dimarts, 30 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dilluns 29 de setembre de 2008
6055,00 2130 KBC, E, jingle, Wolfman Jack Show, funky, Brown sugar, Beach boys, K-po promo, ballad 35443
dilluns, 29 de setembre del 2008
SANT MIQUEL -FIRA DE LLEIDA - LOGS diumenge 28 de setembre de 2008
6210,00 0648 R.Playback Int, E, relaying USA station, pops 24332
6325,00 0652 R.Lowland,E, pops, country, schlager, Dido, jingle ID 24322
6280,00 0705 Orion R, D, fanfare polka, Crunchy Pianola Suite, schlager pops ID, Una paloma blanca 24332
6290,00 0810 R.Victoria, G, pops, Tina Turner, ID, jingle, Van Halen, pops, ballad 24332
6305,00 0905 R.Mazda,D, schlager, ID, greets to amateurs, 24222
6140,00 1159 R.Gloria,E,jingle, ID, rock by 1927, jingle, ID, pops 35443
6220,00 1345 R.Marabu,G, talks, Guantanamera, ID, pop rock till the end at 1406 35443
6237,00 1829 Cactus Jack R, E, funky, testing for a few seconds 35443
6240,00 1829 Cactus Jack R, E,funky,ID,greets listeners,Womack&Womack, New Order dedicated to Silveri! 35443
6220,00 2110 R.Playback Int, E, guitar solos, live show by JJ Clarence, Chicago, jingle, ballad 25432
6055,00 2130 KBC+Big L, E, jingle, promos, David Hamilton show, John Sebastian, Al Green,The Hollies 35443
diumenge, 28 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dissabte 28 de setembre de 2008
4024,60 0640 LHH,E, Eddie Grant: Living on the fronline 24422
6325,00 1405 unid,Lowland?,D, song,schlager, fanfare polka 24322
6400,00 1510 unid, pops, rock, ballads, no ID, no jingle 24432
6310,00 1530 DRP?, electro dance 24432
6425,00 1545 R.Dutchwing,D, ballad, ID, report for Lowland 24332
6325,00 1610 R.Lowland,D/E, schlager, country, jingle ID, hotline 24322
6220,00 1655 Mystery R, disco funky, jingle, Ai no corrida by Quincy Jones 35543
6210,00 1730 R.Playback Int, E, jazz, ID, website, greets to UK dxer, R. Ramona, Iann, Louis Armstrong 24332
3930,00 1810 Skyline International R, D,polka, ID, greets to Iann in France, collegas, uit abend, 24332
6055,00 2135 KBC, E, I'm a wanderer, Bute hotel promo, jingle, Surfing USA, jingle, Doo wop, Elvis Presley 35443
1670,00 2240 unid,Gr, dance, Galaxy numero dio? seems to be the ID?, brit pops, rock 24432
1640,00 2245 unid,Gr, local pops by girl 24332
1628,00 2246 unid, Gr, local ballad by girl 24332
1705,00 2247 unid, Gr, talks 24432
1690,00 2255 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24332
1710,00 2257 unid, Gr, song by man, talks 24322
dissabte, 27 de setembre del 2008
QSL received #17 from 16/06/08 to 26/09/08
CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL, 7210(Albania), 7250, 9490 & 13700(Canada),
4 QSL card f/d , Olympic postcards, paper cuts in 12 d QTH: spa@cri.com.cn
RADIO PRAHA, 13580 Khz,, 2QSL f/d, plastic beach ball!, schedule in 7 -14 d. QTH: the web site form at http://www.radio.cz/es/report
RADIO SPACESHUTTLE INTERNATIONAL via WMR, 5815 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 124 d. v/s: Dick QTH: spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com
RADIO SPACESHUTTLE INTERNATIONAL via WMR, 5815 Khz, E-mail f/d in 10h v/s: Dick
QTH: spaceshuttleradio@yahoo.com
EMR via Wertachtal, 6140 Khz, 3QSL f/d, info in 21-12-10 d
QTH: studio@emr.org.uk
RADIO 700, Das Europaradio via Wertachtal, 6005 Khz, QSL f/d in 14 d
QTH : kurzwelle@fjunkhaus-euskirchen.de
RHEIN-MAIN-RADIO CLUB via RADIO 700 (Wertachtal), 6005 Khz, QSL f/d in 31 d v/s: Heinz Schulz QTH: mail@rmrc.de
RADIO MARIA-Andrate, 26000 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 5 h!. v/s: Giampiero Bernardini, QSL manager QTH: qsl@radiomaria.org
