dissabte, 30 d’abril del 2011

LOGS divendres 29 d'abril de 2011

6305,00 1605 R.Merlin Int, E, pops, jingle, ID, 24222

6425,00 1700 R.Black Power, E, disco dance in session 34222

3905,00 1814 Henk Skyline Int.R, E,D, talks, rock, Tina Turner, Golden Oldies show 24232

4026,00 2045 LHH, E, pops, talks, ID 24322

1629,00 2245 R.Calipso, D, electronic music, talks, 24232

1640,00 2250 unid, Gr, local ballad 24222

1668,00 2252 R.Barones, D, E, pops, ID, ballad, country, blues, reports 24332

1620,00 2255 unid, Gr, local ballad 24232

1680,00 2259 unid, Gr, talks 24332

1700,00 2306 unid, Gr, talks, local folk girl, ballad 24322

1710,00 2310 unid, Gr, talks 24222

divendres, 29 d’abril del 2011


first 3D QSL!!!!

LOGS dijous 28 d'abril de 2011

4026,00 2140 LHH, E, talks, instrumental, big band, funky, ID, email 34232
3905,00 2150 R.Baken 16,E, ballad, instrumental 24322

dijous, 28 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dimecres 27 d'abril de 2011

6390,00 1715 Black Bandit R, E,D, pops, ballad, Yellow lemon tree, ID, country 34333
6390,00 1732 Marconi R, D, instrumental, ID, report for BBR, pops 34333
4026,00 2130 LHH, E, disco show, I Love music 34232
3905,00 2200 Polaris R, E, rock, ballad, Led Zeppelin, jingle ID, blues 24222

dimecres, 27 d’abril del 2011

QSL received #21 from 10/04/2010 to 26/04/2011

KBS via Sackville, 6045 kHz, QSL f/d, sticker, report form in 11 d.
QTH: spanish@kbs.co.kr

RADIO PRAHA, 5930-11600-11720 Khz,, 9 QSL(last day on SW!) f/d, schedule, macht box, magnetic needle, calendar, tourist map & info, in 10-24-15-22-5-18 d
QTH: the web site form at http://www.radio.cz/es/report

RADIO SPACESHUTTLE INTERNATIONAL via WMR, 5815 Khz, E-QSL, letter, f/d in 28m.14 d!!! v/s: Dick
QTH: spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com

RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL via Issoudun, 3965 Khz 9 QSL f/d, postcard, pencils, agenda, calendar, schedule, 8 fruit stickers in 56-22-55-19-24-57-50-17d.
QTH: via the website at http://spanish.rti.org.tw/customerservice/ReceptionForm.aspx

ATLANTIC 2000 INTERNATIONAL, 6005 Khz, QSL f/d, info, personal note in 22 d.
v/s: Tiphanie,
QTH: atlantic2000international@gmail.com

EUROPEAN MUSIC RADIO, 6140 Khz, 3 QSL f/d ,info in 30 -8-32 d. v/s: Tom
QTH: studio@emr.org.uk or EMR c/o MV Baltic Radio, R&R Medienservice, Seestrasse 17, D-19089 GOHREN, Germany

ATLANTIC 2000 INTERNATIONAL, E-QSL f/d, in 1 d. v/s: Tiphanie
QTH: atlantic2000international@gmail.com

R.M.R.C.- special R. SAINT HELENA’S DAY , 6130 kHz, E-QSL, E-mail f/d in 1 d..
f/d v/s: Lutz Winkler
QTH:via web: http://rmrc.de/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=1&Itemid=66

R.M.R.C./ J.S.W.C. - special R. SAINT HELENA’S DAY, 11640 kHz, E-QSL f/d , personal note in 1 d. v/s: Kazuhiko Iwasa
QTH: jswclqsl@live.jp

RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL, 6055 Khz, 5 QSL stencyl f/d, personal note, post card, CD, infos in 9 d. v/s: Peter Hills & Philippe
QTH: rwaves@free.fr

ATLANTIC 2000 INTERNATIONAL, 7610 Khz, 3 QSL f/d, info, personal letter in 7-9 d. v/s: Tiphanie
QTH: atlantic2000international@gmail.com

