diumenge, 31 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dissabte 31 d'octubre de 2010
7610,00 0635 R.Amica, It, pop dance, jingle ID, Cose dell'altro mondo: Centro ufologico siciliano
4026,00 0645 LHH, E, rock, ballad, pops, ID, ballad 24232
6205,00 1515 FRSH, E, blues, testing, 34433
6960,00 1518 Atlantic R, E, Tom Petty: Free falling, ID, request rock, 35443
6210,00 1530 unid, Gr, sports live program 24232
6953,00 1540 R.Jan van Gent, E, country music showo, 24332
6290,00 1550 R.Caroline Int, E, jingle ID, commentss, Shakira, rock, ID, 24322
6210,00 1610 LHH, E, ballad, comments, pop girl, ID, Take my breath away 23322
3905,00 1700 Overijssel R, D, talks, ID, schlager pop, pop dance 24322
3910,00 2320 Henk Skyline Int.R, E,D, Dutch pops, Cocaine, greets to Doc, ID, rock, Dancing Queen 34333
6255,00 2350 R.Telstar South?, E, pops, rock, Dj comments, 24332
4026,00 0645 LHH, E, rock, ballad, pops, ID, ballad 24232
6205,00 1515 FRSH, E, blues, testing, 34433
6960,00 1518 Atlantic R, E, Tom Petty: Free falling, ID, request rock, 35443
6210,00 1530 unid, Gr, sports live program 24232
6953,00 1540 R.Jan van Gent, E, country music showo, 24332
6290,00 1550 R.Caroline Int, E, jingle ID, commentss, Shakira, rock, ID, 24322
6210,00 1610 LHH, E, ballad, comments, pop girl, ID, Take my breath away 23322
3905,00 1700 Overijssel R, D, talks, ID, schlager pop, pop dance 24322
3910,00 2320 Henk Skyline Int.R, E,D, Dutch pops, Cocaine, greets to Doc, ID, rock, Dancing Queen 34333
6255,00 2350 R.Telstar South?, E, pops, rock, Dj comments, 24332
dissabte, 30 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS divendres 29 d'octubre de 2010
3905,00 1800 Henk Skyline Int.R,E, pop dance, country, For non blondes 24222
3930,00 2210 unid, rock, dance session 34232
4026,00 2220 LHH,E, ballad, pops, rock, jingle ID, Frankie goes to Hollywood 24232
6960,00 2235 Atlantic R, E, pop ballad, Tina Turner, ID, Let's stay together 24232
6305,00 2245 Marconi R, E,D, rock, ID, email, ballad 24232
3940,00 2250 Free R.Victoria, E, talks, oldies , ballad, rock and roll, rockabilly, Neil Sedaka 24232
3930,00 2210 unid, rock, dance session 34232
4026,00 2220 LHH,E, ballad, pops, rock, jingle ID, Frankie goes to Hollywood 24232
6960,00 2235 Atlantic R, E, pop ballad, Tina Turner, ID, Let's stay together 24232
6305,00 2245 Marconi R, E,D, rock, ID, email, ballad 24232
3940,00 2250 Free R.Victoria, E, talks, oldies , ballad, rock and roll, rockabilly, Neil Sedaka 24232
divendres, 29 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dijous 28 d'octubre de 2010
6375,00 1725 Black Bandit R, E,D, ballad, country, jingle, continous IDs, hallo to listeners, schlager 24232
3905,00 2110 Henk Skyline Int. R, E,D, electro dance, Abracadabra, jingle, pops, comments, polka,schlager, closing down at 2129 34222
3905,00 2110 Henk Skyline Int. R, E,D, electro dance, Abracadabra, jingle, pops, comments, polka,schlager, closing down at 2129 34222
dijous, 28 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dimecres 27 d'octubre de 2010
4026,00 2110 LHH, E, roc, comments, rock, ID 24232
1700,00 2115 unid, Gr, electro dance, talks 24322
1620,00 2120 unid, Gr, cardias song by duet 24232
1650,00 2125 unid, Gr, traditional song by woman 24222
1700,00 2115 unid, Gr, electro dance, talks 24322
1620,00 2120 unid, Gr, cardias song by duet 24232
1650,00 2125 unid, Gr, traditional song by woman 24222
dimecres, 27 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dimarts 26 d'octubre de 2010
4026,00 2115 LHH,E, pops, talks, ID, jingle, rock 24232
1680,00 2120 unid, Gr, talks, traditional by duet, mentions of Rakis? 34333
1680,00 2120 unid, Gr, talks, traditional by duet, mentions of Rakis? 34333
dimarts, 26 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dilluns 25 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 1550 Atlantic R, E, rock, ballad, jingle, ID, pops, rock 24332
4026,00 2125 LHH, E, pops, ID, pops, ballad, jingle from good old time: Caroline, ABC Int.., funky 34232
4026,00 2125 LHH, E, pops, ID, pops, ballad, jingle from good old time: Caroline, ABC Int.., funky 34232
dilluns, 25 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS diumenge 24 d'octubre de 2010
