dilluns, 17 de maig del 2010

LOGS diumenge 16 de maig de 2010

6220,00 0655 Mystery R,E, rock, disco dance, jingle ID 24332
15760,00 1500 UK Rocks the World,E, ID, Tom Petty, female voice, email asking for reports, rock show 35443
7610,00 1750 R.Amica, It, electro dance, jingle ID, Informazione europea, email 24332
6290,00 1750 R.Spaceman,E,D, polka, ID, greets to Iann, R.Tina, ballad, dance, ID in G by R Tina, Knocking on heaven's door 24232
6325,00 1850 Mustang R, E, rock, pops, ID 35232
6925USB 1900 Spider R, E, rock, ID by girl, rock, ballad 24222
6220,00 2025 R.Playback Int,E, rock, 2 DJ talking on studio, Robert Johnson:Crossroad, 35333
1644,00 2130 unid, D?, pop country 24311
1652,00 2139 unid, Gr, local ballad girl 24311