
Av. Reis Catòlics, 28, baixos.
22520 Fraga
974 453 730
LOGS divendres 16 de maig de 2008
6875,00 1705 R.Playback Int? Music box non stop, testing a new frequency? 35443
3905,00 2115 R.Continental,E,D, pops, ID, email, The Cure, asking SMS 34232
6275,00 2120 R.Calypso, E,D, polka, ID, testing new antenna, thanks SMS from UK, hotline, schlager 35443
6055,00 2130 KBC,E, ID, country rock, Wolman Jack Show, rock, K-po promo, Pink Floid: Money 45544
3900,00 2138 unid, talks 24222
3905,00 2115 R.Continental,E,D, pops, ID, email, The Cure, asking SMS 34232
6275,00 2120 R.Calypso, E,D, polka, ID, testing new antenna, thanks SMS from UK, hotline, schlager 35443
6055,00 2130 KBC,E, ID, country rock, Wolman Jack Show, rock, K-po promo, Pink Floid: Money 45544
3900,00 2138 unid, talks 24222
LOGS dijous 15 de maig de 2008
6055,00 2155 KBC,E, ballad,Wolfman Jack show, jingle,rock&roll,ID,QTH Ede,New kid in town 45544
dijous, 15 de maig del 2008
LOGS dimecres 14 de maig de 2008
6055,00 2140 KBC,E, The Carpenters, Wolfman Jack show, jingle, pops, Beatles 45544
dimecres, 14 de maig del 2008
LOGS dimarts 13 de maig de 2008
6055,00 2210 KBC, E, jingle,The days of Pearly Spencer,Wolfman Jack show, Simon & Garfunkel, Boby Brown,K-po promo, 45544
dilluns, 12 de maig del 2008
LOGS dilluns 12 de maig de 2008 / FESTA MAJOR DE LLEIDA
6882,00 0820 R.Playback Int,E, ID,jngles,great blues show… 24322
1680,00 2139 unid,Gr, traditional son, talks 24322
6055,00 2140 KBC,E, rock, Wolfman Jack show, jingle,Black is Black 35543
1690,00 2142 unid,Gr, talks 24432
1670,00 2150 unid,Serbian?, piano, talks,ballad, balkanic instrumental 24422
1680,00 2139 unid,Gr, traditional son, talks 24322
6055,00 2140 KBC,E, rock, Wolfman Jack show, jingle,Black is Black 35543
1690,00 2142 unid,Gr, talks 24432
1670,00 2150 unid,Serbian?, piano, talks,ballad, balkanic instrumental 24422
diumenge, 11 de maig del 2008
LOGS diumenge 11 de maig de 2008
6275,00 0655 VOTN,E, ID, hotline, email, electro dance,Simple Red,Harry Nilson, Louis Amstrong, rock 24232
6882,00 0658 R.Playback Int,E, ID, Madonna, jingle, Nikka Costa, Black, 24432
5815,00 0723 Orion R, E, blues, jingle, Summer meeting promo, reports, rock 24322
6200,00 0730 R.Scotland Int, E, rock, ID, on 6200 reports, jingle, more rock, blues 24332
4032,00 2113 LHH,E, pops, Dj, dance 24232
6055,00 2130 KBC+Big L, E, jingle, ID, MW.info,QTH Ede, Never can't say goodbye, Chuck Berry 45544
3932,00 2149 SW Pirate?,E, relay of KBC!!!!! Not in// 6055, rock, jingles, Ids til 2200 24222
6882,00 0658 R.Playback Int,E, ID, Madonna, jingle, Nikka Costa, Black, 24432
5815,00 0723 Orion R, E, blues, jingle, Summer meeting promo, reports, rock 24322
6200,00 0730 R.Scotland Int, E, rock, ID, on 6200 reports, jingle, more rock, blues 24332
4032,00 2113 LHH,E, pops, Dj, dance 24232
