dimarts, 31 de juliol del 2012

QSL received #22 from 18-04-2011 to 31-07-2012

QSL received by Silveri Gomez from 26/04/11 to // 31/07/2012


RADIO BULGARIA, 5900-11800-15800 2 QSL f/, Monitor Club diploma, martenitza, in 34 d. v/s: Daniela Antónova

QTH spanish@bnr.bg


KBS via Sackville, 6045 kHz, QSL f/d, sticker, report form in 12 d.

QTH: spanish@kbs.co.kr


BRETAGNE 5, 1593 Khz, E-QSL letter in 3 h. v/s: Frédéric Guyon

QTH: fguyon@bretagne.fr

RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL via Issoudun, 3965 Khz 3 QSL f/d, postcards, schedule, in 18-16-15 d.

QTH: via the website at http://spanish.rti.org.tw/customerservice/ReceptionForm.aspx


DX ANTWERP via Montsinery, 21680 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 1 d. v/s: Guido Schotmans

QTH: dxaqsl@gmail.com


ATLANTIC 2000 INTERNATIONAL via Kall-Krekel, 6005 Khz, QSL special 30th anniversaire, f/d. info, personal note in 10 d. v/s: Tiphanie

ATLANTIC 2000 INTERNATIONAL via Göhren, 9480 Khz, 4 QSL f/d in 14-5-7 d. personal note, info, sticker v/s: Tiphanie

QTH: atlantic2000international@gmail.com

EUROPEAN MUSIC RADIO via Göhren, 9480 Khz, 2 E-QSL f/d, info, personal note in 23-8 d. v/s: Tom & Mike Taylor

QTH: studio@emr.org.uk

EUROPEAN MUSIC RADIO via Wertachtal, 6140 Khz, E-QSL f/d,personal note in 8 d.

v/s: Tom & Mike Taylor

QTH: studio@emr.org.uk

KBC via Wertachtal, 6095 Khz, QSL f/d in 19 d

QTH: themightykbc@gmail.com

NORD AM via Kall-Krekel, 3995 Khz, 2 E-QSL f/d, personal letter in 90 min.-7d .

v/s: Torben & Daniel

QTH: nordam@shortwaveservice.com

PURE RADIO 1, 6085 Khz, QSL f/d in 13 d

QTH: hitradio@skynet.be

RADIO GLORIA INTERNATIONAL via Nauen, 6140 Khz, E-QSL, E-sticker, personal note in 14 d v/s: Andy

RADIO GLORIA INTERNATIONAL via Göhren, 9480 Khz, E-QSL, personal note in 67 min.

v/s: Andy

QTH: radiogloria@aol.com

RADIO SAXONIA via Göhren, 9480 Khz, 3 E-QSL f/d in 19-11-4 d. info, personal note

v/s: Augustus Rex

QTH: radiosaxonia@web.de

XVRB via Wertachtal, 6045 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 14 d

QTH: dx@xvrb.eu or dx@xvrb.org


CHALLENGER RADIO, 1368 KhZ, E-QSL, in 52 d. v/s: Dr. Maurizio Anselmo

QTH: challenger@challenger.it


RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL, 6055 Khz, E- QSL stencyl f/d, personal note, visit card, in 19 d. v/s: Peter Hills & Philippe

QTH: rwaves@free.fr

RMRC –EDXC 2012 via Sitkunai, 11900 Khz, E-QSL f/d, in d v/s: Michael Haun

QTH: mail@rmrc.de


ALBATROS RADIO, 1670 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 1 d. v/s: Alex


ATLANTIC 2000 INTERNATIONAL, 6966 Khz, QSL card f/d, personal note, new sticker,

v/s: Tiphanie

QTH: atlantic2000international@gmail.com

BALTIC SEA RADIO, 6990 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal letter in 11 d. v/s: DJ Sailor

QTH: balticseapirate@gmail.com

BLUESTAR RADIO, 6915 Khz, E-QSL, photos in 1 h. v/s: Henri

QTH: bluestarradio@live.nl

CRAZY WAVE RADIO, 6300 Khz, E.QSL , personal note in 6 d. v/s: Chris Ise

QTH: shortwave@gmx.de

CUPID RADIO, 6305 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note in 85 min. v/s: Rinus

QTH: cupidoradio@hotmail.com

FREE RADIO SERVICE HOLLAND, 7600-9300 Khz. 3 E-QSL f/d, info in 10 d.- 46 d -101d

v/s: Peter V.

QTH: frs.holland@hccnet.nl

FREE RADIO VICTORIA, 6293 -6295-7630 Khz 3 E-QSL, info, personal letter, logo in 10 - 8 - 4 d. v/s: Frank

QTH: freeradiovictoria@hotmail.com

GERONIMO SW, 6240-6915-6920-6960-7490 Khz, 7 E-QSL f/d, info sheet, personal note in 6 hours! - 1 d -9d-90 min-4 d v/s: Dave Scott & Chris Watson

QTH: geronimoshortwave@hotmail.com

HALLOWEEN RADIO, 6300 Khz, E-QSL f/d, Hell view, personal note in 7 d v/s: Mr Blood

QTH: halloweenradio@gmx.net

KWRN, 5280 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 20 d. v/s: Felix Steiner

QTH: kwrn@freenet.de

LIGHTNING RADIO, 6990 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal letter in 15 d. v/s: Peter Kemenes