ALICE’S RESTAURANT ROCK RADIO, 9290 Khz, E-QSL f/d in 2 d. v/s: Bear QTH: form on contac us at: http://www.rockradio.eu.com/
EMR via Ulbroka, 9290 khz, QSL f/d in 8 d. QTH: studio@emr.org.uk
RADIO CAROLINE, 9290 Khz, QSL f/d in 170 d. v/s: Pat Edison
QTH: studio@radiocaroline.co.uk
RADIO CITY, 9290 Khz, , QSL-stencyl f/d, funny car photos, personal letter in 74 min. v/s: Paul Khun QTH: citymorecars@yahoo.ca
BRI48 via KBC, 6055 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal letter in 6 d v/s: Roger Davis QTH: britainradio@hotmail.com
KBC, 6055 Khz, QSL f/d in 21 d. v/s: Eric de W. QTH: kbc@planet.nl
8 ONWIEZEN UIT MARLE, 6305 Khz (via R.MAZDA), E-mail in 18 h. v/s: Jan QTH: janpodt@wanadoo.nl
CAMPING RADIO, 6310 Khz, 8 E-QSL f/d in 3 h! QTH: campingradio@gmail.com
EM RADIO 2008. 6306 Khz, 4 E-QSL f/d, personal letter in 5 h! , 12& 2d v/s: Dr. Football QTH: emradio2008@gmx.de
FREE RADIO NOVA, 9290 Khz,(via R.ORANJE), QSL card f/d, postcard in 7 d, v/s: Frank QTH: Box 2702 NL- 6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands & info@listentoradionova.com
RADIO B.O.A., 6275 Khz, E-QSL f/d, personal note in 14 d, v/s: Mr. T.Rex & Dj Dipol
QTH: radioboa@radio.am
SHORWAVE COMBINATION HOLLAND, 6310 Khz, E-QSL, in 1 d v/s: Jos Tabak
QTH: radiolowland@hotmail.com
VOICE OF THE NETHERLANDS, 6275 Khz, E-mail f/d, photo in 122 d. QTH: votn@planet.nl
RDP INTERNATIONAL RADIO PORTUGAL, 11995-12020 Khz, 2 QSL-card f/d , book mark, calendar, promos, personal letter 71-25 d. v/s: Christiane QTH: via the website form at http://tv.rtp.pt/canais-radio/rdpi/rescuta.php?canal=5
RADIO ROMANIA INTERNATIONAL, 9755 Khz, QSL f/d, sticker in 64d. QTH: the website form at http://www.rri.ro/art.shtml?lang=1&sec=334&art=3722
RADIO SLOVAK INTERNATIONAL, 9440-11600 Khz, QSL f/d, 16 d.
QTH: span@rri.ro
TURKEY: TRT VOICE OF TURKEY, 11925 Khz, 3 QSL f/d in, schedule, touristic info, in 53-35-29 d. QTH: espanol@trt.net.tr
TRT VOICE OF TURKEY, 9610 Khz, special QSL card for EDXC 2008 f/d in 9 d. v/s: D.Monferini QTH: info@playdx.com
TRT-1, 89,5 Mhz, QSL f/d in 35 d. QTH: espanol@trt.net.tr
TRT-4, 100,5 Mhz, QSL f/d in 35 d. QTH: espanol@trt.net.tr
U S A: RADIO TAIWAN INTERNATIONAL via Okeechobee, 5950 Khz, QSL f/d, postcard, schedule, extensible meter!, promos, calendar in 82 d. QTH: via the website at http://spanish.rti.org.tw/customerservice/ReceptionForm.aspx
LOGS divendres 26 de setembre de 2008
6055,00 2130 KBC,E,jingle,ID,Wolfman Jack Show,country rock,Games people plays,Blue Moon,Bee Gees 34333
6400,00 2135 unid, rock 24222
6925,00USB 2140 Spider R?, pops, Big in Japan 24432
1700,00 2150 unid, Gr, talks, traditional song by man 24432
1680,00 2153 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24422
1635,00 2155 unid, Gr, cardias song 24422
1646,00 2203 unid, D, instrumental polka, schlager 24322
1665,00 2210 unid, Gr, talks 24322
1672,00 2215 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 4322
divendres, 26 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dijous 25 de setembre de 2008
1623,00 2115 unid,Gr, folk song, talks 24432
1632,00 2118 unid,Gr, female song, duet song, traditional song 24322
4024,60 2120 LHH, E, talks, Voyage, voyage, pops 24332
1690,00 2127 unid, Gr, talks, Salamina Meta, traditional song 24322
6055,00 2130 KBC, E, jingle, ID, Wolfman Jack show, rock, soul, Harry Connick jJr, jingle, K-po promo 45444
dijous, 25 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dimecres 24 de setembre de 2008
1690,00 2158 unid, Gr, talks, Electronika, Ekaton trianta, ekaton deca 24432
4025,00 2100 LHH,E, ID, jingle, talks, pops 24322
1710,00 2104 unid, Gr, talks, 24322
1652,00 2106 unid, Gr, traditional song by man 24322