6055,00 2130 KBC+Big L, E, jingle, ID, MW.info,QTH Ede, Never can't say goodbye, Chuck Berry 45544
3932,00 2149 SW Pirate?,E, relay of KBC!!!!! Not in// 6055, rock, jingles, Ids til 2200 24222
dissabte, 10 de maig del 2008
LOGS dissabte 10 de maig de 2008
6880,00 0610 R.Playback Int,E, disco, jingle,asking for reports, Booggie Wonderland, Celebration, Desireless 25332
6275,00 1832 VOTN,E,E, rock, dance, ID, email, hotline 34333
6925,00USB 2015 Spider R,E, rock, ID, Beatles, 24322
4032,00 2115 LHH,E, pops, dj. Jingle 24222
1646,00 2120 unid,Gr?, ballad, local pop 24432
3905,00 2145 R.Bordhunter,E,G,D,ID, hotline, email,QTH Herten, Abba,greets to Iann in France, dedication to Marcel, Summer meeting 35443
6055,00 2154 KBC,E, ID, Gloria, jingle, rock, BRI promo, Abba 45544
1656,00 2220 unid,D, schlager, DJ report for Sandra, Delmare, polka 24422
1670,00 2233 unid,Gr, talks 24322
6280,00 2235 unid, instrumental, no sure if this is a legal station? 24222
1643,00 2240 unid, D, talks 24222
6275,00 1832 VOTN,E,E, rock, dance, ID, email, hotline 34333
6925,00USB 2015 Spider R,E, rock, ID, Beatles, 24322
4032,00 2115 LHH,E, pops, dj. Jingle 24222
1646,00 2120 unid,Gr?, ballad, local pop 24432
3905,00 2145 R.Bordhunter,E,G,D,ID, hotline, email,QTH Herten, Abba,greets to Iann in France, dedication to Marcel, Summer meeting 35443
6055,00 2154 KBC,E, ID, Gloria, jingle, rock, BRI promo, Abba 45544
1656,00 2220 unid,D, schlager, DJ report for Sandra, Delmare, polka 24422
1670,00 2233 unid,Gr, talks 24322
6280,00 2235 unid, instrumental, no sure if this is a legal station? 24222
1643,00 2240 unid, D, talks 24222
divendres, 9 de maig del 2008
LOGS divendres 9 de maig de 2008
6882,00 1900 R.Playback Int,E, ballad, jingle, rock, Stevie Wonder 35433
6055,00 2130 KBC,E,ID, pops, Wolfman Jack Show, rock, k-po promo,blues 45544
6925,00USB 2135 Unid, USA?,E, music, talks, jazz, jingles USA non stop, Message of the pres.of the US. 24422
4032,00 0905 2155 LHH,E, ballad, jingle, rock 24322
6055,00 2130 KBC,E,ID, pops, Wolfman Jack Show, rock, k-po promo,blues 45544
6925,00USB 2135 Unid, USA?,E, music, talks, jazz, jingles USA non stop, Message of the pres.of the US. 24422
4032,00 0905 2155 LHH,E, ballad, jingle, rock 24322
LOGS dijous 8 de maig de 2008
6055,00 2140 KBC,E, Ballad,Wolfman Jack show, jingles, Tequila, pops 45444
3907,00 2143 R.Bluestar, D,E, rock, thanking for SMS,email, Rolling Stones, U2,Soft Cell 24332
3907,00 2143 R.Bluestar, D,E, rock, thanking for SMS,email, Rolling Stones, U2,Soft Cell 24332
dijous, 8 de maig del 2008

Certament ens cau una mica lluny, però crec que paga la pena coneixer-ho. Ja fa uns quants anys que ho gestiona, i amb força d'èxit, l'operador de R.Borderhunter. És potser la trobada anual més important d'operadors i escoltes de ràdios lliures europeus, i tindrà lloc el darrer cap de setmana del mes de juny ( del divendres 27 al diumenge 29).
