dimarts, 13 de gener del 2009

QSL received #18 from 01/10/08 to 10/01/09

ORF-RADIO OSTERREICH 1, 6155 Khz, 2 QSL f/d, letter, schedule in 11-18 d.
QTH: via website at http://oe1.orf.at/service/international_es

RADIO NEDERLAND WERELDOMROEP, 6165 Khz, QSL f/d, sticker in 34 d.
QTH: cartas@rnw.nl

RADIO BULGARIA, 5900,7200,11800 Khz QSL f/d in 19 d.
QTH: spanish@bnr.bg

RADIO PRAHA via Sackville, 6000 Khz, QSL f/d in 5d schedule, calendars, magnet QTH: the web site form at http://www.radio.cz/es/report

RADIO INTERNACIONAL DE CHINA, 6020-7210-7250-9640 Khz, 6 QSL f/d , paper-cuttings, postcards in 27-16-21 d QTH: spa@cri.com.cn

RADIO HABANA CUBA, 6000 Khz, QSL f/d, Granma newspaper in 23 d.
QTH: radiohc@enet.cu

RADIO PRAHA, 13580-5930 Khz,, 2 QSL f/d, magnetic bookmark, postcard, schedule in 7-22 d. QTH: the web site form at http://www.radio.cz/es/report

FREE RADIO SERVICE HOLLAND via WMR, 5815 Khz, QSL f/d in 325 d. Sent 2 $
QTH: Box 2702 NL-6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands

RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL via Issoudun, 3965 Khz, 4 QSL f/d, schedule 93-49-28-21d. QTH: via the website at http://french.rti.org.tw/customerservice/ReceptionForm.aspx

EMR via Wertachtal, 6140 Khz, 3 QSL f/d, info in 10-29-16 d QTH: studio@emr.org.uk

RADIO 700 Das Europaradio, 6005 Khz via Kall-Krekel, QSL f/d, sticker, schedule, letter in 34 d. v/s Bernd Frinken QTH: info@funkhaus-euskirchen.de

EMR via Ulbroka, 9290 Khz, 2QSL f/d in 10-29d. QTH: studio@emr.org.uk

RADIO CITY, 9290 Khz, 3 E-QSL f/d, letter in 14 h- 22min-20min! v/s Paul Kuhn
QTH: citymorecars@yahoo.ca

RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL, 9290 Khz, 6 QSL f/d, promos, CD, personal letter, postcards, in 12-16-9-13 d v/s: Peter & Philippe QTH: rwi@free.fr

KBC, 9770 Khz, QSL f/d in 13 d. v/s: Eric de W. QTH: kbc@planet.nl

THE VOICE OF RUSSIA, 1548 Khz, QSL 80th anniversary f/d in 8d d.
QTH: post_it@ruvr.ru

ATLANTIC 2000 INTERNATIONAL via Mystery R, 6220 Khz, QSL-card f/d, info, personal letter in 25d. v/s: Mike QTH: atlantic2000international@gmail.com

BAGGERTEAM. 3935 Khz, E-QSL in 30 minutes! v/s: Stefan
QTH: etherpiraat1987@gmail.com

FREE RADIO SERVICE HOLLAND, 6220 Khz, QSL f/d, info, personal letter in 354 d sent 2 $ v/s: Peter V QTH: Box 2702 NL-6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands

FREE RADIO SERVICE HOLLAND, 6220 Khz. E-QSL f/d, personal letter in 2 d.! v/s: Peter V. QTH: frs.holland@hccnet.nl

OLD TIME RADIO, 6241 Khz, E-QSL f/d, info, personal letter in 53 d v/s: Eemil R.
QTH: oldtime48@gmail.com

RADIO BORDERHUNTER, 6210 Khz, 2 QSL f/d in 20d. v/s: Frans QTH: Box 2702 NL-6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands - borderhunterradio@hotmail.com

RADIO CALYPSO, 1656 Khz, E-mail confirmation, in 3d v/s: Jan W.
QTH: calypso104@hotmail.com

RADIO FACE DE BLATTE, 6385-6400 Khz, 3 E-QSL f/d, personal note, in 16-14-1 d. v/s: Crazy Blatty QTH: radio.rfb@gmail.com

RADIO FREE LONDON, 6400 Khz, E-mail f/d in 24 d v/s: Roger Dale
QTH: rfl6400@hotmail.com

RADIO MISTLETOE, 3910-6210 Khz, 2 E-QSL f/d in 1 d v/s: Kris Kringle
QTH: radiomistletoe@live.com

RADIO QUINTUS, 6325 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 4 d. v/s: Wilco QTH: radioquintus@hotmail.com

RADIO RELMUS, 1666 Khz, E-mail confirmation, photos in 7 d. v/s: Richard
QTH: relmusfm@hotmail.com

RADIO SCOTLAND INTERNATIONAL, 6282 Khz, E-Mail confirmation, E-Christmas card, in 30 h. v/s: Albert QTH: radioscotland@hotmail.com

UNDERCOVER RADIO, 6925USB Khz, QSL f/d, CD in 76 d, v/s: Dr.Benway QTH: Box 293 Merlin, Ontario, Canada N0P 1W0 undercoverradio@gmail.com

ZENDER NAPOLEON, 1650 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 6 d. QTH: radionapoleon@hotmail.com

RDP INTERNATIONAL RADIO PORTUGAL, 11995-12020-15160 Khz, QSL-card f/d , personal letter 20 d. v/s: Christiane QTH: christiane.haupt@rtp.pt

RADIO ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, 6070-7140-9755 Khz, 8 QSL f/d, schedule, postcard, tourist info in 242-209-182-61-41-144 d.
QTH: the website form at http://www.rri.ro/art.shtml?lang=1&sec=334&art=3722

VOZ DE RUSIA, 5920-7340 Khz, QSL f/d, Christmas card, calendar, schedule in 55-35 d. v/s: F.Rodriguez QTH: post_es@ruvr.ru

TRT VOICE OF TURKEY, 9610-11925-7160 Khz, 4 QSL card f/d, schedule, sticker, book mark, tourism info in 37-46-21 d. QTH: italian@trt.net.tr & espanol@trt.net.tr

U S A:
RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL via Okeechobee, 5950 Khz, , 4 QSL f/d, schedule, report form, magazine, in 30- 83-25-30 d.
QTH: via the website at http://french.rti.org.tw/customerservice/ReceptionForm.aspx