QTH: lightningradio@gmx.com

OLD TIME RADIO, 6300 Khz, E-QSL f/d, videos, info sheet, personal note in 14d.

v/s: Eemil Ranta

QTH: oldtime48@gmail.com

ONDA CALIENTE, 6240 Khz, 2 E-QSL f/d, personal letter in 4-5 d. v/s: Cy Vice

QTH: ondacaliente@googlemail.com

POLARIS RADIO, 3932 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 3 m. v/s: DJ Iggy

QTH: polarisradio@hotmail.com

PONY RADIO SW, 6420 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note, in 2 d. v/s: Herman

QTH: mustangradio@live.nl

RADIO ARMADA, 1620 Khz, E-QSL f/d, info, in 1 h. v/s: Jan Willem

QTH: radioarmada@gmail.com

RADIO BATAVIA, 3930-3935 Khz, 2 E-QSl, n/d, personal note in 4 h.- 42m. v/s: Kees O.

QTH: radiobatavia@hotmail.com

RADIO BLACK ARROW, 6940 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 1 d. v/s: Alex

QTH: radioblackarrow@hotmail.com

RADIO BLACK BIRD, 6310 Khz, E-QSL, personal note in 1 d v/s: Johan

QTH: shortwaveblackbird@gmail.com


QTH: radio.bohemia.international@gmail.com

RADIO BOOMERANG, 1668 Khz , E-QSL f/d, info, personal note in 9 d v/s: Arie

QTH: box73@gmx.net

RADIO CAROLINE INTERNATIONAL, 6220-6240 Khz, 2-QSL, many photos, personal letter in 1 d. v/s: Paul

QTH: carolineradio@hotmail.com

RADIO DOCTOR TIM, 3930-6220-6300-6304 Khz, 5 E-QSL f/d, personal note in 52 d v/s: Dr.Tim

QTH: doctortim@t-online.de

RADIO FLYING DUTCHMAN, 6300 Khz, 2 E-QSL, info in 1 d. v/s: Herbert

QTH: fd@hmnet.nl

RADIO FOCUS INTERNATIONAL, 6240 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note in 54 d.

v/s: The Focus Crew

QTH: focus@live.co.uk

RADIO FOX 48, 6298-6915 kHz, 3 E-QSL f/d in 4 d. v/s: DJ Mike

QTH: radiofox48@hotmail.com

RADIO FRIELOO, 6240 Khz, E-QSL, map, personal letter in 39min.

QTH: frieloo@online.nl

RADIO FSM, 6305 Khz, E-QSL, photo, personal note in 2d,

QTH: fsm@goatse.be

RADIO GALAXY INTERNATIONAL, 1512 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 14 h. v/s: Walther

QTH: radiogalaxy@quicknet.nl

RADIO JAMPIE WESTERBEEK, 6288 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note in 20h. v/s: Jampie

QTH: nakken2@home.nl

RADIO LATINO, 15015 Khz, E- QSL, info in 2 h

QTH: radiolatino@live.com

RADIO MATRIX: 1670 Khz, QSL f/d in 10 d

QTH: stationmatrix@hotmail.com

RADIO MERLIN INTERNATIONAL, 6220-6280-6300-6305-6325 Khz, 13 E-QSL f/d, studio photos, personal letter in 3h.-2d -1d- 4h.-3d.. v/s: Paul

QTH: radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk

RADIO MISTLETOE, 6295 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note, in 1 d. v/s: Kris Kingle

QTH: radiomistletoe@live.com

RADIO MUSTANG, 6420 -15020 Khz, E-QSL f/d , personal note in 13 h -1h. v/s: Herman

QTH: mustangradio@live.nl

RADIO OME JAN, 6305 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note in 10 d v/s: Omejan

QTH: radioomejan@hotmail.com

RADIO OSAKA, 6305-6325 Khz, 2 E-QSL f/d, personal letter, photo in 2-24 d. v/s: Cor Blaak

QTH: osakaradio@gmail.com

RADIO PANTOMIEN, 6396 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal letter in 2 d. v/s: Fred

QTH: fredmiddengolf@live.nl

RADIO RAINBOW INTERNATIONAL, 6220-6300 Khz, E-QSL no details, personal note, in 1 d. v/s: The crew

QTH: radiorainbow@hotmail.com

RADIO RISING SUN, 6550 Khz, 3 E-QSL f/d, personal note in 14-4-17 d.

QTH: radiorisingsun@hotmail.com

RADIO ROB, 6300 Khz, E-QSL, personal letter in 4 d. v/s: Rob

QTH: radiorob007@hotmail.com

RADIO SAXONIA, 6255 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note in 11 d. v/s: Augustus Rex

QTH: radiosaxonia@web.de

RADIO SCOTLAND INTERNATIONAL, 15060 Khz, E-mail, f/d in 2 h. info v/s: Albert

QTH: radioscotland@hotmail.com

RADIO SLUWE VOS, 6220 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal letter in 2 d, v/s: Jelmer

QTH: rxreport@live.nl

RADIO SPANNINGZOEKER, 1620 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 7 h.