7610,00 0620 R.Amica, It, pop dance, ID 24332
6960,00 0658 Atlantic R, E, pops 24322
6375,00 0700 R.Black Bandit, D, ballad, schlager pops 24232
6205,00 0840 R.Borderhunter, E, pops, ID, rock and roll, pop, ballads 24222
6140,00 0900 R.Gloria Int, E,G, jingle ID, email, box, rock, ballads 34333
6325,00 1820 R.Merlin Int, E, pops, Yes:Owner of a lonely heart, ID, jingle 24222
4026,00 2050 LHH, E, pops, ID, 24222
6960,00 0658 Atlantic R, E, pops 24322
6375,00 0700 R.Black Bandit, D, ballad, schlager pops 24232
6205,00 0840 R.Borderhunter, E, pops, ID, rock and roll, pop, ballads 24222
6140,00 0900 R.Gloria Int, E,G, jingle ID, email, box, rock, ballads 34333
6325,00 1820 R.Merlin Int, E, pops, Yes:Owner of a lonely heart, ID, jingle 24222
4026,00 2050 LHH, E, pops, ID, 24222
diumenge, 24 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS disssabte 23 d'octubre de 2010
7610,00 0600 R.Amica, It, Informazione europea, jingle ID, pop dance 35443
6960,00 0650 Atlantic R, E, jazz blues, ID, pop dance, 24332
11640,00 1305 RMRC, E, ID, infos about the club, R. St.Helena's day special 45444
6305,00 1710 unid, rock and roll mix 24332
6325,00 1715 unid, instrumental, Donna Summer: On the radio 24332
6307,00 1955 Oldtimer R, D, ballad, pops, Rivers of Babylon, polka, ABBA 34333
6325,00 2005 Central R. Int, E, pops, ID, 24222
4026,00 2120 LHH,E, rock, ID, rock 24232
6660LSB 2125 unid, rock non stop, no traces of the hams... 24432
6960,00 0650 Atlantic R, E, jazz blues, ID, pop dance, 24332
11640,00 1305 RMRC, E, ID, infos about the club, R. St.Helena's day special 45444
6305,00 1710 unid, rock and roll mix 24332
6325,00 1715 unid, instrumental, Donna Summer: On the radio 24332
6307,00 1955 Oldtimer R, D, ballad, pops, Rivers of Babylon, polka, ABBA 34333
6325,00 2005 Central R. Int, E, pops, ID, 24222
4026,00 2120 LHH,E, rock, ID, rock 24232
6660LSB 2125 unid, rock non stop, no traces of the hams... 24432
dissabte, 23 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS divendres 22 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 1810 Atlantic R, E, rock, jingle ID 35333
6305,00 1812 unid, rock and roll, classic rock, ballads, no ID 34232
4026,00 2105 LHH, E, rock, pops, ID 34232
1640,00 2112 R. Happy Miner,D, schlager, pops, lost at 2120 24332
1665,00 2120 R.Relmus, D, ballad, talks, 24322
1645,00 2125 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24322
1620,00 2128 unid, Gr, folk song 24422
6305,00 1812 unid, rock and roll, classic rock, ballads, no ID 34232
4026,00 2105 LHH, E, rock, pops, ID 34232
1640,00 2112 R. Happy Miner,D, schlager, pops, lost at 2120 24332
1665,00 2120 R.Relmus, D, ballad, talks, 24322
1645,00 2125 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24322
1620,00 2128 unid, Gr, folk song 24422
divendres, 22 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dijous 21 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 2115 Atlantic R, E, pops, dj comedy, news, jingle ID pops, rock 24332
1700,00 2120 unid, Gr, talks 24422
1700,00 2120 unid, Gr, talks 24422
dijous, 21 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dimecres 20 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 1815 Atlantic R, E, pops, funky, ID, ballad 34433
1630,00 2105 unid, Gr, cardias song by girl 24432
1623,00 2110 unid, Gr, local ballad by woman 24432
4026,00 2115 LHH,E, pops, ID, comments 34222
1630,00 2105 unid, Gr, cardias song by girl 24432
1623,00 2110 unid, Gr, local ballad by woman 24432
4026,00 2115 LHH,E, pops, ID, comments 34222
dimecres, 20 d’octubre del 2010
dimarts, 19 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dilluns 18 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 1620 Atlantic R, E, ballad, ID 24332
6310,00 1635 unid, pops, rock, closing down at 1639 24322
6306,00 1655 R.Sallandse Boer, D, schlager, hello testing, on/off, 24332
1649,00 2148 unid, rock 24222
6310,00 1635 unid, pops, rock, closing down at 1639 24322
6306,00 1655 R.Sallandse Boer, D, schlager, hello testing, on/off, 24332
1649,00 2148 unid, rock 24222
dilluns, 18 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS diumenge 17 d'octubre de 2010