1628,00 2107 unid, Gr, traditional song 24322
1735,00 2108 unid, Gr, talks, folk song 24322
6055,00 2130 KBC, E, jingle,ID, Wolfman Jack Show, rock and roll, surfing song, K-po, Doo wop 45444
dimecres, 24 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dimarts 23 de setembre de 2008
6325,00 1649R.Skyware, pops,There is something in the air (thanks Iann for the help on the ID) 24332
1652,00 2105 unid,Gr, talks 24322
1640,00 2119 unid, Gr, traditional song by woman 24422
6055,00 2130 KBC, E, jingle, Wolfman Jack show, pops, Feels like the first time, The Young Rascals, K-po 45444
dimarts, 23 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dilluns 22 de setembre de 2008
dilluns, 22 de setembre del 2008
diumenge, 21 de setembre del 2008
LOGS diumenge 21 de setembre de 2008
6280,00 0735 R.Merlin Int? ,E, OMD: Jeanne d'Arc 24322
6400,00 0740 R.Face de Blatte,E, pops, ballad, ID, jingle, ID 24222
9290,00 0915 R.Victoria,G, pops, jingle, talks ID, website, Lola 34333
6140,00 1159 R.Bluestar, E, G, ID, QTH Zwolle, email, Bella signorina,inst., greets to Jaroslav, Bjorn,Marco.. 35433
6140,00 1229 EMR,E, jingle, ID, pops, ballads,Offshore records magazine promo, Blondie, The Carpenters 35443
9290,00 1259 EMR,E,ID,email, R.Jackie history by Colin,Simply Red, Mike Taylor with Mailbox,my own report! 34333
6307,00 1542 Delta R, E, rock, jingle, Relax, pops, 23322
6310,00 1630 R.Lowland,E, talks, ballad, country music show, jingle, ID, hotline 24322
6925,00USB 1750 Spider R, E, ballads, rock, David Bowie: Let's dance 24332
6245,00 1910 Cactus Jack R,E, pops,ID spaghetti western tune,Comedy Invisible limits,Joy Division,Beatles, greets listeners 34333
4025,00 2100 LHH,E,pops, dj 24222
1710,00 2105 unid, Gr, talks 24222
1642,00 2107 unid, Gr, traditional song, talks 24322
1660,00 2113 unid, D, schlager, talks by dj 24222
6055,00 2130 KBC+Big L, E, jingle, promos, David Hamilton show, The Beach boys, Fleetwood Mac, Elvis Presley 35443
LOGS dissabte 20 de setembre de 2008
6280,00 1035 R.Merlin Int?,E, pops 24222
9770,00 1040 KBC, E, instrumental, ID, testing to Australia, Hard day's night, email, Johnny be good. 35443
6280,00 1400 Orion R,E,D,pops, greets to Ukdxer,ID, country, rock, till1507 24332
6220,00 1510 Mystery R, disco dance, pops, jingle, funky 24332
6280,00 1517 Orion R?, techno instrumental only few minuts 24432
1634,00 2118 unid, Gr, talks, hotline , local pops 24332
1665,00 2120 R.Barones, D, E, For non blondes, talks, ID, Baro classics, schlager, instrumental, polka, 24432
3932,00 2122 Bogusman,E, rock 24222
1670,00 2123 unid,Gr, talks, traditional song by man 24432
6055,00 2130 KBC, E, rock and roll, jingle ID, DJ Eric, If I had a hammer, Doo wop, Rite petit, 35443
1710,00 2132 unid, Gr, talks, traditional song by man 24322
3905,00 2135 R.Borderhunter,D,E, polka, electro dance, Summer in the city, ID,good evening,rep. from Iann in France 35333
dissabte, 20 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dijous 19 de setembre de 2008
1708,00 2144 unid, Gr, talks, folk music 24332
1648,00 2145 unid,Gr, instrumental, talks 24222
1640,00 2146 unid, Gr, traditional song 24222
1670,00 2154 unid,Gr, folk song, talks 24222
1645,00 2155 unid, Gr, song by man, duet song 24322
divendres, 19 de setembre del 2008
EMR / Radio Jackie
This Sunday EMR - 21st of September 2008
Time Programme Channel
1229 to 1259 utc - Tom Taylor - 6140 khz
1300 to 1400 utc - The Radio Jackie History - 9290 khz
Colin King & Mike Taylor
All programmes are also via the EMR internet stream At: http://www.emr.org.uk/ and click on the “EMR internet radio” button which you will find throughout the website (see the menu on left).