QTH: spanningz@planet.nl

RADIO STERREKIJKER, 1620 Kzh, E-QSL, personal note in 3 d. v/s: Gerrie

QTH: dutchmusic@hotmail.com

RADIO STUDIO 52, 6419 Khz, E-QSL, info sheet, personal note in 3 d

QTH: studio52@planet.nl

RADIO TARZAN, 6305 Kzh, E-QSL, personal note, photo in 3 d. v/s: Harm

QTH: radiotarzan@hotmail.nl

RADIO TIDALWAVE, 6420 Khz, 3 E-QSL f/d, personal note, photos, in 9 -16 d.

v/s: Evert-Jan

QTH: radiotidalwave@hotmail.com

RADIO TROPIQ, 6300 – 6307,5 LSB-11450 LSB-15055 USB Khz, 2 E-QSL & E-mail, f/d, personal letter in 5-1-3 d. v/s: Zoli

QTH: radiotropiq@gmail.com

RADIO UNDERGROUND, 6385 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note in 3 d v/s: Steve

QTH: radioundergroundsw@gmail.com

RADIO UNIVERSE, 6425 Khz, E-QSL, personal letter in 2 d v/s: Wim

QTH: radiouniverse@hotmail.com

RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL, 6985 -11401 Khz, 5 QSL stencil + 1 E-QSL infos, personal letter in 24-14-17-21 d. v/s: Peter Hills & Philippe.

QTH: radiowaves@free.fr

RADIO WILSKRACHT, 6566 Khz, E-QSL f/d, photos, info, personal letter in 4 d

QTH: wilskracht1@gmail.com

RADIO WITTE REUS, 6325-6305 Khz, 2 E-QSL f/d, Christmas card, info, personal letter in 26 min!- 10 h v/s: Cor & Lady Vampirella

QTH: rxradioreport@gmail.com

RADIO ZWARTE ARABIER, 1620 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 2 d. v/s: Wouter

QTH: mediumwaver@hotmail.com

STRESS RADIO, 6240 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 12 h.

QTH: via Dr Tim


QTH: unclesamradio@hotmail.com

TELSTAR RADIO, 6220 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note in 13 d v/s: Toon

QTH: dutchradio48@hotmail.com

TRANS EUROPE RADIO, 15008-15060 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 11 d, personal note v/s: Hans

QTH: radiotranseurope@gmail.com

UNCLE SAM RADIO, 6422 Khz, E-QSL, no details, personal note in 2 d. v/s: Uncle Sam

QTH: unclesamradio@hotmail.com

UNPREDICTABLE RADIO, 6315 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note, in 70d. v/s: Unpredictable Mike

QTH: unpredictableradio@ukr.net

SW GOLD, 6204 kHz, E-mail, no details, (we are NOT doing QSL) in 38 seconds!!!

v/s Black Steven

QTH: shortwavegold@gmail.com

SW PIRATE RADIO MALTA, 6933-6925 Khz, 2 E QSL in 5 d.- 1d no details and f/d

QTH: shortwavemalta@hotmail.com

WR INTERNATIONAL, 12257 -15770 Khz, 3 QSL f/d, pen, calendar, personal letters in 16-10 -34 d. v/s: Dave Jones

QTH: radio@wrinternational.co.uk


RADIO CITY, 9510 Khz, 4 E-QSL, personal letter in 1 h.-42 min- 1d. v/s: Paul Kuhn

QTH: citymorecars@yahoo.ca

RADIO ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, 7380,9755,9790,11965 Khz, 10 QSl f/d, schedule in 25 d. v/s: Victoria Sepciu

QTH: victoria_sepciu@yahoo.es


TRT VOICE OF TURKEY: 9495-9610- Khz(Monferini’s interview), 11930 Khz, 4 QSL f/d, schedule, tourist info in 2 m(second attempt), sticker, tourism map in 60-29 -22-15d

QTH: italian@trt.net.tr & espanol@trt.net.tr

LOGS dilluns 30 de juliol de 2012

6288,00 1820 R.Luxemburg, E, U2, testing, breaks, Big in Japan 24332
6300,00 1826 Pirates for Peace, E, ballad, Freddy Quinn, pop schlager 23232

dilluns, 30 de juliol del 2012

LOGS diumenge 29 de juliol de 2012

12257,00 0820 WR Int, E, pops, ID, ephemeride, The night Chicago died, email, box 24332
6095.00 0900 KBC,E,D, jingle, ID, Dj Eric, rock, 35443
6045,00 0915 R.Iceman, E,D, reports,ID, website, Veronica tune, 24432
6300,00 1745 R.Mistero Ghost Planet,It,E, Madonna, Torero, changing freq 34333
6305,00 1752 R.Mistero Ghost Planet, It, E, Torero,Supertramp, ID,spelling name, Box Eisenach, Police 34333
6307,00 2014 R.Seagull, E, ID, talks, pops, rock ballad 24232
6210,00 2016 R.Borderhunter, E, rock, talks, Mr Tambourine man, San Francisco, thanking for reports, closing down 24332
6255,00 2040 R.Telstar South,E, talks, rock 24222
6450,00 2045 R.Lowland, E, rock 23222
6565,00 2050 R.Powerliner Int,E, pops 24211
6283,00 2140 R-Borderhunter, E, electro dance, ballad, ID, greets,Susan Vega,Morrisey 24322
6240,00 2145 R.Zeewolf, E, dance, Level 42 24222
6305,00 2153 TRX R, E, rock and roll show, ballad 24322
6266,00 2235 R.Mi Amigo, E, ID; jingle, rock, comments, ballad, pops, greets 24322