7610,00 0610 R.Amica, It, Informazione europea, ID, email, web, asking for reports, pop dance, Moonlight shadow 34333
6220,00 0615 Mystery R, E, Mamy blue, rock, pops, disco, jingle ID 34343
6960,00 0620 Atlantic R, E, Mexico way, ballad, pops, ID 24332
5820,00 0657 Orion R,E,D, Crunchy pianola suite, ID, Shocking blue, jingle, hello and good morning, asking for reports,rock 24322
6310,00 1430 R.Malaisy, E, pop dance, Santana, Sugar baby love, disco, jingle ID 24322
7610,00 1510 Atlantic 2000, F,E, ID, email, web, Jump, pops,2ème episode Histoire des radios pirates OC françaises, 34333
6290,00 1620 unid, D, schlager, closing down at 1625 35443
6207,00 1623 R.Borderhunter, E, country, rock and roll, We can dance, break at 1635 35443
6304,00 1625 unid(same as 6290) D, schlager, country 34443
6325,00 1745 R.Lowland, E,D, ballad, ID, asking for reports, pops,greet to Artem 24232
6255,00 1808 Central R,Int, E, ballads 24222
1620,00 1818 R.Barones,D, pops, ID, polka 24332
6220,00 0615 Mystery R, E, Mamy blue, rock, pops, disco, jingle ID 34343
6960,00 0620 Atlantic R, E, Mexico way, ballad, pops, ID 24332
5820,00 0657 Orion R,E,D, Crunchy pianola suite, ID, Shocking blue, jingle, hello and good morning, asking for reports,rock 24322
6310,00 1430 R.Malaisy, E, pop dance, Santana, Sugar baby love, disco, jingle ID 24322
7610,00 1510 Atlantic 2000, F,E, ID, email, web, Jump, pops,2ème episode Histoire des radios pirates OC françaises, 34333
6290,00 1620 unid, D, schlager, closing down at 1625 35443
6207,00 1623 R.Borderhunter, E, country, rock and roll, We can dance, break at 1635 35443
6304,00 1625 unid(same as 6290) D, schlager, country 34443
6325,00 1745 R.Lowland, E,D, ballad, ID, asking for reports, pops,greet to Artem 24232
6255,00 1808 Central R,Int, E, ballads 24222
1620,00 1818 R.Barones,D, pops, ID, polka 24332
diumenge, 17 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dissabte 16 d'octubre de 2010
7610,00 0605 R.Amica, It, Informazione europea, ID, email, web, pop dance 35443
6375,00 0630 Sonic R, E, pop funk, ballads, 24232
6960,00 1450 Atlantic R, E, pops, comments, ID, reports received, ballad 34333
6425,00 1503 Country Man R,D, country rock, comments, ID, ballad,24322
6425,00 1510 R.Scotland Int?, ballad, report for Country man 24332
6210,00 1525 LHH, E, rock, blues, ID, jingle 24322
6220,00 1705 Mystery R, E, disco instrumental, jingle ID 35443
6308,00 1707 Magic AM,E,G,D,F, funky dance, ID, testing, email, Box in Amsterdam, 35443
6210,00 1730 R.Boderhunter,E, dance, founky 35443
6425,00 1900 Studio52?,D, pops 24232
6220,00 2230 R.Borderhunter,E, pops, Eye of the tiger, ID,thanking for reports,closing down at 2245 34453
3932,00 2235 R.Bogusman,E, rock ballad, talks 24222
1629,00 2240 unid, Gr, interview,talks 24422
1690,00 2242 unid, Gr, talks 24222
6310,00 2246 Cupid R, E,D,G, rock, ID, greets to Artem in Moskow, hotline for SMS, 25442
4026,00 2310 LHH, E,
6375,00 0630 Sonic R, E, pop funk, ballads, 24232
6960,00 1450 Atlantic R, E, pops, comments, ID, reports received, ballad 34333
6425,00 1503 Country Man R,D, country rock, comments, ID, ballad,24322
6425,00 1510 R.Scotland Int?, ballad, report for Country man 24332
6210,00 1525 LHH, E, rock, blues, ID, jingle 24322
6220,00 1705 Mystery R, E, disco instrumental, jingle ID 35443
6308,00 1707 Magic AM,E,G,D,F, funky dance, ID, testing, email, Box in Amsterdam, 35443
6210,00 1730 R.Boderhunter,E, dance, founky 35443
6425,00 1900 Studio52?,D, pops 24232
6220,00 2230 R.Borderhunter,E, pops, Eye of the tiger, ID,thanking for reports,closing down at 2245 34453
3932,00 2235 R.Bogusman,E, rock ballad, talks 24222
1629,00 2240 unid, Gr, interview,talks 24422
1690,00 2242 unid, Gr, talks 24222
6310,00 2246 Cupid R, E,D,G, rock, ID, greets to Artem in Moskow, hotline for SMS, 25442
4026,00 2310 LHH, E,
dissabte, 16 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS divendres 15 d'octubre de 2010
6965,00 1723 R.Tropiq?, rock 24332
7000LSB 1724 Baltic Sea R, E, Rose Garden, ID, rock, Rod Stewart, email,asking for reports 34343
5045,00 2050 Central R.Int, E, pops, poor signal 24211
3905,00 2053 Henk Skyline Int.R, D,E, rock show, ID, Nirvana 34232