Tothom hi és benvingut. Cervesa, teca, diversió i llargues estones de xerrades sobre aquest interessant món estan assegurades. Per concretar detalls del lloc exacte de la trobada, així com de les possibilitats de dormir-hi, cal contactar primer amb l'adreça: summermeeting2008@hotmail.com
o el següent: PO Box 2702 NL-6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands
Borderhunter SUMMERMEETING 27 until 29 JUNE 2008
Borderhunter SUMMERMEETING 27 until 29 JUNE 2008
!Wow!! Time surely fly's when you have fun.
Greetings all my dear friends in Free Radio Short Wave land. Time has come to announce briefly about the upcoming meeting here in theDutch/Belgian border area. Station operators and listeners are welcome.Its the place to be! As the meeting of last years was a huge success, so is the reason to organize another one. We will have, just as last years, a Barbeque, Drinks, Fun and laughter and we hope you will come as well.
The meeting will be taking place on the last weekend of June.Friday 27th , arrive the first visitors, Saturday, the most and it goes on non-stop until Sunday afternoon. You can stay the night(s) over in a huge tent with bed (take only a sleeping bag with you), your own tent, car, camper or at a local hotel.
The exact place where it all will be happening will be announced 1 month before the meeting to those that want to come. People who visit us earlyer know that we use a real nice place. If you have interest to visit this meeting please let us know by e-mail or letter!!!!!!!
You can get more info on summermeeting2008@hotmail.com
Please forward this to your well-know hobby friends.
Can say that we hope lots of Short-wave listeners and pirate station operators will come.
Can say that last years it was big fun.
Can say that that we hope lots of you will come.
It's the place to be!
Greetings from the Borderhunter Summermeeting organization.
dimecres, 7 de maig del 2008
LOGS dimecres 7 de maig de 2008
6878,00 1802 Pirate Music,E, Surfing USA, jingle, pops, ID Stars on 45 disco mix 34433
6280,00 1820 R.Merlin Int,E, rock, ID, jingle, rock 34433
6055,00 2155 KBC,E, Black is black, ID, Wolfman Jack show, ballad,jingles, pops 45544
6280,00 1820 R.Merlin Int,E, rock, ID, jingle, rock 34433
6055,00 2155 KBC,E, Black is black, ID, Wolfman Jack show, ballad,jingles, pops 45544
LOGS dimarts 6 de maig de 2008
6055,00 2210 KBC,E, Wolfman Jack show, pops, greets from Fankie Valli, KBC import 45544
dimarts, 6 de maig del 2008

Aquí teniu una imatge de les restes precintades de la primera emissora lliure i catalana de l'ona curta. Sembla mentida el poc espai que ocupen,si!. Pensar que amb aquesta capseta i una bona antena tot el món va poder escoltar durant unes poques setmanes unes quantes veus parlant la nostra llengua catalana, et fa sentir una mica orgullós per un cantó (l'abast de les emissions); i ben trist, per una altra banda en saber que el somni s'ha acabat...
Tal i com era previst i anunciat, el funcionari va fer la seva feina dilluns al matí. Podeu fer un cop d'ull al web de la difunta R.Barretina Int. per veure altres fotos i al mateix temps deixar el vostre condol i suport al seu operador... que bona falta li fa.
Llarga vida a la ràdio!
Here you can see the sealed and defunct R.Barretina International. The PTT man made his work during the monday morning. Today, the first CATALAN free radio on SW is history. During some weeks people around the world was able to know how my mother language ( the same of the rest of catalan people around ) it sounds. Today a sad feeling is on my soul.