diumenge, 29 de juliol del 2012

LOGS dissabte 28 de juliol de 2012

6095,00 1435 KBC,E, Rock and roll Saturday show, Elvis Preley, Eddy Cochram,Gary Lewis, jingles, promos, 35443
6300,00 2055 R.Black Power, E, schlager pops, rock, Casatchok remix 24332
6255,00 2105 R.Telstar South, E, instrumental, talks, hard rock, CCR 24322
1620,00 2127 R.Barones, D, CCR: Have you ever seen the rain, pops 24222
7630,00 2130 Free R Victoria,E, ballad, instrumental, pops, country 24232
6206,00 2204 R.Twentona?, D, polka, ABBA, comments, polka 24322

dissabte, 28 de juliol del 2012

LOGS divendres 27 de juliol de 2012

3895,00 2115 unid, E, Testing R 1-2, rock, Nirvana. REM:Everybody hurts 24322
3930,00 2120 Mustang R+R.Tidalwave,D,E, rock, pops, Boston, CCR, Madonna,Modern Talking, polka segment 24322
6245,00 2240 R.Focus Int,E, hard rock, ID; comments, rock, ballad 24322
6980,00 2245 LHH,E. ballad 24322
6940,00 2147 Irish Music R, E, pop ballad 24322

divendres, 27 de juliol del 2012

LOGS dijous 26 de juliol de 2012

1640,00 2124 R.Barones, D, country ballad, testing 24322
1635,00 2129 R.Barones, D,E, ID, greets to Mike,Wire, ballad, dedication to Silveri, polka 24332
6565,00 2155 R.Powerliner Int, E, pops, talks, ID, rock, 24222
1627,00 2204 unid, Gr, ballad, talks, instrumental, traditional by girl 24322

dijous, 26 de juliol del 2012

LOGS dimecres 25 de juliol de 2012

6282,00 2000 unid, Meu amigo Charlie Brown mix, closing down at 2005 34333
3905,00 2005 Mustang R,D,E, polka, ID,hallo, greets to Silveri, breaks, pops, Power to all my friends 24332
1630,00 2020 R.Barones, D,E,schlager pop, hello ID; greets to Silveri,Mike, rock and roll, Los Pajaritos 24232
6300,00 2028 Pirates for Peace, E, rock,ballads, pops, jingle 24222
6180,00 2038 R 6180, E, testing, ballad, comments, jingle, promo 24232
6565,00 2130 R.Powerliner Int, E, ballad, talks, ID, electric guitars, orchestral song 24232

dimecres, 25 de juliol del 2012

LOGS dimarts 24 de juliol de 2012

6288,00 2010 R.Luxemburg, E, pops, instrumental, jingle closing down at 2015 24322
6260,00 2016 R.Ome Jan, D, instrumental, pop, rock 24222
6290,00 2022 R.Spaceshuttle Int, E, ballads 24222
6300,00 2035 R.Pirates for Peace, E, pops, ballad, talks, funky disco, rock 24232
6285,00 2120 R.Witte Reus, D, dance, comments, talks, rock 24322
1628,00 2234 unid, Gr, local ballad by man 24232

dimarts, 24 de juliol del 2012

LOGS dilluns 23 de juliol de 2012

6325,00 2205 Blue Pill R-BBR,E, pops, BZN: Take me to Eivissa, greets, special dedication to Dr. Tim, ID, break at 2222 24332
6565,00 2210 R.Poweliner Int, E, pop rock, ballad, pschodelia,Whiskey in the jar 24322
4015,00 2215 LHH,E, talks comedy, rock ballad 24322
6280,00 2225 R.Merlin Int, E, ballad, pops, ID, jingles and Ground control to major Tom,ID, dj Nellie 24222
1700,00 2243 unid, Gr, local ballad, talks 24222

dilluns, 23 de juliol del 2012

LOGS diumenge 22 de juliol de 2012

6095,00 0900 KBC,E, symphonic rock, Smoke on the water, jingle, ID, promos 34433
6140,00 0905 R.Gloria Int,G,E, rock, ballad, ID, web, email, 24332
6045,00 0915 XVRB,E, rock and roll oldies, ID, Dj Mike, rock, reports 24332
6450,00 2005 R.Lowland, E, ballad, ID; email, In the year 2525, Nena, ABBA,CCR, 24332
6250,00 2018 unid, electro dance girl, closing down at 2022 without ID 24332
6255,00 2023 R.Telstar South, E, rock ballad, talks, 24322
6208,00 2035 R.Bogusman, E, talks, rock 24322
6305,00 2053 R.Zodiac, E, rock, ballad 24322
6425,00 2223 unid, ballad, 24322
1620,00 2230 R.Barones, D, instrumental, Yellow submarine, greets to Finland, schlager 24322

diumenge, 22 de juliol del 2012

LOGS dissabte 21 de juliol de 2012

6095,00 1350 KBC,E, ballad, ID, jingle, Rock and roll Saturday Show, email, promo, Sam Coke 35443
6170,00 2010 R.Viking, E,D, Dj Tante Foek, rock, Scorpions, greets Mike and Gino 24332
3910,00 2115 R.Likedeeler, E, ballad 24232
6565,00 2120 R.Powerliner Int, E, schlager, pop rock, rock, ID 24322
6070,00 2135 R.6150,E, rock, ballad, comments, old stuff 24322
6240,00 2210 R.Frieloo, E, country ballads 24222
6305,00 2215 TRX R,E, D, blues, ballad, ID, jingle, talks, 24322
6284,00 2230 Viagra R-BBR, E, rock, ID, couontry, jingle, closing down at 2245 24332