1637,00 2107 unid,Gr, traditional song by man, 24322
4026,00 2115 LHH, E, comments, ID, pops, jingle 24222
6305,00 2120 Marconi R, D,E, schlager, talks, audio testing, pops, closing down at 2200 24232
1665,00 2250 R.Relmus,D, rock, ID, polka 24322
1657,00 2255 unid, D, ballad 24232
7000LSB 1724 Baltic Sea R, E, Rose Garden, ID, rock, Rod Stewart, email,asking for reports 34343
5045,00 2050 Central R.Int, E, pops, poor signal 24211
3905,00 2053 Henk Skyline Int.R, D,E, rock show, ID, Nirvana 34232
1637,00 2107 unid,Gr, traditional song by man, 24322
4026,00 2115 LHH, E, comments, ID, pops, jingle 24222
6305,00 2120 Marconi R, D,E, schlager, talks, audio testing, pops, closing down at 2200 24232
1665,00 2250 R.Relmus,D, rock, ID, polka 24322
1657,00 2255 unid, D, ballad 24232
Atlantic 2000 anuncia una nova emissió pels 7610 kHz( de R.Amica) el proper diumenge dia 17 d'octubre, des de les 15:00 a les 17:00 hora UTC ( 1700 a 1900 hora catalana).
Aquest programa el podreu seguit si us connecteu amb la seva pàgina web: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
En aquest programa hi trobareu la música habitual i la segona part de la història de les ràdios pirates franceses en ona curta.
Atlantic 2000 sera sur 7610 kHz ce dimanche 17 octobre, de 15:00 à 17:00 UTC (17:00 à 19:00, heure de Paris).
A la même heure, vous pourrez nous écouter également en streaming sur notre site Internet.
En plus de notre programme musical habituel, vous pourrez retrouver la 2ème partie de l'histoire des radios pirates françaises en ondes courtes.
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday, October 17, from 15:00 to 17:00 UTC on 7610 kHz. At the same time, we will be streaming on our website. As usual, we will play music. Our show includes the story of the French free radio stations on shortwave (part 2).-- Visit our website :http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
Aquest programa el podreu seguit si us connecteu amb la seva pàgina web: http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
En aquest programa hi trobareu la música habitual i la segona part de la història de les ràdios pirates franceses en ona curta.
Atlantic 2000 sera sur 7610 kHz ce dimanche 17 octobre, de 15:00 à 17:00 UTC (17:00 à 19:00, heure de Paris).
A la même heure, vous pourrez nous écouter également en streaming sur notre site Internet.
En plus de notre programme musical habituel, vous pourrez retrouver la 2ème partie de l'histoire des radios pirates françaises en ondes courtes.
Atlantic 2000 will be on the air this Sunday, October 17, from 15:00 to 17:00 UTC on 7610 kHz. At the same time, we will be streaming on our website. As usual, we will play music. Our show includes the story of the French free radio stations on shortwave (part 2).-- Visit our website :http://radioatlantic2000.free.fr
divendres, 15 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dijous 14 d'octubre de 2010
6375,00 1640 R.Black Bandit,E,D, ballad, schlager, country accordion, ID, hello to Finland 34333
6960,00 1715 Atlantic R, E, ballad, 24232
6210,00 1720 LHH, E, comments ID, pops 24222
6390,00 1815 Sonic R, E, comments, ID, When love takes over, pop dance 24232
3932,00 2130 Free R.Network/Buzz FM,E, ID, pops, Toto, asking for reports, hotline,email, pops, 24232
6960,00 1715 Atlantic R, E, ballad, 24232
6210,00 1720 LHH, E, comments ID, pops 24222
6390,00 1815 Sonic R, E, comments, ID, When love takes over, pop dance 24232
3932,00 2130 Free R.Network/Buzz FM,E, ID, pops, Toto, asking for reports, hotline,email, pops, 24232
dijous, 14 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dimecres 13 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 1700 Atlantic R, E, ballad, rock, blues, jingle ID 24332
6375,00 1702 R.Black Bandit, E,D, ballads, country, ID, good morning, hello, closing down at 1740 34333
6210,00 1735 LHH, E, rock, ballad, talks, ID, 24222
6375,00 1702 R.Black Bandit, E,D, ballads, country, ID, good morning, hello, closing down at 1740 34333
6210,00 1735 LHH, E, rock, ballad, talks, ID, 24222
dimecres, 13 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dimarts 12 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 1655 Atlantic R, E, ballad, jingle ID 24232