Good Listening this Sunday
LOGS dijous 18 de setembre de 2008
6925,00USB 2050 Spider R, E, pops, In the army now by Status Quo, Il silencio closing down 24332
1670,00 2115 unid, Gr, talks, folk music 24432
1634,00 2118 unid, Gr, traditional song 24322
1690,00 2120 unid, Gr, traditional song 24222
1747,00 2125 unid, Gr, traditional song 24322
6055,00 2130 KBC,E, jingle, Wolfman Jack Show, KBC import, The Shirelles, John Denver, Let's twist again 35443
4025,00 2133 BRI,E, pops, jingle, ballad, 24222
dimecres, 17 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dimecres 17 de setembre de 2008
LOGS dimarts 16 de setembre de 2008
6055,00 2140 KBC, E, pops, jingle Wolfman Jack Show, Kenny Loggins calling, Carole King, Mexican border stations info 35443
dimarts, 16 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dilluns 15 de setembre de 2008
4025,00 2135 LHH, E, pops, dj talks 24222
dilluns, 15 de setembre del 2008
LOGS diumenge 14 de setembre de 2008
6305,00 0905 R.Viking, D, pop country, Knock on wood, polka, ID hotline, + female dj 24422
9290,00 1115 R.Victoria,G, rock, ID, coments, rock 35443
6140,00 1159 R.Bluestar,G,D,E, pops, ID, QTH Zwolle, schlager, polka 35443
6220,00 1258 Mystery R, funky disco, jingle 24432
6310,00 1540 R.Malaysi,pop dance, 23322
6240,00 1545 R.Playback,E, ballad, pops, 24322
4025,00 1850 LHH,E, pop 24222
6400,00 1855 WMR?, E, pops, rock ballad 24322
6055,00 2130 KBC+Big L, E, jingle ID,QTH Ede, David Hamilton show, Everything is beautiful, Neil Diamond, Donovan, Beach Boys 35443
diumenge, 14 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dissabte 13 de setembre de 2008
9290,00 1155 R.Casablanca, G, pop schlager girls, ID, Alwin Boschers DJ, QTH Stapelmoor Ems 34433
6240,00 1450 R.Playback Int, E, rock, ID, jingles, at 1630 live show with JJ Clarence, blues, all day shows 24322
6925,00USB 2020 Spider R, E, Moonlight Shadow by Sally Oldfield, Never can say goodbye, jingle, David Bowie 24332
1665,00 2033 R.Barones,D,G,E, talks, pops, ballad, greets amateurs 24432
1670,00 2045 unid, brit pops, AHA, Enola Gay, funky jazz, don't seems a Greek radio! 24332
1636,00 2100 unid,Gr, local pops 24322
6055,00 2135 KBC,E, rock, jingle, Mary Wells,Bute Hotel promo, The Monkeys, Johnny remember me, 35443
divendres, 12 de setembre del 2008
Hi Silveri Gomez !
This is a new pirate radio station in the waves this Autumn.
I see your blog, is very interesting space web for control of my transmissions from republic of Spain.
I´m new pirate in shortwave, i need more information about other stations and equipment to transmitt in conditions.
This weekend the staff of cactus jack radio is working to made a live show program on air between 6200 - 6300 khz.
My location is a secret, but with more cactus.........
Thanks, good luck !
Just received this info on my email box. Seems a new station will born during the next weeks or days. Funny name and logo!
Not sure about my possible help on the transmitters & frequencies world! Maybe other people will do the best? Feel free to contact this new station, of course.
LOGS dijous 11 de setembre de 2008
6055,00 2130 KBC, E, jingle, ABBA: Waterloo, CCR, Wolfman Jack show, comedy, promos, funky 35443
dijous, 11 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dimecres 10 de setembre de 2008
6220,00 2135 R.Playback?, E, classic rock, Louis Armstrong, big band, jingle, seems some USA relay 24322
6925,00USB 2235 Spider R?, Il silencio, pops 24222
1670,00 2242 unid, Gr, romantic song, talks 24432
dimecres, 10 de setembre del 2008
L'horari és matinal, així que caldra intentar l'escolta. Sota trobareu els dies, hora, freqüència i adreces de contacte.
The Mighty KBC will test on 9770 kHz between 10.30 and 10.59 hours UTC
on the following dates:
Saturday 20-09-’08
Saturday 27-09-’08
Saturday 03-10-’08
Primary target is Australia & New Zealand, secondary target is India.