dissabte, 21 de juliol del 2012

LOGS divendres 20 de juliol de 2012

6307,00 2015 R.Bogusman,E, long speach, rock 24332
6292,00 2018 unid, Peter Frampton, Bronski Beat, techno dance no ID closing down at 2044 34333
3905,00 2023 Henk Skyline Int.R,D, ballad, hallo, rock 24322
6420,00 2045 Mustang R, E,D, dance, greets to Silveri, Smoke on the water, Amanda, ballad, polka, Toto 24332
6565,00 2135 The VOice of Dark Woods,E,D, ballads, pop dance, ID,hotline,Dire Straits 24322
1690,00 2258 unid, Gr, local ballad, talks 24322

divendres, 20 de juliol del 2012


18/07/2012152089,00unidMichael Jackson24322
18/07/2012152689,50IR. Dee Jay,Montefiascone(VT)rock, ID, publicitàItalià23322
18/07/2012152889,30HRVHRT HR2,Ulijenjeinterview, classical musicCroat23322
18/07/2012153389,50HRVHRT R.Dubrovnik,Grudafolk musicCroat22322
18/07/2012153488,30HRVHRT HR1,Vinkovci-Borinciliterature playCroat23322
18/07/2012155389,30IRAI 1,Mte Subasio(PG)tourism programItalià23322
18/07/2012155589,70HRVHRT HR1, Biokovotalks RDS: HRT-HR1Croat23322
18/07/2012155989,00IR.Cuore,S.Marco Argenta(CS)ID, notizieItalià23332
18/07/2012160188,90GRC889 Play, Athenspops, ID, publGrec23332
18/07/2012160289,00IR.Subasio,Mte.Malbe(PG)ballad, ID, publ RDS:SUBASIOItalià32322
18/07/2012160988,50IRGM, Castiglioe(PG)ballad, ID, jingleItalià23332
18/07/2012161187,70HRVHRT HR1, Korculaclassical musicCroat23322
18/07/2012161688,30IRAI 1, Sirolo(AN)interview supertizioneItalià33333
18/07/2012161987,50GRCunidlocal popGrec23322
18/07/2012162087,50IunidLou RedItalià22322
18/07/2012162187,50IR.Subasio,Mte Cucco(PG)Giovanotti, ID,publicitàItalià22322
18/07/2012163089,50IR.Cuore, Sirolo/Mte Conero(AN)ID, jingle, popsItalià23322
18/07/2012163189,50Iunidpubl Poste italianeItalià22322
18/07/2012163591,70Iunidpubl Spiderman nel cinemaItalià23222
18/07/20121637100,40unidEnglish rock23332
18/07/20121638100,30unidclassical piano music23332
18/07/20121641100,60Iunidpubl,control.it, Sky sportItalià23322
18/07/2012164489,90IR.Subasio,Mte.Luco(SI)la solitudine, ID, balladItalià23322
18/07/2012165088,70Iunidinfo calccioItalià23322
18/07/2012165390,20GRCPiraiki Ekklesia, Lasithipreacher,instrumentalGrec23322
18/07/2012165790,10GRCAristera Sta FM,YmittostalksGrec23332
18/07/2012170388,90Iunidtalks showItalià23332
18/07/2012173589,50IRTL 102,5, Mte.Cammata(AG)ID, notizie olimpiche,Italià23332
18/07/2012173987,70IRAI 1,Grottammare(AP)notizie ministero finanze, GRItalià23422
18/07/2012174391,80IunidPurple RainItalià23322
18/07/2012174591,80IRTL 102,5,Comacchio(FE)diete, jingle ID, rockItalià23322
18/07/2012175991,70MLTMagic Malta's 91.7, Ghargurrock, ID, jingle, publMaltès23332
18/07/2012180589,70MLT89.7 Bay, Gharghurpubl, jingle, pop danceAnglès23322
18/07/2012181092,70MLTSuper One R, Gharghurballad,dance, talksMaltès23322
18/07/2012181888,70MLT88.7 Vibe FM, Gharghurdelectro danceMaltès22322
18/07/2012182289,50unidpolitical speach, jingle, musicÀrab23322
18/07/2012182489,00unidballad girl English23322

LOGS dijous 19 de juliol de 2012

6325,00 2102 unid, Van Hallen, schlager pops, closing down at 2111 34333
6325,00 2115 R.Powerliner Int, D, polka, greets 24322
3905,00 2105 R.Alice, E, ballads 24322
6210LSB 2154 R.Spaceshuttle Int, E, rock and roll 24322
6306,00 2225 R.Powerliner Int, E, La dolce vita, ID, ballad 24322
6070,00 2230 R.6150, E,pops, talks, old tapes from RNI, ballad 24322