ATLANTIC RADIO, 6960 Khz, QSl card f/d , post card, in 46 d. v/s: Stephen Prendergast
QTH: atlanticradio1251@gmail.com

B52 RADIO, 1690 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note, photo in 1 d. v/s: Nikos
QTH: b52radio@hotmail.gr

BALTIC SEA RADIO, 7000LSB kHz, E-QSL f/ in 3 d. v/: Dj Sailor
QTH: balticseapirate@gmail.com

CACTUS JACK RADIO, 6912 Khz, 2 E-QSL f/d in 67 min- 23h.
QTH: cactusjackradio@hotmail.com

CENTRAL RADIO INTERNATIONAL, 3901, 6305 Khz, 2 E-QSL in 14 d., personal letter f/d in 9 h. -1 d. v/s: Joe Ken
QTH: merseyradio@yahoo.com

FREE RADIO VICTORIA, 3895 Khz, 2 E-QSL f/d, photo, personal letter in 4 d. v/s: Frank
QTH: freeradiovictoria@hotmail.com

MAGIC AM, 6326 Khz, 2 sexy QSL f/d, personal letter in 90d
QTH: P.O.Box 56719 NL-1040 AS Ámsterdam or magic.am@online.nl

MIKE RADIO, 6940 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 19 d. v/s: Mike
QTH: mikeradio@live.nl

MUSTANG RADIO, 6325 -1646 Khz,, 2 E-QSL f/d, E-Christmas card, personal note in 30-1 d
v/s: Herman
QTH: mustangradio@live.nl

OVERIJSSEL RADIO. 4065 Khz, E-QSL, personal note
QTH: verzoek@overijsselradio.nl

RADIO ALICE, 6420 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 56 min.! v/s: Herman
QTH: radioalice@hotmail.com

RADIO BLACK ARROW, 6304,8-6930-15090 Khz, 3 E-QSL f/d in 9 d.- 7 h.-2 d. v/s: Alex
QTH: radioblackarrow@hotmail.com

RADIO BLACK BANDIT, various frequencies, E-QSL in 4 d.
RADIO GREEN SNAKE, 6375 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 9 d.
QTH: via Dr. Tim.

RADIO BLUESTAR, 3898-3905 Khz, 2 E-QSL , Christmas card, personal letter in 23m.23d.& 20m. 2d.!!! v/s: Henri
QTH: bluestarradio@live.nl

RADIO BORDERHUNTER, 6210 Khz, E-QSL in 1 d. v/s: Frans
QTH: borderhunterradio@hotmail.com

RADIO CAROLINE INT. + RADIO RAINBOW INT., 6319-6290-6325 Khz, 5 E-QSL, personal letter in 135 min.- 1 d.-26 h.-23 min.- 1 d. v/s: Paul
QTH: carolineradio@hotmail.com

RADIO DUTCHWING, 6324-6386 Khz, 2 E-QSL, personal note in 25-8 d v/s: G.Tabak
QTH: radioduchtwing@live.nl

RADIO JAN VAN GENT, E-QSL diploma in 22d.
QTH: radiojanvangent@gmail.com

RADIO KRISTAL, 1671 kHz, E-QSL, 2 photos, personal note in 8d.
QTH: janwevers61@live.nl

RADIO MERLIN INTERNATIONAL, 6300-6305-6325 kHz, 7 E-QSL, photos, personal letter in 3 d.-12 h.-40 min- 6d.. v/s: Paul
QTH: radiomerlin@blueyonder.co.uk

RADIO MISTLETOE, 3905-4100 kHz, 2 E-QSL f/d, personal note, in 5 d. v/s: Kris Kringle
QTH: radiomistletoe@live.com

RADIO NORTH, 6220 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note in 39 min. v/s: Andrew
QTH: radionorth@hotmail.com

RADIO PINK PANTHER, 6325 Khz, E-QSL f/d. personal note in 2 d. v/s: Klaas
QTH: pinkpantheram@hotmail.com

RADIO POLARIS, 3905,5-6385 Khz, 2 E-QSL f/d, personal note in 14-8 d, v/s: Dj Iggy
QTH: polarisradio@hotmail.com