Maybe you can take a visit to the Barretina's web site to see other photos or to sent a condolence or a greeting to the operator? Thanks a lot for your kind words
F F F R !
diumenge, 4 de maig del 2008
LOGS diumenge 4 de maig de 2008
4032,00 0555 LHH,E, pops, ID, 24211
6220,00 0601 Mystery R, jingle, disco dance 24432
6220,00 0803 Atlantic 2000 Int,F.E,ID,pops,email,Feist,Mika,Driver seat,Jane Birkin, courrier auditeurs 24322
6275,00 0903 R.Calypso,E, instrumental, mexican song 24422
6140,00 1200 MV Baltic R, G,E, ID, website,DJ Roland, Beatles: Revolution, ballad,rock,35433
6305,00 1503 unid, instrumental, pops 24322
6401,00 1530 R.Face de Blatte, rock, nonstop, jingle like a cock-crow! a jingle with distorted voice, pops, (Thanks Dr.Tim for ID!) 34433
6300,00 1725 unid, rock and talks, not Polisario 23411
6280,00 1748 unid, light music, but maybe KSDA? 24311
5805,00 1803 unid, E, country, rock, pops, dj crying, is a preacher?is R.Telstar South? 24322
6055,00 2130 Big L+KBC,E,jingle, K-po promo, rock, Fats Domino, 45544
6220,00 0601 Mystery R, jingle, disco dance 24432
6220,00 0803 Atlantic 2000 Int,F.E,ID,pops,email,Feist,Mika,Driver seat,Jane Birkin, courrier auditeurs 24322
6275,00 0903 R.Calypso,E, instrumental, mexican song 24422
6140,00 1200 MV Baltic R, G,E, ID, website,DJ Roland, Beatles: Revolution, ballad,rock,35433
6305,00 1503 unid, instrumental, pops 24322
6401,00 1530 R.Face de Blatte, rock, nonstop, jingle like a cock-crow! a jingle with distorted voice, pops, (Thanks Dr.Tim for ID!) 34433
6300,00 1725 unid, rock and talks, not Polisario 23411
6280,00 1748 unid, light music, but maybe KSDA? 24311
5805,00 1803 unid, E, country, rock, pops, dj crying, is a preacher?is R.Telstar South? 24322
6055,00 2130 Big L+KBC,E,jingle, K-po promo, rock, Fats Domino, 45544
dissabte, 3 de maig del 2008
LOGS dissabte 3 de maig de 2008
9290,00 0940 R.Joystick,G, house dance, ID, Charly Prince, jingle, QTH Mulheim am Rhein, instrumental dance 35443
6275,00 1435 R.Calypso, E,D, ID,hotline,email, pop girl, polka,rock all day long 24322
6882,00 1815 R.Playback Int? Blank carrier 35443
6925,00USB 1840 Spider R?,Gr, rock, promos, seems a relay of local FM? 24432
6055,00 2150 KBC,E, Midnight special show, jingles, KBC import,Mi Amigo jingles, Surfing rock 35443
3905,00 2155 R.Borderhunter,D, E, Roll over Beethoven, Summer meeting promos, My Lady spain 35433
4032,00 2158 LHH, E, Dj laughing, Human League: Don't you want me baby 34333
6220,00 2221 Mystery R, jingle, disco dance 35433
1650,00 2227 unid, D, Blondie, pops 24411
6275,00 1435 R.Calypso, E,D, ID,hotline,email, pop girl, polka,rock all day long 24322
6882,00 1815 R.Playback Int? Blank carrier 35443
6925,00USB 1840 Spider R?,Gr, rock, promos, seems a relay of local FM? 24432
6055,00 2150 KBC,E, Midnight special show, jingles, KBC import,Mi Amigo jingles, Surfing rock 35443
3905,00 2155 R.Borderhunter,D, E, Roll over Beethoven, Summer meeting promos, My Lady spain 35433
4032,00 2158 LHH, E, Dj laughing, Human League: Don't you want me baby 34333
6220,00 2221 Mystery R, jingle, disco dance 35433
1650,00 2227 unid, D, Blondie, pops 24411
divendres, 2 de maig del 2008

Amics oients,
l'emissora francesa Atlantic 2000 International anuncia un nou programa per al proper diumenge dia 4 de maig, de 8 a 9, hora UTC (10 a 11 hora catalana) a través de la freqüència dels 6220 kHz.
