Durant el proper mes de juny la BRI celebrarà els seus primers 28 anys en antena. L'enhorabona!
Hi haurà tot un seguit de programes especials utilitzant els seus propis equips pels voltants dels 6255 Khz ( Normalment, segon i quart diumenge del mes) i per si no podeu escoltar-los via ràdio sempre us quedarà el consol de fer-ho mitjançant la pàgina web: www.geocities.com/britainradio48
LHH els ha ofert utilitzar la seva freqüència dels 4025 Khz durant una setmana a partir del dia 8 de juny.
Finalment, sortiran també via l'emissor lituà de 100 kw i que utilitza habitualment la KBC (apunteu-ho a la vostra agenda: data 28-6-08 de 2130 a 2230 UTC pels 6055 Khz + repetició pels noctàmbuls de 0200 a 0300 UTC pels 6110 Khz)
Si voleu enviar felicitacions i controls d'escolta : britainradio@hotmail.com és el lloc més adient. En Roger Davis us els agrairà i confirmarà amb molt de gust.
Saturday 28th June 08 BRI will present a 60min show via the KBC 100kw TX facility from 21.30 UTC on 6055khz and repeated on 6110khz from 02.00 UTC. BRI celebrate its 28th year on SW during June.. to be offered this relay via KBC will make our birthday ocassion even more special for which we thank Eric and everyone at the Mighty KBC for offering us some of their valuable airtime.
For more info about KBC schedules/freq etc go to.. www.kbcradio.eu/
BRIs website and to listen online.. www.geocities.com/britainradio48
Reception reports to our usual email address.. britainradio@hotmail.com
As from the 2nd Sunday of June 08 BRI can be heard via Laser`s 4025khz facility to run alongside their programmes on repeat through until the following weekend, we will return to the usual 2hr show which we had to reduce a while back due to various problems. Of course BRI will enter its 28th year on SW during June so we thank everyone at Laser for offering BRI the chance to move forward with the next phase in our broadcasting history, alongside the relay via Laser we shall still appear from time to time using 6255khz 48mtrs on the 2nd/4th Sunday, our programmes will also continue as normal via our webstream www.geocities.com/britainradio48 We shall add a` listen again` option shortly as another way to hear our programmes at anytime of the day or night.
73s Roger Davis.
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