6210,00 1657 LHH,E, ballad, ID, rock 24332
6315,00 1659 unid, ballads, closing down at 1718 34333
6220,00 1700 Mystery R, E, disco dance instrumental, jingle ID, more disco 35443
6325,00 1722 R.Black Bandit, D, polka, pops, testing uit abend, hello, country, 24332
6310,00 1728 R.Altrex, E, ID, pops 24211
1705,00 2125 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24422
6210,00 1657 LHH,E, ballad, ID, rock 24332
6315,00 1659 unid, ballads, closing down at 1718 34333
6220,00 1700 Mystery R, E, disco dance instrumental, jingle ID, more disco 35443
6325,00 1722 R.Black Bandit, D, polka, pops, testing uit abend, hello, country, 24332
6310,00 1728 R.Altrex, E, ID, pops 24211
1705,00 2125 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24422
dimarts, 12 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dilluns 11 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 1505 Atlantic R, E, ballad, pops jingle, Belinda Carlisle 24332
6210,00 1715 LHH,E, ballad, ID, pops, pop dance 24222 also at 1835 ballad 34433
1695,00 2053 unid, Serbian?, talks 24222
4026,00 2135 LHH, E, ballad, ID, pops 34232
6210,00 1715 LHH,E, ballad, ID, pops, pop dance 24222 also at 1835 ballad 34433
1695,00 2053 unid, Serbian?, talks 24222
4026,00 2135 LHH, E, ballad, ID, pops 34232
dilluns, 11 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS diumenge 10 d'octubre de 2010
6220,00 0625 Mystery R, E, disco dance session, jingle ID 35443
5820,00 0657 Orion R, E, polka tv, ID, Crunchy pianola suite, web site, pop dance, 24232
7610,00 0705 R.Amica, It, Cose dell'altro mondo:convegno ufologico delle Marche 24432
6310,00 1450 R.Malaysi, E, dance, jingle ID, pop dance35443
6210,00 1540 LHH,E, pops, pop dance, comments, ID, 24332
6305,00 1550 R.Alice, E,D, Manda rosas a Sandra, ballad, ID, polka, Tina Turner, closing down at 1622 34433
6325,00 1620 R.Merlin Int, E, pops, ID, pop dance, jingle, Falco 34433
6301,00 1633 R.Sallandse Boer, D, talks, Susan Q, schlager, hello, closing down at 1638 34443
6960,00 1640 Atlantic R, E, pop rock, old jingles, ballad, Caroline jingle, ID, 44444
6202,00 1650 Delta R, D, pops, polka, hello ID, hotline, schlager,polka 44444
6390,00 1715 R.Black Bandit?, E, blues session, ballads from soundtrack 007' films 35443
6375,00 2210 R.Black Bandit, E, talks, country show 24232
3905,50 2215 R.Polaris, E, pops, jingle ID, Nirvana, gothik rock, pop girl 24222
4026,00 2315 LHH, E, pops, ID, instrumental, jingle 24232
5820,00 0657 Orion R, E, polka tv, ID, Crunchy pianola suite, web site, pop dance, 24232
7610,00 0705 R.Amica, It, Cose dell'altro mondo:convegno ufologico delle Marche 24432
6310,00 1450 R.Malaysi, E, dance, jingle ID, pop dance35443
6210,00 1540 LHH,E, pops, pop dance, comments, ID, 24332
6305,00 1550 R.Alice, E,D, Manda rosas a Sandra, ballad, ID, polka, Tina Turner, closing down at 1622 34433
6325,00 1620 R.Merlin Int, E, pops, ID, pop dance, jingle, Falco 34433
6301,00 1633 R.Sallandse Boer, D, talks, Susan Q, schlager, hello, closing down at 1638 34443
6960,00 1640 Atlantic R, E, pop rock, old jingles, ballad, Caroline jingle, ID, 44444
6202,00 1650 Delta R, D, pops, polka, hello ID, hotline, schlager,polka 44444
6390,00 1715 R.Black Bandit?, E, blues session, ballads from soundtrack 007' films 35443
6375,00 2210 R.Black Bandit, E, talks, country show 24232
3905,50 2215 R.Polaris, E, pops, jingle ID, Nirvana, gothik rock, pop girl 24222
4026,00 2315 LHH, E, pops, ID, instrumental, jingle 24232
diumenge, 10 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dissabte 9 d'octubre de 2010
7610,00 0620 R.Amica, It, pop funk, ID, pop dance 24332
6960,00 1530 Atlantic R, E, comments, rock and roll, ID, rock, blues 35433
6323,00 1535 Magic AM, E, F, D,pop rock, ID; jingles, special dedication, asking for reports, French ID, box in Amsterdam, email, ballad girl, funky 35443
6210,00 1605 LHH, E, rock, comments, ID, rock 24332
6310,00 1610 unid, E, talks, ballad, rock 24222
6301,00 1613 R.Merlin Int?,E, My guy, dj comments, She is my girl, the house of rising sun, 34232
6375,00 1627 R.Volle Melk,E, music, ID, on 6375, stand by now, closing down at 1632 24332