RADIO POWERLINER, 5820 Khz, E-QSL f/d, info, in 5 d. v/s: Mark X
QTH: radiorpi@hotmail.com

RADIO SAXONIA, 3905 Khz, QSL f/d, postcard in 8 d, v/s Augustus Rex
QTH: radiosaxonia@web.de

RADIO SCIROCCO, 6425 Khz, E- QSL in 17h., personal note, v/s: Jarno
QTH: scirocco104@hotmail.com

RADIO SPACESHUTTLE INTERNATIONAL, 6310 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal letter in 149 min. v/s: Dick
QTH: spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com

RADIO TROPIQ, 6390 kHz, E-QSL f/d in 13d, v/s: Zoli
QTH: radiotropiq@gmail.com

RADIO UNDERGROUND, 6325 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 1 d v/s: Steve
QTH: radioundergroundsw@gmail.com

RADIO VROLIJKE MIJNWERKER, 1665 Khz, E-QSL f/d, 21 photos!! Personal note in 2 d. v/s.Gerrit
QTH: vrolijkemijnwerker@hotmail.com

RADIO WILSKRACHT, 1655 KHZ, E-mail, in 3 d.
QTH: www.am-forum.nl

SONIC RADIO, 6375 Khz, E-QSL in 1 d, v/s: Jacco
QTH: jaccoenmirjam@hotmail.com

TIME RADIO, 6210 Khz, E-QSL in 6 d. v/s: Henk K
QTH: timeradio.shortwave@gmail.com

WCS-RADIO WAVES INTERNATIONAL, 6325 Khz, big paper QSL,personal letter, info, 2 CD, stickers, visit card, in 14 d. v/s; Peter Hills & Philippe
QTH: P.O.Box 130 F-92504 RUEIL Cedex, France or rwaves@free.fr

ZENDER POSTOFFICE, stream, E-QSL in 6 d.v/s: Ronnie Rodent
QTH: zenderpostoffice@hotmail.com

RADIO ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, 6070-7380-9575-9755-9790-11965 Khz, 8 QSL f/d, personal letter, pennant, Christmas card, stamp for diploma, schedule in 148-117-65-58-31-119-80-53-93-70-50 d
QTH: victoria_sepciu@yahoo.es

RADIO ROMANIA ACTUALITATI, 88,8 Mhz, QSL letter f/d in 36 d. v/s Doina Jalea
QTH: cultural@rornet.ro

RADIO ROMANIA CULTURAL, 89,5 Mhz, QSL letter f/d in 36 d. v/s Oltea Serban Parau
QTH: pactualitati@rornet.ro

RADIO CITY, 9515-9510 Khz, 5 E-QSL in 69 min.-11h.-134 min.-3h.-11min. personal letter v/s: Paul Kuhn
QTH: citymorecars@yahoo.ca

RADIO SLOVAKIA INTERNATIONAL, 9460 Khz, QSL f/d (last day on SW) in 62 d
QTH: rsi_spanish@slovakradio.sk

TRT VOICE OF TURKEY: 11930-9495 KhZ, 3 QSL f/d, sticker, schedule, tourist info in 29-45 d.
QTH: spanol@trt.net.tr

U S A:
RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL via Okeechobee, 6875 Khz, , QSL f/d, in 72 d.
QTH: via the website at http://french.rti.org.tw/customerservice/ReceptionForm.aspx


LOGS dimarts 26 d'abril de 2011

4026,00 2150 LHH,E, ballads, ID, comments 34232
1680,00 2203 unid, Gr, talks Atlantis 24232

dimarts, 26 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dilluns 25 d'abril de 2011

6390,00 1730 Black Bandit R, D, rock instrumental, polka, no ID, lost signal at 1756 34232

6305,00 1838 R.Merlin Int, E, ballad, thanking for reports, jingle, He's my brother,at 2215 R Caroline memories and Jacky Frost show 34232

6325,00 2045 Mustang R, E, Rhythm is a dancer, Go west, ID, greets to Silveri, For non blondes 34433