Chers auditeurs,
Chers auditeurs,
Atlantic 2000 International sera sur les ondes ce dimanche 4 mai,de 8 h à 9 h TU (10 h à 11 h, heure de Paris) sur 6220 kHz.
Dear listeners,
We are on the air this Sunday 4th of May, on 6220 kHzfrom 0800 to 0900 UTC (1000 to 1100 CEST).
Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends !
Atlantic 2000--
Visit our website :http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr/
LOGS divendres 2 de maig de 2008
6275,00 1450 R.Calypso,E,D, jingle, pops, polka, hotline 0031 6135… email, schlager girl , all day long? 24332
6882,00 1715 R.Playback Int?,testing? Blank carrier 34322
6055,00 2135 KBC,E, Run run, ID, Wolfman Jack show, K-po promo, Sweet Home Alabama,Mrs Robinson 35443
1670,00 2142 unid, Gr, talks, folk music 24332
1648,00 2145 unid, Gr, traditional music 24322
3932,00 2146 R.Kilohertz? E, inst , Man of action, jingles Summer time blues, inst. closing down at 2153 ? 24432
1690,00 2155 unid, Gr, talks, traditional song 24322
1645,00 2157 R.Barones,D, talks, ballad, pops, SMS 24222
1636,00 2203 unid, Gr, traditional song 24322
6882,00 1715 R.Playback Int?,testing? Blank carrier 34322
6055,00 2135 KBC,E, Run run, ID, Wolfman Jack show, K-po promo, Sweet Home Alabama,Mrs Robinson 35443
1670,00 2142 unid, Gr, talks, folk music 24332
1648,00 2145 unid, Gr, traditional music 24322
3932,00 2146 R.Kilohertz? E, inst , Man of action, jingles Summer time blues, inst. closing down at 2153 ? 24432
1690,00 2155 unid, Gr, talks, traditional song 24322
1645,00 2157 R.Barones,D, talks, ballad, pops, SMS 24222
1636,00 2203 unid, Gr, traditional song 24322
dijous, 1 de maig del 2008
LOGS dijous 1r de maig DIADA DEL TREBALL
6275,00 0735 R.Calypso,E, pops, coments 24222
6310,00 0740 Orion R, rock, and polka, testing 24211
6865,00 2115 R.Playback Int?,testing? blank carrier, no music, no voices 35433
1655,00 2118 R.Polkaman?,D, greets amateurs, schlager 24332
1690,00 2122 unid,Gr, instrumental, Kalimera talks, 25422
4032,00 2125 LHH,E, pops, jingle, dj coments 24222
1655,00 2128 R.Polkaman?, R.Technische man?, D, greets amateurs, ID, folk duet 24422
6055,00 2130 KBC,E, Wolfman Jack Show, comedy, pops, rock&roll, KBC promo 35443
6310,00 0740 Orion R, rock, and polka, testing 24211
6865,00 2115 R.Playback Int?,testing? blank carrier, no music, no voices 35433
1655,00 2118 R.Polkaman?,D, greets amateurs, schlager 24332
1690,00 2122 unid,Gr, instrumental, Kalimera talks, 25422
4032,00 2125 LHH,E, pops, jingle, dj coments 24222
1655,00 2128 R.Polkaman?, R.Technische man?, D, greets amateurs, ID, folk duet 24422
6055,00 2130 KBC,E, Wolfman Jack Show, comedy, pops, rock&roll, KBC promo 35443
LOGS dimecres 30 d'abril de 2008
6055,00 2158 KBC,E, ID,Wolfman Jack show, rock and roll, KBC import,QTH Ede,Dooo Wop 45444
4032,00 2202 LHH,E, dance, Dj, pops 34222
1652,00 2204 R.Barones,D, greets to Borderhunter,ID, Gutten nacht song 24322
4032,00 2202 LHH,E, dance, Dj, pops 34222
1652,00 2204 R.Barones,D, greets to Borderhunter,ID, Gutten nacht song 24322
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