6305,00 1633 R.Merlin Int, E, the house of the rising sun, ballad, ID, comedy jingle, pop rock, rock mix, 24332
6305,00 1634 unid, E, pop rock, Dj with ID, not understood 23322
6311,00 1645 unid, country music show, pop schlager, ballad 34333
6220,0 1705 Mystery R, E, electro disco, disco pops, jingle ID 35443
6375,00 1706 unid, Volle Melk?, rock and roll, french ballad, country, Julio Iglesias in session 35433
6952,00 1730 R.Jan van Gent, D, rokc ballad, 24322
3905,00 1735 Overijssel R, D, schlager pops, ballad 24322
4026,00 1736 LHH, E, pop funk, rock, ballad 24232
6290,00 1738 R.Caroline Int, E, electro ballad, instrumental, jingle, ID, dance, jingle echoe effect, more dance 24322
6420,00 2000 R.Alice, E, ballad, jingle, ID, ballad 24222
1620,00 2005 R.Barones, D,G, schlager ballad, Bella donna, the house of the rising sun, greets spanish listener 24232
6375,00 2020 R.Black Bandit, E, pops, ID, comments 24222
1642,00 2025 unid, Gr, local ballad cardias by man 24322
3932,00 2045 R.Bogusman, E, alternative rock, comments, pop rock 24232
6523,00 2123 R.Ramona, E, comments, instrumenta rock, jingle ID 24222
6205,00 2130 R.Borderhunter, E, electric guitars, hello to Silveri, ID, rock and roll, greets to Terry, ballad 24332
6130,00 2230 RMRC,E, ID, special St. Helena's day, pops, promos of the RMRClub 32342
6960,00 1530 Atlantic R, E, comments, rock and roll, ID, rock, blues 35433
6323,00 1535 Magic AM, E, F, D,pop rock, ID; jingles, special dedication, asking for reports, French ID, box in Amsterdam, email, ballad girl, funky 35443
6210,00 1605 LHH, E, rock, comments, ID, rock 24332
6310,00 1610 unid, E, talks, ballad, rock 24222
6301,00 1613 R.Merlin Int?,E, My guy, dj comments, She is my girl, the house of rising sun, 34232
6375,00 1627 R.Volle Melk,E, music, ID, on 6375, stand by now, closing down at 1632 24332
6305,00 1633 R.Merlin Int, E, the house of the rising sun, ballad, ID, comedy jingle, pop rock, rock mix, 24332
6305,00 1634 unid, E, pop rock, Dj with ID, not understood 23322
6311,00 1645 unid, country music show, pop schlager, ballad 34333
6220,0 1705 Mystery R, E, electro disco, disco pops, jingle ID 35443
6375,00 1706 unid, Volle Melk?, rock and roll, french ballad, country, Julio Iglesias in session 35433
6952,00 1730 R.Jan van Gent, D, rokc ballad, 24322
3905,00 1735 Overijssel R, D, schlager pops, ballad 24322
4026,00 1736 LHH, E, pop funk, rock, ballad 24232
6290,00 1738 R.Caroline Int, E, electro ballad, instrumental, jingle, ID, dance, jingle echoe effect, more dance 24322
6420,00 2000 R.Alice, E, ballad, jingle, ID, ballad 24222
1620,00 2005 R.Barones, D,G, schlager ballad, Bella donna, the house of the rising sun, greets spanish listener 24232
6375,00 2020 R.Black Bandit, E, pops, ID, comments 24222
1642,00 2025 unid, Gr, local ballad cardias by man 24322
3932,00 2045 R.Bogusman, E, alternative rock, comments, pop rock 24232
6523,00 2123 R.Ramona, E, comments, instrumenta rock, jingle ID 24222
6205,00 2130 R.Borderhunter, E, electric guitars, hello to Silveri, ID, rock and roll, greets to Terry, ballad 24332
6130,00 2230 RMRC,E, ID, special St. Helena's day, pops, promos of the RMRClub 32342
dissabte, 9 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS divendres 8 d'octubre de 2010
6980,00 1505 Atlantic R, E, pop rock, ballad, blues, funky, ID 35443
6305,00 1525 R.Merlin Int, E, instrumentals, documentary on the BBC history, 24332
6220,00 1700 Mystery R, E, disco dance, jingle ID 35443
6310,00 1701 Sonic R?,D,E, instrumental, comments, rock and roll, ID, bye bye,closing down at 1711 24332
6210,00 1720 LHH,E, pop girl, blueos, ID, rock 24322
6925,00 1748 Mike R, E,G,D, testing, country, ID, jingle, polka hotline, email ,Toto, 35443
6375,00 1805 R.Black Bandit,D, country, instrumental polka, accordion 24432
6305,00 1525 R.Merlin Int, E, instrumentals, documentary on the BBC history, 24332
6220,00 1700 Mystery R, E, disco dance, jingle ID 35443
6310,00 1701 Sonic R?,D,E, instrumental, comments, rock and roll, ID, bye bye,closing down at 1711 24332
6210,00 1720 LHH,E, pop girl, blueos, ID, rock 24322
6925,00 1748 Mike R, E,G,D, testing, country, ID, jingle, polka hotline, email ,Toto, 35443
