dilluns, 5 de desembre del 2016

LOGS diumenge 4 de desembre de 2016

6320,00 1540 R.Undergound, E, pops, ID, comments. J.M Jarre, 24322
6330,00 1545 unid, pops 24322
6240,00 1555  R.Casanova, D,E, pop rock, ID greets, Queen, Kaiser Bill, closing down 24332
6205,00 1607 LHH,E, talks, rock  24322
3902,00 1635 1635 Kachel Boer?, D, ballad, pops,.dance, Italian disco mix 24332
3920,00 1700 Mike R, pops, rock, blues, closing down? 24322
6305,00 1710 R.Paardenkracht, D,E, rock, ID, Rocky Horror show, Middle of the Road, 24332
6335,00 1738 Test Transmission, E, instrumental, ID; jingle, email for reports 24332
4029,00 2155 LHH,E, ballads, 24332