dijous, 19 de juliol del 2012

LOGS FM ESPORÀDICA 15-07-2012 & 17-07-2012

LOGS FM ESPORÀDICA 15 I 17-07-2012

15/07/2012162087,50IStudio 90 SMI,Valverde(CT)publ , ID, bluesItalià34322
15/07/2012162388,20IR.105,Siracusa(SR)Bella da morire, Sabatto italiano,ID,ingleItalià33433
15/07/2012162788,60IunidGianna NanniniItalià33433
15/07/2012162889,90IRAI 1,Mte Soro(ME)pub. Jingle ID, Onda verdeItalià24332
15/07/2012163197,90Iunidinterview artigianato nel gelatoItalià34333
15/07/2012163499,40IRDS,Catania(CT)Rod Stewart, ID RDS: *R D S*Italià34443
15/07/2012164099,00Iuniddance girlItalià23332
15/07/20121641100,00IR.Maria,Catania(CT)fondazione cattoliche RDS: R.MARIAItalià24332
15/07/20121643100,50IR.Sportiva,Mte.Pellegrino(PA)interview calccio serie A RDS: SPORTIVAItalià34433
15/07/20121645100,50HRVunidID, folk songCroat23322
15/07/2012165599,50unidclassical music23322
15/07/2012165699,90IRAI 3,Mte Cammarata(AG)festivale estate, Onda verde, ID GR3Italià33433
15/07/20121658100,00GRCunidballad by manGrec24322
15/07/20121700100,40IR.Capital,Mte Lauro(SR)ID, Capital newsItalià24332
15/07/2012170289,00Iunidriforma del senatoItalià24322
15/07/2012170388,80IVirgin R, Mte Etna(CT)rock, jingle ID, rock foreverItalià23432
15/07/2012170488,70GRCunidFor non blondesGrec23322
15/07/2012170890,10IRDS,Mte Cammarata(AG)reggae, ID, Frequenza mixataItalià33433
15/07/2012171188,70IRDS,Mte Erice(TP)reggae, ID, Frequenza mixata //90,1Italià23322
15/07/2012171991,10IRAI 1,Mte Cammarata(AG)edizione della sera GR1, ID, jingleItalià23432
17/07/2012091588,30IRAI 1,Sta.Maria de Leuca(LE)phone in show, interviewItalià34433
17/07/2012091890,60GRCERA 2, FlorinaID deftero programa, newsGrec24432
17/07/2012092389,00GRC89 Rainbow, Thessalonikirock, jingle ID, rock foreverGrec33433
17/07/2012092890,20IR.Puglia,Bari(BA)All night long RDS: R.PUGLIA
17/07/2012093191,80IR.Flor Levante,Terlizzi(BA)publ UDItalià23322
17/07/2012093291,70IR.Sound, Bari(BA)Crowded HouseItalià24332
17/07/2012093791,80IR.101,Gravina in Puglia(BA)publ, IDItalià23232
17/07/2012094589,10IRAI 1, Martina Franca(TA)interviewItalià23322
17/07/2012095488,60GRCERA Net 105.8phone interviewGrec23322
17/07/2012095688,90IR. Bari,Adelfia(BA)publicità,IDItalià23322
17/07/2012100388,90HRVHRT HR1, Srdjnews, IDCroat23322
17/07/2012100987,50IR.Peter Pan,Lecce(LE)instrumentalItalià23322
17/07/2012101789,30HRVHRT HR2,UlijenjeinterviewCroat23322



14/07/2012141588,20TUNRTT R Kef,Djebel Chambilocal ballad, talksÀrab23322
14/07/2012142189,50TUNRTT R.Tataouine, Techoutlocal popÀrab24322
14/07/20121524100,00unidlocal popÀrab24322
14/07/2012152688,30unidpop dance English23322
14/07/2012152889,50ROUR.Romania Cultural,Novaci-CerbuinterviewRomanès24322
14/07/2012153189,50GRCEkklisia Tis Ellados, YmittospreacherGrec23322
14/07/2012153288,90GRCunidlocal ballad CalicardiaGrec24332
14/07/2012153588,20GRCRelax 88.2, Patrasjingle ID, danceGrec24332
14/07/2012153789,10GRCunidlocal ballad cardiariGrec24322
14/07/2012153990,10GRCAristera Sta FM,Ymittosfolk song, blues,Grec24332
14/07/2012154292,00GRCunidpop dance EnglishGrec24332
14/07/2012154491,60GRCERA Net 105.8, ParnithainterviewGrec24332
14/07/2012155190,20TURunidpop dance, ReklamTurc23322
14/07/2012155589,50MNER.Cerne Gore,Rozajenews, instrumental, ReklamSerbi23322
14/07/2012155889,50Energie?pop dance, jingle23322
14/07/2012160892,00IR.Mediterraneo 2,Modica(RG)ID, ballad, jingle, popsItalià24332
14/07/2012160992,10IR.Ricordi?ID, pop danceItalià24322
14/07/2012161290,10SRBR.Beograd 2, Ovcarfolk songSerbi23322
14/07/2012161390,10unidfunky show34433
14/07/2012161588,30HRVHRT HR 1,Vinkovci-Borinciliterarute program RDS: HRT HR1Croat34433
14/07/20121619107,20GRCERA 2, tx?hiphop, pops RDS: RA 223432
14/07/20121623107,40MNER.Rozaje, Rozajenew age music, ID, gourmet musicSerbi24332
14/07/2012162787,50TURunidlocal ballad manTurc24322
14/07/2012162988,50unidlocal hiphopSerbi32322
14/07/2012163088,90GRC889 Play, Athenshiphop, jingle, ID,Grec23322
14/07/2012163290,10unidThat's the way, I will surviveGrec24322
14/07/2012163590,20GRCAristera Sta FM, Florinarock, interviewGrec24332
14/07/2012164187,50GRCunidcardias song by girlGrec24322
14/07/2012171089,50GRCEkklisia Tis Ellados, Ymittosreligous hymnsGrec24332
14/07/2012171291,70TURunidlocal dance by manTurc24332
14/07/20121714100,10TURunidlocal ballad girl, Mevlevi musicTurc24322
14/07/2012172088,30unidrussian pop23422
14/07/2012172289,00GRCEkklisia Tis Ellados, tx?hymns // 89,5Grec24322
14/07/20121725100,40uniddance girl22322