6375,00 1805 R.Black Bandit,D, country, instrumental polka, accordion 24432
divendres, 8 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dijous 7 d'octubre de 2010
6390,00 1535 unid, ballad 24322
6960,00 1550 Atlantic R, E, pops, rock, Ground control, jingle ID, 24432
6307,00 1620 unid, ballas 23232
6945,00 1640 R.Jan van Gent, D, ballad, rock, pops 24322
6305,00 1735 R.Central Int, E, ballad, Toto, Men at work, ID, jingle, pops24332
6960,00 1550 Atlantic R, E, pops, rock, Ground control, jingle ID, 24432
6307,00 1620 unid, ballas 23232
6945,00 1640 R.Jan van Gent, D, ballad, rock, pops 24322
6305,00 1735 R.Central Int, E, ballad, Toto, Men at work, ID, jingle, pops24332
dijous, 7 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dimecres 6 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 1555 Atlantic R,E, rock, jingle ID, Sende me an angel, ballad, 34333
6952,00 1728 R.Jan van Gent, D, rock, ballad, pops 24332
1636,00 2118 unid, D, polka instrumental, ID don't understood 24322
1624,00 2121 unid, Gr, folk song 24322
1620,00 2123 unid, Gr, interview 24232
1625,00 2125 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24322
6952,00 1728 R.Jan van Gent, D, rock, ballad, pops 24332
1636,00 2118 unid, D, polka instrumental, ID don't understood 24322
1624,00 2121 unid, Gr, folk song 24322
1620,00 2123 unid, Gr, interview 24232
1625,00 2125 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24322
dimecres, 6 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dimarts 5 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 1540 Atlantic R, E, ballad, jingle, ID, Sex & drug and rock and roll, web, You are so vain 24432
6310,00 1725 R.Spaceshuttle Int, E,Fin, ID, box Herten, dance mix, ID, ballads, greets to Marco, jingle, rock 24332
6210,00 2035 R.Borderhunter, D, pop girl, ID, uit dag, testing 24432
1700,00 2155 unid, Gr, local ballad by man, talks 24332
6310,00 1725 R.Spaceshuttle Int, E,Fin, ID, box Herten, dance mix, ID, ballads, greets to Marco, jingle, rock 24332
6210,00 2035 R.Borderhunter, D, pop girl, ID, uit dag, testing 24432
1700,00 2155 unid, Gr, local ballad by man, talks 24332
dimarts, 5 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dilluns 4 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 1705 Atlantic R, E, rock, Dido, jingle ID, The Rasmus, U2 24332
6306,00 1710 Oltimer R, E, rock, schlager, pops, polka, pop dance, ballad 24232
6375,00 1755 R.Black Bandit,D, instrumental, dance, polka, country show, ID, greets to listeners 23332
6375,00 1840 R.Lowland?,D, pop dance, report for BB, Love is in the air 23222
1680,00 2108 unid, Gr, instrumental, talks, dance 24322
1700,00 2110 unid, Gr, talks 24222
1660,00 2115 unid, Gr, talks 24222
6306,00 1710 Oltimer R, E, rock, schlager, pops, polka, pop dance, ballad 24232
6375,00 1755 R.Black Bandit,D, instrumental, dance, polka, country show, ID, greets to listeners 23332
6375,00 1840 R.Lowland?,D, pop dance, report for BB, Love is in the air 23222
1680,00 2108 unid, Gr, instrumental, talks, dance 24322
1700,00 2110 unid, Gr, talks 24222
1660,00 2115 unid, Gr, talks 24222
dilluns, 4 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS diumenge 3 d'octubre de 2010
6220,00 0615 Mystery R, E, disco dance non stop, jingle ID 35443
5980,00 0630 Hambuger Lokal R, G, talks, choral song, speaches 34222
5820,00 0700 Orion R, E,D, Crunchy Pianola suite, ID, Beautiful sunday, Good morning, greets, ballad 24422
6045,00 0900 Hamburger Lokal R, G, ID, jazz, literature info, ballad, 35443
6305,00 1510 Marconi R, D,E, schlager, pops, Silvia's mother, hello ID, ballads 35443
6325,00 1530 R.Mustang,E,D, good afternoon, ID, popr, greets to Marconi, pop dance, closing down at 1535
6390,00 1535 R.Tropiq, instrumentals, break, also at 1620 with blues, closing down at 1637 24332
6960,00 1538 Atlantic R, E, pops ID, chart,ballad, jingles , offshore radios, 34433
7610,00 1605 R.Amica, It, pop, funky, ID, email pop dance, asking for reports 35443
6375,00 1638 R.Black Bandit?,D, schlager, polka, Dutch pops, symphoni rock in session 34433
6319,00 1735 R.Caroline Int/R.Rainbow Int,E, rock, jingle IDs, pop dance, web site,ID 24232