6295,00 2050 R.Powerliner, E, talks, ballad, The Byrds,pops 24332

3900,00 2208 R.Polaris, E, Focus, Dancing with tears on my eyes, 24322

6300,00 2230 R.Powerliner,E, testing, accordion polka 24332

4026,00 2255 LHH, E, pop dance girl, ID, pop dance 24332

dilluns, 25 d’abril del 2011


LOGS diumenge 24 d'abril de 2011

6284,00 0635 R.Scotland Int, E, ballad, instrumental 24332

6205,00 0700 R.Star Int?, instrumentals only 24322

6140,00 0915 R.Gloria Int, E, G, greets listeners, jingle, box, email, pops, Offshore records magazine promo, 34333

6305,00 1753 Marconi R, D, ballad, Carol Decker, reports, pops 34322

15070,00 1847 Cupid R, D,E, instrumental, ID; pops, greets to listeners, pops,closing down at 1904

6305,00 2200 Cupid R, E, ballad, greets to listeners, Rocking in a free world,reports received,closing down at 2226

6285,00 2228 R.Powerliner, E, ballad, Led Zeppelin, ID, Steve Harley, 24322

4026,00 2235 LHH, E, Time passages by Al Stewart, jingle, ID, ballad, pops 24332

3945,00 2255 R.Bogusman, E, ballad, talks 24322

diumenge, 24 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dissabte 23 d'abril de 2011 - SANT JORDI-

6325,00 1650 R.Vendor, D,E, ballad, pops, email, ID, spelling , 24222

6325,00 1722 R.Zodiac, D, electro pops, report for Vendor, dance 24322

3905,00 1950 Henk Skyline Int.R,D,E, schlger, pops, ID, uit abend, Have you ever seen the rain, greets listeners, Ring my bell, Son of my father,Funky town, great show!! 35333

3932,00 2050 R.Bogusman, E, long speach, jingel, rock, 34222

4026,00 2225 LHH, E, talks, ID, pops 34232

6960,00 2228 Atlantic R, E, ballad, 24222

3922,00 2232 R.Sallandse Boer, D, pops , ballad, instrumental, schlager, (thanks Santos for the help on the exact ID) 34232

1680,00 2250 unid, Gr, local pop, talks 24322

1620,00 2251 unid, Gr, local ballad 24222

dissabte, 23 d’abril del 2011

LOGS divendres 22 d'abril de 2011

6325,00 1620 Mustang R, D, ballad, rock, jingle, Sugar sugar, pops 24232

6300,00 1635 R.Merlin Int, E, rock, ballad, pops, jingle, Rythm of the rain, Apache, also at 2140 34333

6310,00 1809 Magic AM, E, funky, pop dance, ID, frequency 34232

6295,00 2055 R.Powerliner, E, schlager, polka, instrumental, Movie star, greets to Silveri,When you are in love with a beautiful woman, hotline, also at 2145 34232

1625,00 2110 R.Relmus, E, pops, pop dance, greets to Silveri in Catalonia, Cool summer 24322

6375,00 2130 Black Bandit R, E, ballad,country show, Police, Eric Clapton, ID 34322

4026,00 2210 LHH, E, pops, ballad, ID 24222

6325,00 2215 R.Underground, E, ballad, U2, symphonic rock, closing down at 2237 24222

1636,00 2315 Mustang R, D, pops, ballad, rock 24222

divendres, 22 d’abril del 2011



LOGS dijous 21 d'abril de 2011

1630,00 2050 R.Barones,D, talks, country show, rock and roll, greets to R.Valentino 24332

1680,00 2125 unid, Gr, talks 24222

1700,00 2130 unid, Gr, talks 24322

dijous, 21 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dimecres 20 d'abril de 2011

1680,00 2205 unid, Gr, talks, traditional song by man 24222

1653,00 2207 unid, D, G, talks, schlager ballads, pops 24232

dimecres, 20 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dimarts 20 d'abril de 2011

4075,00 2100 Overijssel R, D, pops, talks 34222

dimarts, 19 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dilluns 18 d'abril de 2011