13/07/2012102087,70IR.Venere, Lecce(LE)publ. ID RDS:R-VENERE/MUSICAItalià34433
13/07/2012102287,60GRCunidlocal balladGrec32322
13/07/2012102888,60GRCERA Net 105.8, FlorinainterviewGrec33433
13/07/2012102988,90GRCERA Net 105.8, Akarnanikainterview // 88.6Grec23332
13/07/2012102989,10IRAI 1,Martina Franca(TA)incidenti, jingle, publ meteoradioItalià33333
13/07/2012103289,80unidclassical music33433
13/07/20121035100,00IR.Salento,Lecce(LE)publicità, IDItalià33322
13/07/20121037100,50IR.Dee Jay,Gallipoli(LE)publ Peugeot, IDItalià24322
13/07/2012104188,20IR.105,Siracusa(SR) or Mte Faito(NA)talk show, IDItalià34333
13/07/2012104188,30IR.105, tx?talk show, IDItalià34433
13/07/2012104288,30IR.24, Mte Fellone(TA)interview Linea amica RDS: RADIO24Italià34433
13/07/2012104588,70Iunidballad duetItalià23332
13/07/2012104788,70IR.Norba,Monopoli(BA)publ jingle,ballad RDS: NORBAItalià34333
13/07/2012104988,70Iunidinterview musicaleItalià33322
13/07/2012105288,90IR.Maria,Monopoli(BA)Dio è amoreItalià33333
13/07/2012105388,90IR.Bari,Adelfia(BA)pops, ID, jingleItalià32332
13/07/2012105489,90IR.Maria, Giovinazzo(BA)Dio è amoreItalià24332
13/07/2012105590,20IR.Puglia,Bari(BA)ballad,publicità jingleItalià33333
13/07/2012105790,20Iunidtalk showItalià32322
13/07/2012110190,00Iunidpublicità, pops EnglishItalià33322
13/07/2012110391,70ALBR.Vesa,Tiranatalk show, hotline,Albanès33322
13/07/2012110591,80IR.Flor Levante,Terlizzi(BA)publicità, jingle IDItalià33433
13/07/2012111189,50ALBR.Korga, KorceinterviewAlbanès23322
13/07/2012111589,00unidrock,ballad English24332
13/07/2012111788,50unidclassical music23332
13/07/2012112588,90IR. Dee Jay,Mte Celano(FG)publ.ID,Italià34433
13/07/2012112688,90HRVHRT HR 1,Srdjrock, interviewCroat34333
13/07/20121522107,00HRVSoudset Ragusa, SrdjpublCroat32322
13/07/2012153090,10SRBR.Beograd 2, Ovcartalks, ID,Serbi33422
13/07/2012153191,70unid,pop dance, Lisa Standfield,jingle33433
13/07/2012153499,40POLPR Trojka, Krakowpubl, reklame, jingle ID, BeatlesPolonès34433
13/07/2012153992,10unidModern Talking, pops24322
13/07/2012154091,80GRCOrthodoxia FM,Korinthos?religious talksGrec24332
13/07/2012154491,60uniddance ballad English24332
13/07/2012155091,70CZER.Zlin, Zlinsport news, jingle, ID, rockTxec33433
13/07/2012155287,70IR.Radicale,Monopoli(BA)Parliament talks, riforma legge protezione civileItalià33433
13/07/2012161587,60unidpops, ID, jingle24332
13/07/2012161789,00GRC89 Rainbow, Thessalonikipops, festival newsGrec23322
13/07/20121619100,30GRCRepublic 100.3, Thessalonikitalks, ID,Grec23322
13/07/20121620100,30CZEImpuls R, Jihlavaballad, jingle ID, AcquaTxec23322
13/07/20121627100,50TURTRT 4 Radyo Dort,Izmirballad girl, talksTurc33422
13/07/20121628100,50uniddance girl English32422
13/07/2012163588,20uniddance girl English23322
13/07/2012165389,00TURunidballad by manTurc23322
13/07/2012165489,00GRCEkklisia Tis Ellados, tx?religious choralGrec23322
13/07/2012165689,50GRCEkklisia Tis Ellados, Ymittosreligious choral //89Grec23322
13/07/2012165889,50GRCSpor FM Magnisias,Volos/Mt.Pilionsports news, jingle, IDGrec24332
13/07/2012170291,80GRCERA Net 105.8,KerkiranewsGrec24332
13/07/2012170491,70HRVR.Quirinus, SisakMadonna, pops RDS:QUIRINUSCroat24332
13/07/2012170592,10ROMEuropa FM, Petrosanidance, jingle ID, hiphopRomanès24322
13/07/20121716100,10TURTRT 1 Radyo Bir,Golmarmara?folk songTurc24322
13/07/20121717100,00unidpop ballad girl English23222
13/07/2012172189,40CATAstrovision R, Collserola(B)ID, publ hotlineCastellà24332
13/07/2012172389,50IRTL 102.5,Mte Cammarata(AG)publ ID RDS: RTL 102.5Italià34433
13/07/2012172590,10IRDS, Mte Cammarata(AG)pops RDS: *R D S*Italià34433
13/07/2012172692,00Iunidpubl Citroën.itItalià23332
13/07/2012173089,10CATR.Marca,Collserola(B)interview IDCastellà24332
13/07/20121742100,50IR.Margherita,Rosolini(SR)ID, linea diretta ascoltatoriItalià34322
13/07/20121747105,70unidQran chantsÀrab24332
13/07/2012175187,80unidlocal ballad by manÀrab23332
13/07/2012175987,50TURunidpops, reklamTurc24322
13/07/2012180688,80TURunidlocal ballad by manTurc23332
13/07/2012181589,50TURunidlocal ballad by girlTurc24322

