dilluns, 1 de juliol del 2013

LOGS diumenge 30 de juny de 2013

6095,00 1430 KBC,E, ballads, talks, pops, Rock and Roll Rewind show 24322
6260,00 2025 SW Gold, E, ballad, pop rock, jingle ID, funky disco 24322
6980,00 2028 unid, ballads, pops, rock, non stop, no ID, no jingle 24232
6285,00 2040 R.Focus Int, E, ballad talk, funky, jingle, pop rock 24322
6305,00 2042 R.Marabu, G, Get lucky, jingle ID; ballad, pops 24232
6745,00 2110 R.Powerliner Int, E, pop funky, jingle, Family Affaire, ID; short test, greets to Silveri in Catalonia, pops24232
4026,00 2200 LHH, E, ballad, ID;  24322