1620,00 2055 unid,Gr, interview by 2 men, 24322

1629,00 2100 unid, Gr, local ballad by man, talks, kalimera 24332

1638,00 2105 Fa.Noordzee, D, schlager, ID, duet, song 24332

dilluns, 18 d’abril del 2011


LOGS diumenge 17 d'abril de 2011

6305,00 1625 Marconi R, E,D, instrumental, ID,comments, bye bye at 1635 34333

6300,00 1645 unid, pops, Cher's show 24222

6425,00 1720 KTL, E, rock, talks, ID, jingle, polka, closing down at 1734 24322

6930,00 1735 Irish Music R, E, pops, ballad, jingle, funky, pop rock 24232

1669,00 2010 R.Barones, D, ballad, hello, pops 24332

3905,00 2155 R.Festivum, E, pops,r ock, ballad, Simon & Garfunkel, ballads 24222

diumenge, 17 d’abril del 2011


LOGS dissabte 16 d'abril de 2011

9510,00 0820 R.City, E, Pops, country, jingle ID, oldies, rock and roll 45444

6305,00 1555 R.Vendor, E,D, pops, polka, fanfare, ballad, ID, email 24322

4075,00 2150 Black Bandit R, E, ballad, 24232

3905,00 2200 R.Festivum, E, pops, rock, ballad, 24232

dissabte, 16 d’abril del 2011

LOGS divendres 15 d'abril de 2011

3905,00 2050 Henk Skyline Int.R, D,E, ballad, schlager, pops, ID, greets to Artur 34232

4026,00 2055 LHH, E, rock, ballad girl, talks 34232

6295,00 2105 R.New Wave, E, ballad, pops, instrumental, 34232

1653,00 2130 R.Barones, D,E, Hey Joe, polka, talks, Suzi Quatro, country, Free electric band 24332

1620,00 2135 unid, Gr, local ballad, 24322

6305,00 2137 Marconi R, E, ballad, 24232

1690,00 2155 unid, Gr, talks 24332

1630,00 2220 unid, D, ballad, rock, ID, email @hotmail.com, rock, country 24232

3911,00 2225 R.Festivum, E, pops, ID, jingle, 24232

1625,00 2250 R.Northcoast, E, rock, hello to Silveri! 24232

3898,00 2300 R.Sallandse Boer, D, Tina Turner, rock, ID, Men at work 34232

divendres, 15 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dijous 14 d'abril de 2011

4026,00 2130 LHH, E, ballad, comments, 24232

1690,00 2136 unid, Gr, talks, kalimera 24232

1656,00 2140 unid, D, ballad, pops, talks, rock, 24322

1660,00 2144 unid, Gr, talks greets, 24322

dijous, 14 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dimecres 13 d'abril de 2011

3903,00 2145 Empire Classic Radio,E, pops, rock, ID, Elvis Presley,Dire Straits 24232

1700,00 2210 unid, Gr?, crazy laughs only!!! 24232

1640,00 2213 unid, Gr, cardias, talks, local ballad 24332

4026,00 2215 LHH, E, pops, talks, ballad 24222

dimecres, 13 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dimarts 12 d'abril de 2011

3905,00 2150 R.Festivum, D, ballad 24222 (Thanks Wimo for the help)

1620,00 2155 unid,D, pops, rock, pop dance 24322

dimarts, 12 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dilluns 11 d'abril de 2011

4075,00 2120 R.Black Bandit, E, ballad, ID, talks, thanking report from Relmus, country 34232

dilluns, 11 d’abril del 2011

LOGS diumenge 10 d'abril de 2011

6425,00 1500 R.Black Power, D,E, Pop corn, dance, ID, comments, more dance, Self control, 24332

6425,00 1508 R.Zodiac, D, Ghost riders in the sky, report for Black Power, instrumentals 24322

6300,00 1530 Mustang R?, dance show, pop dance, Rhythm is a dancer, no real ID 24322

6220,00 1640 LHH, E, talks, pop dance, pops 24322

6660LSB 1703 unid, F, french hams and Julio Iglesias in french!! 34433

1680,00 1819 unid, Gr, talks, ballad girl 24322

1625,00 2055 unid, Gr, traditional song cardias 24232

1640,00 2058 unid, Gr, local ballad by man, talks 24222

1620,00 2106 unid, Gr, talks, ballad by man 24222

1697,00 2108 unid, pops 24322

diumenge, 10 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dissabte 9 d'abril de 2011