LOGS dimecres 18 de juliol de 2012

6300,00 2035 Cupid R, E, rock, jingle, ID, Pink Floid, closing down at 2054 24322
6565,00 2105 R.Poweliner Int, E, ballad, Demis Rousus, ID, more ballad 24222
6300,00 2205 unid, E, dance, ID, greets amateurs, Amapola, closing down at 2221 (interference from Galizian fishermen) 23332
1635,00 2223 unid, Gr, ballad by man 24222
6240,00 2225 R.Veronika, E, ballad, Black is black, ID, reports, pop dance closing down at 2236 24322

dimecres, 18 de juliol del 2012


LOGS dimarts 17 de juliol de 2012

6420,00 2010 Mustang R+R.Tidalwave, E,D, french song, ID, thanking for reports, hello to Silveri, Smoke on the water, dedication to Silveri: Dust in the wind, thanks! 34333
6285,00 2040 R.Ronin, E, rock, ballad, Nirvana, ID 24322
6325,00 2050 R.Merlin Int, E, old pop big band girl 24322
3905,00 2105 R.Alice, E, pops, rock, ballad 24322
1620,00 2110 R.Barones, D, E, ballads, breaks, talks, duet 24322
6300,00 2148 R. Golfbreker, D, talks, rock, FR David, pops mix 24322
3930,00 2155 R.Batavia, E, ballad, Belinda Carlisle 24222
6305,00 2208 R.Powerliner Int, E, ballad, rock, ID,thanking for reports 24222
6280,00 2225 R.Tarzan, E, ballad, welcome and greets, ballad 24322

dimarts, 17 de juliol del 2012

LOGS dilluns 16 de juliol de 2012

6325,00 2205 R.Ome Jan, E, ballad, ID, email, techno music, ballad 24322
6320,00 2215 Black Bandit R, E,F, schlager ballad, ID, greets to Alexander,Mike, country 24322
6307,00 2225 R.Powerliner Int, E, pops, rock, ballad, ID, email, 24322
1630,00 2240 unid, ballad, instrumental 24222

dilluns, 16 de juliol del 2012

LOGS diumenge 15 de juliol de 2012

6005,00 0810 EMR, E, ID, promos, Everlasting love, pops, mailbag segment 24332
6095,00 0900 KBC,E,D, ID, rock, The Archies, Dj Eric 35433
7265,00 0920 MV Baltic R, G, rock, Rolling Stones special, 24322
6305,00 1825 Magic AM, E, ID, email, pops, Sweet Home Alabama, 24332
6317,00 1827 Black Bandit R, E, country music show, 24322
1620,00 2235 R.Barones, D, ballad, talks, dedication, SMS reports,House of the rising sun 24322

diumenge, 15 de juliol del 2012

LOGS dissabte 14 de juliol de 2012

6095,00 1350 KBC,E, ID, Teddy Boy, Rock and roll Saturday show, jingle, ID, The Shirelles 35443
6326,00 2055 Summer Meeting R, E, pops, ID, Dj Artem, pops, greets, Dire Straits 24322
6255,00 2105 R.Telstar South, E, ballad, talks, Born Free 24322
6290,00 2220 F.Flying Dutchman, E, ballad, reggae, problems on tx? sign off at 2226 24332
6317,00 2227 Black Bandit R, E,D,Sp, Winner takes it all, pops from Finland, country, ID, greets chat members, polka 24332
1640,00 2255 R.Barones, D, ballad, talks, ballad 24322
1690,00 2259 unid, Gr, local ballad cardias 24311

dissabte, 14 de juliol del 2012

LOGS divendres 13 de juliol de 2012

6290,00 2115 R.Ronin, E, ID, talks, ballad, blues 34333
6280,00 2130 Black Bandit R, country ballads 243222
6325,00 2135 R.Rainbow Int, E, rock 24322
6955LSB 2150 Baltic Sea R, E, rock, talks, pops, 24322
6207,00 2200 R.Sluwe Vos, E, Vamos a la playa, rock, talks, dance 24322
6317,00 2203 Black Bandit R, E,D, country music show, ID, closing down at 2222 34433
6255,00 2215 R.Telstar South, E, ballad, jingle ID, classic rock and roll, ballad 24322
6940,00 2228 Irish Music R, E, ballads 24322
6930,00 2235 Trans Europe R, E, rock, 24311
6310,00 2238 unid, instrumental, talks 24311