The Mighty KBC address is:
KBC International
Argonstraat 6
6718 WT Ede
The Netherlands
E-mail: kbc@planet.nl
LOGS dimarts 9 de setembre de 2008
6055,00 2130 KBC, E, jingle, promos, Wolfman Jack Show, Don't go away, ID, Lay lady lay, Too late 35443
dimarts, 9 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dilluns 8 de setembre de 2008
6055,00 2130 KBC, E, jingle,Wolfman Jack Show, KBC import, Neil Diamond, Shocking Blue, pops, 35443
1629,00 2135 unid, Gr, choral song, talks, romantic song 24332
dilluns, 8 de setembre del 2008
LOGS diumenge 7 de setembre de 2008
6240,00 0840 R.Playback Int, E, pops 24332
6220,00 0845 Mystery R, disco dance non stop, jingle ID 24332
9290,00 1105 R.Victoria,G, song, jingle ID, techno pop, DJ Roger Kirk 35443
6140,00 1245 MV Baltic R,G,rock, ID, Jimmy Hendrix, Website, pops 24332
6310,00 1510 Studio 52 R,D,E, pop dance,ID, hotline 24332
6055,00 2130 KBC,E, jingle, K-po promo, MW.info, Bute Hotel, David Hamilton show, Walking in the rain 35443
diumenge, 7 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dissabte 6 de setembre de 2008
6220,00 0905 Mystery R, disco funky non stop, jingle ID 24332
6240,00 1537 R.Playback Int, E, dance, jingle ID, pops, Rolling Stones, live show by DJ JJ Clarence 24432
6280,00 1825 unid, Catalan music non stop 35443
3900,00 1905 RECH?, testing? rock, no Ids 24432
3905,00 1928 RECH, E,D, rock, ID, testing, hotline for reports, ballad 24432
6925,00USB 2025 Spider R, E, ballad, rock, jingle ABBA: Fernando, 24322
6055,00 2200 KBC, E, rock, MW.info, jingle ,Wolfman Jack show, Georgie Fame, Bute Hotel promo 35443
1670,00 2205 unid, Gr, romantic by man, local pop 24432
1640,00 2208 unid, Gr, traditional song 24322
6925,00USB 2215 Undercover R, E, talks, rock, ID, email, QTH Merlin, Ontario, Dr. Benway greets to pirate listeners 24332
dissabte, 6 de setembre del 2008
Click on the picture from De 8 Onwiezen ! Scroll down for the pictures.
LOGS divendres 5 de setembre de 2008
6055,00 2155 KBC,E, surfing rock, Wolfman Jack show, rock, Frankie Avalon calling, K-po promo,QTH Ede, Rolling Stones 35443
1690,00 2320 unid,Gr, talks, Kalimera 24332
1640,00 2325 unid,Gr, traditional song by man 24322
divendres, 5 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dijous 4 de setembre de 2008
1690,00 2138 unid, Gr, slow by man 24322
dijous, 4 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dimecres 3 de setembre de 2008
1680,00 2122 unid, Gr, local pop Agapimu, talks 25432
1670,00 2124 unid, Gr, romantic by man 24432
1645,00 2125 unid, Gr, woman song 24222
6055,00 2130 KBC,E, jingle, Wolfman Jack Show, surfing rock, ID,comedy, pop,jingle, ballad, K-po promo 35443
dimecres, 3 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dimarts 2 de setembre de 2008
dimarts, 2 de setembre del 2008
LOGS dilluns 1 de setembre de 2008
1700,00 2150 unid, Gr, talks, traditional song 24322
dilluns, 1 de setembre del 2008
LOGS diumenge 31 d'agost de 2008
6220,00 0815 Mystery R, disco pops, jingle 24422
9290,00 1059 R.Victoria,G,E, pop rock, ID, jingles, website 35422
9290,00 1158 R. Joystick, G, jingle, funky, Charly Prince DJ, QTH, Atlantic Record music 35333
6305,00 1455 8 Onwiezen,D,E,G, pops, schlager,polka, hotline, different dj 24322
6255,00 1645 unid, light music 24322
6400,00 1720 unid, rock girl, heavy interference from other political station 23322
6925,00USB 2015 Spider R, E, We will rock you, We are the champions, jingle, Mandela day by Simple mind 24422
1640,00 2030 R.Barones,D, G, blues, ID, talks, Dutch pops, hotline 24322
1635,00 2038 unid, Gr, local pop, cardias song 24432
6055,00 2130 KBC+Big L, E, jingle, ID, David Hamilton show, Hot Chocolate, Sony and Cher, Connie Francis 35443