6418,00 1740 unid, ballads, romantic duet show, no IDs 24332

3925,00 1815 unid, instrumental 24322

3905,00 2005 Overijssel R, D, schlager, pops,talks 24222

3932,00 2010 Bosguman-The Ghoul,E, rock, long speach 24232

1639,00 2020 R.Torpedojager, D, schlager, instrumental, polka, (ID thanks MRF) 24232

3920,00 2045 R.Likedeeler,G, rock, pops 34222

1700,00 2048 unid, Gr, talks 24322

1620,00 2145 unid, D, talks, pops, Tell me lies by Fleetwod Mac,ballads (2 stations on the same frequency) 24222

1680,00 2224 unid, Gr/E, talks, ID, report for R Contact, maximum 65, minimum 35 24332

dissabte, 9 d’abril del 2011

LOGS divendres 8 d'abril de 2011

6290,00 1740 unid, D, talks, instrumental 24232

3905,00 1745 Henk Skyline Int.R, E,D, schlager, also at 2145 country, Sugar sugar,Kung fu fighting 34333

1625,00 2038 R.Relmus, D, pops, talks, ID, rock ballad, 23322

1690,00 2042 unid, Gr, talks 24322

6325,00 2045 R.Mustang, E, pop dance, pops 34232

1653,00 2055 R. James Bond, D, ballad, schlger, instrumental, 24332

3885,00 2103 R.Continental, D, electronic music, ballad, James Brown 34232

3920,00 2108 R.Zodiac, E, pops, rock, jingle, rock show 24232

1630,00 2117 unid, Gr, local ballad, talks 24322

1710,00 2134 unid, Gr, talks 24222

1730,00 2138 unid, Gr, talks 24322

6305,00 2140 R.Calypso, E, rock 24232

divendres, 8 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dijous 7 d'abril de 2011

6310,00 1715 unid, D?,country, blues, ballad, closing down at 1731, no IDs 24332

6325,00 1735 unid, E, talks 24222

6305,00 1744 unid, E, rock, ballad, talks, Sweet Home Alabama 24232

4026,00 2155 LHH, E, pops, Dj comments 24222

1690,00 2201 unid, Gr, talks 24232

1625,00 2203 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24332

1630,00 2205 unid, Gr, local ballad by man 24222

1635,00 2208 unid, D, ballad 24222

1680,00 2210 unid, Gr, testing ena-dio, Funky town 24322

dijous, 7 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dimecres 6 d'abril de 2011

1695,00 2113 unid, D,E, pops, ID, hotline, shclager, thanking for SMS report, pops, ballad 24232

1620,00 2117 unid, Gr, local ballad, 24222

1625,00 2118 unid, Gr, local ballad 24222

4026,00 2135 LHH, E, ballads, ID, comments, 24232

3905,00 2145 unid, D, ballad, Van Morrison, greets to amateurs, test, Knocking on heaven's door. 24332

dimarts, 5 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dilluns 4 d 'abril de 2011

3905,00 2200 Polaris R, , rock, Je t'aime moi non plus, jingle ID, pop dance mix Bella signorina, Marina Marina, country 24232
1638,00 2205 unid, Gr, ballad by man, talks, kalimera 24222
1655,00 2207 unid, D, pops 24222

dilluns, 4 d’abril del 2011


LOGS diumenge 3 d'abril de 2011

6380,00 1523 Marconi R, D, E, rock and roll, Amanda Lear, country, schlager, ID, email,Boney M 24332

6306,00 1550 Bluestar R, D,G,E, female Dj, ballad, pops, polka, schlager 24332

6220,00 1620 LHH, E, pops, ballad, rap, 24422

6380,00 1630 Black Bandit R, E, greets to Dr. Tim, Iann's xat members, instrumental 35443

6260,00 1655 Bluestar R, D, pops, ballad, schlager, accordion 32432

6425,00 1720 R.Pionier?, D, funky, pops, dance 24232

1690,00 2040 unid, Gr, talks, traditional song by man 24232

1620,00 2045 unid, Gr, ballad by man, traditional cardiasu 24332

1642,00 2055 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24222

3905,00 2135 R.Underground, E, polka, schlager 24222

4095,00 2240 Black Bandit R?. E, pops country 24222

1710,00 2243 unid, Gr, traditional song by man, ballad girl 24232

1657,00 2245 unid, Gr, ballad, talk microphonos, traditional with bouzouki 24322

diumenge, 3 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dissabte 2 d'abril de 2011

