7265,00 0755 R.Gloria Int, E,G, ballad, end of program 24322
9480,00 0800 R.Gloria Int, E,G, ID; jingle, rock, 24222
6285,00 0805 R.Focus Int, E, talks, rock 24232 also 1605 Jimmy Hendrix 24222
6045,00 0900 R.Iceman, E, pops, ID, instrumental, Do you love me, pops 35443
6095,00 0905 KBC,E, country girl, I love this road, ID, Trucker R, 35443
7685,00 0925 FRSH, E,G, jingle, ID,box Herten, ballad,ID, reports,Human League 24332
6450,00 1620 R.Studio 52, D, ballads, pops, rock 24322
6937,00 1635 Irish Music R, E, pops 24222
6985,00 1645 Ligthning R, E, pops 24211
6280,00 1700 unid, D, testing, testing, no music, no ID 24332
6325,00 1715 R.Veronika,rock ballad, pops 24322
6745,00 1800 R.Pink Panther, E, jingle, ID, rock, ballads, pops 23322
4026,00 1955 LHH, E; pops, rock 24232
1680,00 2205 unid, Gr, talks, local ballad 24322
1690,00 2210 unid, Gr, ballad by man, 24222
1670,00 2220 unid, Gr, talks, House of the rising sun 24232
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