5980,00 0630 Hambuger Lokal R, G, talks, choral song, speaches 34222
5820,00 0700 Orion R, E,D, Crunchy Pianola suite, ID, Beautiful sunday, Good morning, greets, ballad 24422
6045,00 0900 Hamburger Lokal R, G, ID, jazz, literature info, ballad, 35443
6305,00 1510 Marconi R, D,E, schlager, pops, Silvia's mother, hello ID, ballads 35443
6325,00 1530 R.Mustang,E,D, good afternoon, ID, popr, greets to Marconi, pop dance, closing down at 1535
6390,00 1535 R.Tropiq, instrumentals, break, also at 1620 with blues, closing down at 1637 24332
6960,00 1538 Atlantic R, E, pops ID, chart,ballad, jingles , offshore radios, 34433
7610,00 1605 R.Amica, It, pop, funky, ID, email pop dance, asking for reports 35443
6375,00 1638 R.Black Bandit?,D, schlager, polka, Dutch pops, symphoni rock in session 34433
6319,00 1735 R.Caroline Int/R.Rainbow Int,E, rock, jingle IDs, pop dance, web site,ID 24232
diumenge, 3 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dissabte 2 d'octubre de 2010
7610,00 0605 R.Amica, It, Notizie europee, ID, pop dance 35443
6960,00 0640 Atlantic R, E, pops, funky, ID 24332
9515,00 0800 R.Joystick,G, ID, jingle ID, QTH, pops, funky, Malta's info, rock 44444
6300,00 1615 Marconi R, E,D, schlager girl, ID, hello, testing, ballad, 34433
6325,00 1620 unid, electro dance non stop, no IDs 24322
6301,00 1628 R.Rob?, D, talks 24322
6220,00 1650 Mystery R, E, disco, pops, jingle ID, Ma Baker 35443
6520,00 1733 unid, ballad 24232
3910,00 1735 unid, ballad, talks 24222
6390,00 1745 R.Lowland, E, ballad, rock and roll, pops, ID, thanking for reports 34333
3905,00 1825 Henk Skyline Int, D,E, ID, rock ballad, 34333
1653,00 2000 R.Barones, D,E, pop schlger, talks, The Killers, ID 24232
1700,00 2140 unid, Gr, talks, traditional song by man 24322
1619,00 2144 unid, Gr, traditional song by duet, 24222
1512,00 2145 unid, Amy Winehouse, ballads, pops 23322
6210,00 2155 R.Scotland Int?, electro dance 24322
6960,00 0640 Atlantic R, E, pops, funky, ID 24332
9515,00 0800 R.Joystick,G, ID, jingle ID, QTH, pops, funky, Malta's info, rock 44444
6300,00 1615 Marconi R, E,D, schlager girl, ID, hello, testing, ballad, 34433
6325,00 1620 unid, electro dance non stop, no IDs 24322
6301,00 1628 R.Rob?, D, talks 24322
6220,00 1650 Mystery R, E, disco, pops, jingle ID, Ma Baker 35443
6520,00 1733 unid, ballad 24232
3910,00 1735 unid, ballad, talks 24222
6390,00 1745 R.Lowland, E, ballad, rock and roll, pops, ID, thanking for reports 34333
3905,00 1825 Henk Skyline Int, D,E, ID, rock ballad, 34333
1653,00 2000 R.Barones, D,E, pop schlger, talks, The Killers, ID 24232
1700,00 2140 unid, Gr, talks, traditional song by man 24322
1619,00 2144 unid, Gr, traditional song by duet, 24222
1512,00 2145 unid, Amy Winehouse, ballads, pops 23322
6210,00 2155 R.Scotland Int?, electro dance 24322
dissabte, 2 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS divendres 1 d'octubre de 2010
6960,00 1640 Atlantic R, E, Nothing compares to you by Sinead O'Connor,ballads, jingle ID 24332
6425,00 1725 R.Mustang?, D,E, The horror pictures show, pops, rock, closing down with Spirit int the sky at 1746 24332
6325,00 2035 Mustang R, E, pops, comments 24232
6305,00 2140 Marconi R, E,D, pops, ID, break at 2147 24322
6425,00 1725 R.Mustang?, D,E, The horror pictures show, pops, rock, closing down with Spirit int the sky at 1746 24332
6325,00 2035 Mustang R, E, pops, comments 24232
6305,00 2140 Marconi R, E,D, pops, ID, break at 2147 24322
divendres, 1 d’octubre del 2010
LOGS dijous 30 de setembre de 2010
6960,00 1700 Atlantic R, E, Only you, Dj comments, chart,Doo wop song, Etta James, ballads 34443
1629,00 2130 unid, Gr, traditional song by man, 24222
1639,00 2135 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24322
1700,00 2137 unid, Gr, talks, traditional song by man 24322
1678,00 2139 unid, Gr, folk song, talks, testing ena-dio, traditional song by girl 24432
1629,00 2130 unid, Gr, traditional song by man, 24222
1639,00 2135 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24322
1700,00 2137 unid, Gr, talks, traditional song by man 24322
1678,00 2139 unid, Gr, folk song, talks, testing ena-dio, traditional song by girl 24432
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