6325,00 1650 Marconi R, D,E, pops, problems on power,pops, 34433

6220,00 1700 LHH, E, pops 24322

6300,00 1705 R.Bravo Sierra, D, ballad, schlager, polka, dutch pops, 24322

6305,00 1735 Marconi R, D,E, rock and roll, pops, ID, new antenna, Amanda Lear 35443

1635,00 2033 unid, Gr, ballad, talks 24232

1638,00 2035 R.Calypso, D, pops 24222

1655,00 2037 R.Viking+tante Foek, D, schlager pops 24222

1690,00 2102 unid, Gr, dance music, talks 24332

1625,00 2105 R.Relmus, D, folk music, polka, instrumental, CCR 24222

1630,00 2138 unid, Gr, local ballad, talks 24232

3930,00 2225 R.Batavia,D, pops 24232

4026,00 2228 LHH, E, talks, ballad girl, pops 24222

4095,00 2234 unid, music only 24211

dissabte, 2 d’abril del 2011

LOGS divendres 1 d'abril de 2011

6305,00 1655 R.Bravo Sierra, D, ballads, pops, 24232

6325,00 1720 R.North Coast, D, ballad, country, 24322

4075,00 1722 R.Black Bandit, E, accordion, ID, polka, Chicken Wing Polka, ballad, country 34333

3905,00 2022 Henk Skyline Int.R, E, D, pops, U2, talks, ID, Funky town 34232

1645,00 2029 R.Barones, D, E, talks, ballad, pops Propaganda, greets to R.Mi Amigo, pops 24222 ´

1685,00 2105 R.Kristal, D, ballad, schlager, pops, Bella Signorina, 24322

1690,00 2128 unid, Gr, talks 24332

1710,00 2130 unid, Gr, traditional by man, talks, kalimera 24222

1700,00 2140 unid, Gr, talks, greets to Calipso, Kosmos, kalimeras 24332

1625,00 2141 R.Relmus, D, pops, talks, I'm a believer, greetss to amateur, ID on MW and SW, ZZ Top, Queen 24322

1620,00 2147 unid, Gr, traditional by man 24222

1690,00 2210 R. Apithanos from Athens, Gr, talks, greets to Santos, (ID thanks Nikos) 24332

1700,00 2213 R. Now Know from Salamis, Gr, traditional song, Kalimera to Nikola and Leo (ID thanks Nikos) 24332

1690,00 2217 R. B52 from Patras, Gr, La felicità, talks, Kalimeras stranger, greets to Silveri!!! (ID thanks Nikos) 24332

1710,00 2225 Ataka R from Thessaloniki, Gr, talks, ballad by girl (ID thanks Nikos) 24332

1700,00 2234 R. Samurai from Kalamata, Gr, Kalimeras, ballad, Cardiamus song (ID thanks Nikos) 24322

1700,00 2236 R,. Filiatro from Kalamata, Gr, talks, (ID thanks Nikos) 24332

1640,00 2238 R. Erotiaris from Veria, Gr, ballad by man, talks, cardias song by man (ID thanks Nikos) 24322

1700,00 2243 R. Silvania from Tebes, Gr, talks, greets to Iorgos (ID thanks Nikos) 24332

1680,00 2246 Rocky R from Karditsa, Gr, traditional song, duet song, talks, ID, Kalimera 24322

1620,00 2255 unid, Gr, ballad 24322

1680,00 2310 R. B52 from Patras, Gr, greets Kalinixta to Silveri, Kosmos, folks song girl (Thanks Nikos) 24232

divendres, 1 d’abril del 2011

LOGS dijous 31 de març de 2011

1625,00 2150 R.Relmus, D,E, ballad, dance, greets, California dreaming, more dance 24322

1656,00 2200 unid, D, rock,ballad, instrumental with hawaiian guitar, talks 24322

1680,00 2204 unid, Gr, talks, 24322